当前分类: IBM(000-001)
问题:多选题What are three potential cost savings or return on investment benefits provided by IBM Maximo Asset Management solutions?()Aincreased equipment lifeBincreased material costsCincreased asset downtimeDincreased labor purchasesEincreased labor utilization...
问题:单选题Which application is installed with IBM Enterprise Asset Management for providing reporting capability?()A Open Database PlatformB External Report Integration C Business Objects/Crystal ReportsD Business Intelligence Reporting Tool...
问题:单选题A company just hired a new plant maintenance manager, and they are concerned about the number of corrupt asset records in the present system. In future they want to prevent this from happening. When implementing the new solution, what is recommended?()...
问题:多选题Which two internet browsers are supported with IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.1?()AOperaBNetscapeCMozilla FirefoxDGoogle ChromeEMicrosoft Internet Explorer...
问题:单选题A competitor in the IBM Maximo Asset Management (IMAM) domain claims that their product contains pre-built workflows and common tasks that span and integrate across asset applications. What should a solution advisor do when a customer is considering su...
问题:多选题Which three benefits do Enterprise Asset Management solutions provide?()AReduce asset life.BIncrease productivity.CIncrease risk and costs.DImprove return on assets.EReduce total cost of ownership.FMinimize collection on warranty claims....
问题:多选题In addition to potential cost savings and ROI, which three other benefits are made possible by deploying IBM Maximo Asset Management solutions?()Aenhanced labor relationsBreduced byproducts and wasteCimproved production through putDimproved warehouse p...
问题:多选题In addition to recording data about equipment and property, the management of which three items is also provided by IBM Maximo Asset Management?()Aunion rulesBspare partsCservice contractsDfulfillment servicesEwarranty informationFconstruction permits...
问题:单选题When discussing plant maintenance with plant maintenance managers, frequently the topic of using preventive maintenance (PM) comes up. If this is used extensively and the PM work orders are regularly completed, what is told by this about the operation?...
问题:多选题Which three business challenges are addressed by IBM Maximo Asset Management solutions?()Aproduction schedulingBproductivity enhancementsCreduction of energy costsDmaximizing asset life cycleEminimizing cost of ownershipFreducing transportation distanc...
问题:多选题With which three other business initiatives does Enterprise Asset Management-a business paradigm-integrate strategic planning?()AsalesBoperationsCmaintenanceDbalance sheetEhuman resourcesFcapital investment decision-making...
问题:单选题A customer's plant maintenance manager invites a solution advisor to discuss Enterprise Asset Management in general and how it might help the maintenance group work more effectively and efficiently. What should the solution advisor do in the first me...
问题:单选题What is a feature of the Integration Framework?()A Allow bulk importing of XML or flat files. B Allow bulk importing from Excel spreadsheets.C Allow bulk importing from external/legacy system.D Allow bulk importing from one database platform to another...