Prior to getting underway,the Master or person in charge of a vessel must ______.
A.conduct a fire drill
B.conduct a boat drill
C.log the fore and aft draft marks
D.test the emergency generator
When must the Master of a vessel log the position of load line marks in relation to the surface of the water in the Official Logbook?
A.Once a day
B.At the change of every watch
C.Only when in fresh or brackish water
D.Prior to getting underway
Functions aboard a tanker or tank barge such as connecting,disconnecting,and topping off must be supervised by ______.
A.any certificated tankerman
B.the Master of the vessel
C.the officer of the watch
D.the person designated as person in charge
No person may serve as the person in charge of both the vessel and the facility during oil transfer operations unless ______.
A.there is ready access between the two
B.the vessel and facility are immediately adjacent
C.the person in charge has a rapid means of transportation between the two
D.the Captain of the Port authorizes such procedure
When must the Master or person in charge of a ship log the position of load line marks in relation to the surface of the water in the logbook?
A.Once a day
B.At the change of every watch
C.Only when in fresh or brackish water
D.Prior to getting underway
anyone involved in the casualty
any governmental official authorized to investigate the casualty
the local Captain of the Port
All of the above
any certificated tankerman
the Master of the vessel
the officer of the watch
the person designated as person in charge
The sea condition at the time of the drill
Which survival craft was used
The names of all crew members participating in the drill
The name of the lifeboatman in charge of each boat
receive a safety orientation or view a videotape before the vessel gets underway
view a videotape on safety procedures within 48 hours of reporting for duty
receive a safety orientation within 24 hours of reporting for duty
none of the above
nearest Marine Safety or Marine Inspection Office
nearest hospital
Department of Energy
American Bureau of Shipping
Once a day
At the change of every watch
Only when in fresh or brackish water
Prior to getting underway
log the density of the water
secure all overboard discharges
take on fresh water ballast
clean the sides with fresh water
Once a day
At the change of every watch
Only when in fresh or brackish water
Prior to getting underway
In the case of an injury causing a person to be incapacitated,the Master or person in charge of a mobile offshore drilling unit must submit a report to the ______.
A.nearest Marine Safety or Marine Inspection Office
B.nearest hospital
C.Department of Energy
D.American Bureau of Shipping
After a seaman is discharged,at the end of the voyage,the final payment of wages due must be made at the earlier of within 24 hours after the cargo has been discharged or______.
A.within 4 days after the seaman's discharge
B.prior to the vessel's departure on the next voyage
C.prior to loading any out-bound cargo
D.prior to any change of Master
The final inspection responsibility for seeing that a tank barge is provided with the required equipment and fittings in good and serviceable condition prior to loading cargo rests with the ______.
A.terminal operator
B.owner of the barge
C.tankerman or person in charge of loading
D.charterer through the Master of the towing vessel
The person in charge on the vessel and the person in charge at the facility must hold a meeting before starting the transfer of oil.Who must decide to start the transfer ________.
A.The person in charge on the vessel
B.The person in charge at the facility
C.Both persons in charge
D.The person in charge of either place that is doing the pumping
terminal operator
owner of the barge
tankerman or person in charge of loading
charterer through the Master of the towing vessel
Notify the Captain of the Port (COTP) if you cannot repair it within 96 hours
Notify the Officer in Charge of Marine Inspection (OCMI) if you cannot repair it within 48 hours
Moor the vessel until it is repaired
Anchor the vessel until it is repaired
conduct a fire drill
conduct a boat drill
log the fore and aft draft marks
test the emergency generator
the Master or person in charge of the vessel
a person designated by the Master
a person on board to pilot the vessel
All of the above
before the end of the voyage
no later than 24 hours after the vessel docks
no later than 7 days after the injury occurred
only if the injury prevents him from working
The owner of the vessel
The Master of the vessel
The person in charge of the vessel at the time of casualty
Any one of the above
conduct a fire drill
conduct a boat drill
log the fore and aft draft marks
test the emergency generator