If the current and wind are in the same direction,the sea surface represents a wind speed ______.
A.lower than actually exists
B.higher than actually exists
C.that actually exists
D.that has no proportional relationship
When recording the wind direction in the weather log,you would report the ______.
A.direction the wind is blowing toward
B.direction the wind is blowing from
C.duration of the maximum gust of wind
D.wind chill factor
A wind vane on a moving vessel shows ______.
A.dead reckoning wind direction
B.true wind direction
C.apparent wind direction
D.estimated wind direction
For determining the amount of chains used in anchoring operation, which one of the following factors would’t be considered?______.
A.selection of landmarks
B.character of sea bottom
C.strength of current and wind force
D.radius of ship swing to wind or tide
selection of landmarks
character of sea bottom
strength of current and wind force
radius of ship swing to wind or tide
it will be preceded by a sudden increase in wind speed
it will be preceded by a sudden decrease in wind speed
the wind speed will not change as it passes
the wind will back rapidly to left in a counterclockwise direction as it passes
lower than actually exists
higher than actually exists
that actually exists
that has no proportional relationship
cloud movement
vessel heading
approach the buoy with the wind and current astern
approach the buoy with the wind and current ahead
approach the buoy with wind and sea abeam
stop upwind and up current and drift down on the buoy
state of wind,sea,and current,and the proximity of navigational hazards
maximum attainable speed of your vessel
aids to navigation that are available
the wind speed is greater here since the wind is traveling in the same general direction as the storm's track
the direction of the wind and seas might carry a vessel into the path of the storm
the seas are higher because of greater wind speed
All of the above
Put the sea and wind about two points on either how and reduce speed
Heave to in the trough of the sea
Put the sea and wind on either quarter and proceed at increased speed
Put the bow directly into the sea and proceed at full speed
The velocity of the apparent wind can be more than the true wind,and come from the same direction,if certain conditions are present.One condition is that the ______.
A.Ship's speed must be less than the true wind velocity
B.True wind must be from dead astern
C.True wind velocity must be faster than the ship's speed
D.True wind must be from dead ahead
An anemometer on a moving vessel measures ______.
A.apparent wind speed only
B.true wind speed and true wind direction
C.true wind speed only
D.apparent wind speed and true wind direction
In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind ______.
A.changes direction clockwise, as from north to east, etc
B.changes direction counterclockwise, as from south to east, etc
C.changes direction violently and erratically
D.remains constant in direction and speed
prevailing wind directions
prevailing ocean current directions
probable surface current flow
shortest great circle routes
estimated position
dead reckoning position
None of the above
Changes direction clockwise,as from north to east,etc
Changes direction violently and erratically
Remains constant in direction and speed
Changes direction counterclockwise,as from south to east,etc
weather vane,wind vane or wind sock
sling psychrometer
remain on course and hold speed
change course and put the stern to the wind
change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speed
remain on course but slack the speed
apparent wind speed only
true wind speed and true wind direction
true wind speed only
apparent wind speed and true wind direction
backing ( of wind )
beach ( to )
veering ( of wind )
maintaining direction of the wind
a greatly reduced wind speed
a higher wind speed than what really exists
a lower wind speed than what really exists
more turbulent winds