After transferring a weight forward on a vessel, the draft at the center of flotation will _____.
A.change, depending on the location of the LCG
D.remain constant
A vessel’s bottom will be subjected to tension when weight is concentrated ______.
B.aft both ends of the vessel
For a floating vessel, true mean draft is always the ______.
A.average of the observed drafts
B.draft at the center of flotation
C.draft corresponding to the calculated displacement
D.mean of the calculated drafts
Discharging weight from lower decks
Loading weight in upper decks
Shifting weight from lower to upper decks
Shifting weight from upper to lower decks
about which the vessel lists and trims
which coincides with the center of buoyancy
which,in the absence of external forces,is always vertically aligned with the center of gravity
which is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB
height of the center of gravity A.LCG
vertical moment
righting moment
inclining moment
shape of the vessel's underwater hull remains the same
vessel's center of gravity shifts to the center of the vessel's underwater hull
vessel's center of buoyancy shifts to the center of the vessel's underwater hull
vessel's mean draft increases
midway between the forward and aft draft marks
at the center of flotation
at the load line
at the center of buoyancy
This requires extensive calculation and is usually performed only by a naval architect not by a ship's officer
Determine the point where aground and the draft at that point,then calculate it using the grounding formula
Use the hydrostatic tables and enter with the mean draft before grounding and the mean draft after grounding
Use the inclining experiment formula and substitute the change of trim for the angle of list
change, depending on the location of the LCG
remain constant
heel until the angle of loll is reached
list until the center of buoyancy is aligned vertically with the center of gravity
trim to the side opposite TCG until all moments are equal
decrease draft at the center of flotation
about which the vessel lists and trims
which coincides with the center of buoyancy
which,in the absence of external forces,is always vertically aligned with the center of gravity
which is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB
mean draft
true mean draft
mean of the calculated drafts
draft at the center of flotation
For a floating vessel, the center of flotation is the point in the waterplane ______.
A.about which the vessel lists and trims
B.which coincides with the center of buoyancy
C.which, in the absence of external forces, is always vertically aligned with the center of gravity
D.which is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB
returns the vessel to an even keel
reduces free surface effect
lowers the center of gravity
raises the center of buoyancy
Longitudinal center of buoyancy and longitudinal center of gravity
Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of gravity
Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of buoyancy
Longitudinal tipping center and longitudinal center of gravity
the center of volume of the immersed portion of the vessel
the center of gravity of the water plane
that point at which all the vertical downward forces of weight are considered to be concentrated
that point at which all the vertical upward forces of buoyancy are considered to be concentrated
by the weight (tons) of cargo
by the capacity (tons) of vessel
by DW of the vessel
by the draft of the vessel
restricted in her ability to maneuver
in special circumstances
not under command
constrained by her draft
vertical moment
transverse position of the center of gravity
inclining moment
righting moment
geometric center of the waterplane area
center of gravity
center of flotation
average of the observed drafts
draft at the centre of flotation
draft corresponding to the center of buoyancy
metacentric height
Shift weight to the bow
Shift weight to the center of the boat
Shift weight to the stern
Throw excess weight overboard
average of the observed drafts
draft at the center of flotation
draft corresponding to the calculated displacement
mean of the calculated drafts