A large vessel is equipped with a controllable pitch propeller. Which statement is TRUE?
A.When dead in the water,it is often difficult to find the neutral position and slight headway or sternway may result
B.When going directly from full ahead to full astern,there is complete steering control
C.When the vessel has headway and the propeller is in neutral,there is no effect on rudder control
D.When maneuvering in port,full ahead or astern power can usually be obtained without changing shaft RPM
When dead in the water,it is often difficult to find the neutral position and slight headway or sternway may result
When going directly from full ahead to full astern,there is complete steering control
When the vessel has headway and the propeller is in neutral,there is no effect on rudder control
When maneuvering in port,full ahead or astern power can usually be obtained without changing shaft RPM
When at anchor,the pilot vessel is only required to sound anchor signals
The identification signal must be sounded any time the pilot vessel is underway
The pilot vessel may only sound the identity signal when making way
All of the above
ff overheat is found, the engine must be stopped for inspection
Much heat of the crankcase door indicates that the bearing is overheated
If bearing clearance is too large, knocking will be heard in the crankcase
If bearing clearance is too large or too small, the white metal may be melted
You should maintain course and speed
The container vessel is the stand-on as it is the larger vessel
You are not to impede the safe passage of the container vessel in the channel
None of the above
You should stop to windward of the survivors in the water and only use the ship's boats to recover the survivors
If the survivors are in inflatable rafts you should approach from windward to create a lee for the survivors
An inflatable liferaft secured alongside can be an effective boarding station for transfer of survivors from the boats
Survivors in the water should never be permitted alongside due to the possibility of injury from the vessel
The Master of the vessel must be on the bridge when the radar is in use
The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibility
The use of a radar excuses a vessel from the need of a look-out
This equipment must be used to obtain early warning of risk of collision
When any vessel fails to understand the intentions of an approaching vessel she must sound the danger signal
Only the stand-on vessel can sound the danger signal
Distress signals may be used in place of the danger signal
The danger signal consists of 4 or more short blasts of the whistle
Your vessel is obligated to stay out of the way
The other vessel must give way,since your vessel is stopped
You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel not under command
You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
The fishing vessel must keep clear of the vessel not under command
If the vessel not under command is a power-driven vessel,she must keep clear of the fishing vessel
They must exchange whistle signals
Both vessels are required to take action to stay clear of each other
She must use this equipment to obtain early warning of risk of collision
The use of a radar excuses a vessel from the need of a look-out
The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibility
The safe speed of such a vessel will likely be greater than that of vessels without radar
A vessel not under command shall keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
A vessel not under command shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft
A vessel constrained by her draft shall keep out of the way of a vessel engaged in fishing
A vessel engaged in fishing while underway shall,so far as possible,keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
By day,she shall carry a black cylinder shape
By day,she shall carry two black balls in a vertical line
By night,she would show the same lights as a vessel not under command
By day,she would show the same shapes as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
The ventilators will automatically close by the action of fusible links
The motor takes its air supply from outside the lifeboat to prevent asphyxiation of the crew
A water spray system to cool the outside of the boat is operated by a high-volume manual pump
An air tank will provide about ten minutes of air for the survivors and the engine
One vessel is approaching another vessel from more than 20° abaft the beam
It is the duty of the vessel being overtaken to get out of the way
Any later change of bearing between the two vessels shall not make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel
All of the above
A lightly laden vessel requires as much stopping distance as a fully laden vessel when the current is from astern
A vessel is dead in the water when the back wash from astern operation reaches the bow
A tunnel bow thruster can be used in an emergency to reduce the stopping distance
When a vessel is dead in the water any speed displayed by doppler log reflects the current
She will have a large metacentric height
Her period of roll will be large due to her large metacentric height
She will have an unusually high center of gravity
She will pitch heavily
Each vessel should show sidelights
Each vessel should show at least one white light
The barges should be lighted as separate units
The barges should be lighted as one vessel
It is a sailing maneuver which brings the vessel's head through the wind
It connects the boom to the mast and allows the boom to swing freely
It is a sailing condition where there is a loss of air flow over the sails
None of the above
Slightly higher fuel consumption
Lack of directional control when backing
Inefficient at high shaft RPM
Some unusual handling characteristics
The vessel has negative GM
The center of gravity is on the centerline
The list can be corrected by reducing KM
The vessel has asymmetrical weight distribution
AIS is a global tracking system that relies upon INMARSAT C service to communicate vessel position and other safety related information to similarly equipped vessels,aircraft and shore stations within the area
AIS is a short-range 3 cm X-band radar system that automatically sends a vessel's position and other safety related information to similarly equipped vessels,aircraft and shore stations within the area
AIS is a short-range VHF-FM system that automatically broadcasts a vessel's position and other safety related information frequently to similarly equipped vessels,aircraft and shore stations within the area
AIS is a one-way centrally managed system that requires the local VTS to send commands to instruct each vessel to broadcast position and other safety related information to similarly equipped vessels,aircraft and shore stations within the area
Fuel vapors gather in the lowest portions of the vessel
Fuel vapors can only be ignited by an open flame
Vent outlets should be located above the level of the carburetor air intake
None of the above