Passage FourArchimedes was a famous Greek mathematician and scientist. He was born around 287 BC and he died in the year 212 BC.Archimedes is most well-known for one specific idea that he came up with. "Archimedes's Principle" states that a solid object w


Passage Four

Archimedes was a famous Greek mathematician and scientist. He was born around 287 BC and he died in the year 212 BC.

Archimedes is most well-known for one specific idea that he came up with. "Archimedes's Principle" states that a solid object which is immersed in a liquid is pushed up by a force which is equal to the weight of the water that the object moves. For example, if you put a piece of wood and a piece of gold the same size in water, only the wood will float. Both the wood and gold move the same amount of water, but the wood weighs less than this water, while the gold weighs more.

It is believed that Archimedes discovered this principle when the king of Syracuse asked him to solve a problem. The king wanted to know if his crown was pure gold or a mixture of gold and silver. The king, of course, did not melt his crown to find out. The idea came to Archimedes as he lowered himself into his bath. He noticed how the water spilled out of the tub. He decided to use the same idea for the crown. He knew that a gold crown immersed in water would weigh more than one made of silver. The experiment was done and the goldsmith was proved guilty of trying to cheat the king.

48. A good title for the selection is______.

A. Archimedes

B. Archimedes's Principle

C. A Gold and Silver Crown

D. The King of Syracuse

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    A.String s[ ] [ ] = new String [ ] [ ] { { “One “ , “ Two “ }, { “ Three “ , “ Four “ } } ;

    B.String s[ ] [ ] = { { “ One “ , “Two “},{ “ Three “ , “ Four “ } } ;

    C.String s[ ] [ ] = new String [ ] [ ] { { “Zero”} , { “ One ” , “Two” , “ Three” , “ Four” } } ;

    D.String s[ 2] [2 ] = { { “ One ” , “Two”},{“ Three” , “ Four” } } ;

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