
HTTP 是指:

A.HyperText Transfer Protocol

B.Hyperlink Text Transfer Protocol

C.Hot Text To Protocol

D.Hyperlink Text To Post




is a clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document.












is a clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document.






目录 HYPERLINK l Top_of_chap2_html 2009年南京农业大学241英语二外考研真题 HYPERLINK l Top_of_chap3_html 2008年南京农业大学241英语二外考研真题 HYPERLINK l Top_of_chap4_html 2007年南京农业大学241英语二外考研真题 HYPERLINK l Top_of_chap5_html 2006年南京农业大学241英语二外考研真题 HYPERLINK l Top_of_chap6_html 2005年南京农业大学241英语二外考研真题 HYPERLINK l Top_of_chap7_html 2004年南京农业大学241英语二外考研真题 2009年南京农业大学241英语二外考研真题 2008年南京农业大学241英语二外考研真题 2007年南京农业大学241英语二外考研真题 2006年南京农业大学241英语二外考研真题试题编号:221 试题名称:英语二外 注意:答题一律答在答题纸上,答在草稿纸或试卷上一律无效Part ICloze Test (20 points) Section A Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose the best one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D to fill in each blank. ( 10 points)Americans today believe that acceptable social behavior follows effortlessly from personal virtue. The 1)_ between morals and manners has become blurred (模糊). All you need is a good heart, most people assume, and the rest will take care of itself. You dont have to write thank-you notes.Many Americans believe that natural behavior is beautiful. The “natural” 2)_ to human relations presumes that to know any person well enough is to love him, that the only human problem is a communication problem. This 3)_ that people might be separated by basic genuinely irreconcilable (不可调和的) differences - philosophical, political, or religious - and assumes that all such differences are 4)_ misunderstandings. Indeed, it has never been easier to insult people inadvertently (非故意地). A gentleman opens a door for a lady because his mother taught him that ladies 5)_ such courtesies, but this one turns around and spits in his eye because he has insulted her womanhood. A young lady 6)_ her seat in a crowded bus to an elderly, frail gentleman, and he gives her a dirty look because she has insulted his manhood. 7)_ you, those are just people trying to be nice; the only problem is that they are operating on different systems of etiquette.Curiously, it has never been 8)_ to insult people intentionally. If you say, “You are nasty and I hate you,” the person is apt to reply, “ Oh, youre feeling 9)_; Ill wait until you feel better.”The idea that people can behave “naturally” without resorting to an artificial code tacitly (心照不宣地) agreed upon by their society is as silly as the idea that they can communicate by using a language without 10)_ accepted semantic and grammatical rules.1) A. instinct B. distinction C. intuition D. similarity2) A. road B. way C. approach D. means3) A. approves B. denies C. supports D. disagrees4) A. no more thanB. not more thanC. a bit more than D. much more than5) A. dislikeB. approve C. thank D. appreciate 6) A. offering B. offered C. offersD. offer7) A. Mind B. WarnC. Beware D. Notice8) A. better B. easierC. worseD. har、der9) A. friendly B. terrible C. disgustingD. hostile10) A. superficially B. profoundly C. commonly D. individuallySection BDirections: Complete the following passage with the appropriate words from the box, change the form if necessary. ( 10 points)constitute, efficiency, control,code, environment,、 effect, impact, shabby, describe, straight, indirect, function, work,amateur, researchFor years, some companies have been attempting to increase the 11)_ of employees by prescribing dress and establishing dress 12)_. Most of these schemes have proved ineffective because they have been created by 13



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is a clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document。






______ is a clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document.









A clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document is called(18)。






更多 “南京农业大学外国语学院241英语二外历年考研真题汇编” 相关考题
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考题 主页一般包含以下几种基本元素Text、Image、Table与()。A、NFSB、IPSecC、SMTPD、Hyperlink正确答案:D

考题 单选题hyperlink控件的()属性获取或设置单击hyperlink控件时链接到的url。A targetB navigateurlC textD imageurl正确答案:D解析:暂无解析

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考题 单选题You are developing and XBAP application for your company intranet. During several development iterations, you manually executable, application, and deployement manifest to the test Web Server. You create an HTML file that has a manifest that you use for testing. During the next iteration, you enchance the XBAP application by making changes. When you use the hyperlink to the deployment manifest to test the deployment, you do not see the changes. You need to ensure that the changes you make are visible when you test the deployment from your machine. What should you do ?()A Restart Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). Then click the Install hyperlink again.B Open Visual Studio command prompt and run mage -cc. Then click the Install hyperlink again.C Delete the application, deployment, and executable files from Web Server. Then rebuild the XBAP solution files from the project bin directory to the Web Server and click the Install hyperlink againD Delete the application, deployment, and executable files from Web Server. Then recopy the same files to the Web Server, restart IIS and click the Install hyperlink again正确答案:D解析:暂无解析