The sea painter of a rescue boat should be led ______.
A.forward and outboard of all obstructions
B.forward and inboard of all obstructions
C.up and down from the main deck the foremost point on the vessel
You should log all barometer readings taken at sea ______.
A.regularly least once during each watch
C.more often under changeable weather conditions
D.All of the above
An emergency sea anchor may be constructed by using ______.
A.a boat bucket air tank filled with water oar and canvas weighted down
D.All of the above
The sea condition at the time of the drill
Which survival craft was used
The names of all crew members participating in the drill
The name of the lifeboatman in charge of each boat
remain in the immediate vicinity
head for the nearest land
head for the closest sea-lanes
let the persons in the boat vote on what to do
go in one direction until the fuel runs out
steer a course for the nearest land
steer a course for the nearest sea lane
shut down the engines if installed and put out the sea anchor
tie up to the rescue vessel
transfer only those personnel who are not seasick
wait for calmer weather before transferring personnel
transfer all personnel immediately
exclusion of all sand and solid matter
cleaning with clean fresh or sea water
examination for fractures and pitting
All of the above
Hoist the boat clear of the cradle
Release the outboard part of the cradle
Rig the tricing lines
Crank the crescent out
Spliced into the ring on the stem post
Secured to the inboard side of a forward thwart and led inboard of the falls
Secured by a toggle to the stem post and led outboard of the falls
Secured by a toggle around the outboard side of a forward thwart
before the boat is lowered from the stowed position
as the boat fall blocks break clear of the davit head
before the boat is lowered from the embarkation level
after the boat is released into the water
Liquids should never be transferred between tanks without consulting the dock master
If sea valves have been disassembled, all bonnets must be checked for leakage when the ship is re-floated
Before re-floating, all sea chest strainers should be verified as having been replaced
All of the above
When transferring survivors from an enclosed lifeboat to a rescue vessel,personnel on board the boat should ______.
A.remove their life preservers to make it easier to climb on board the rescue vessel
B.climb on top of the boat while waiting for their turn to transfer to the rescue vessel
C.remain seated inside and make the transfer one person at a time
D.enter the water and swim over to the rescue vessel
In launching a lifeboat, when should the tricing pendants be released?______.
A.Before the boat is lowered from the stowage position
B.As soon as the boat-fall blocks clear the davit head
C.After the limit switch is activated
D.After all people have been embarked
under part
down place
Before the boat is lowered from the stowage position
As soon as the boat-fall blocks clear the davit head
After the limit switch is activated
After all people have been embarked
The boat should be hoisted a few inches clear of the cradle before cranking out the davits
The inboard gripes should be cast off before the outboard gripes
The outboard section of the cradle must be released
The tricing pendants will automatically bring the boat alongside at the embarkation deck
forward and outboard of all obstructions
forward and inboard of all obstructions
up and down from the main deck
to the foremost point on the vessel
boarding and operating procedure
maintenance schedules
navigational systems
fuel consumption rates
Pull on the hydrostatic release,pull on the sea painter
Push on the hydrostatic release,pull on the sea painter
Push on the hydrostatic release,push on the sea painter
Pull on the hydrostatic release,push on the sea painter
remove their life preservers to make it easier to climb on board the rescue vessel
climb on top of the boat while waiting for their turn to transfer to the rescue vessel
remain seated inside and make the transfer one person at a time
enter the water and swim over to the rescue vessel
run as fast as the boat will go and keep the sea on the stern
secure the engine,put sea anchor over the bow,put out the oars,use sweep oar and back onto beach
go in under oars and put out the sea painter
put the sea broadside and let the boat drift ashore
coordinate in rescue operation
send rescue vessels
reach the area at once
conduct a sector search