当前分类: IBM(000-371)
问题:单选题The following methods are to be published as Web services to be invoked via SOAP messages and validated with a schema: public void myMethod(int x, float y); public void myMethod(int x); public void someOtherMethod(int x, float y); Which WSDL style ...
问题:单选题A customer requires a Web service which ensures message delivery. Which transport should be proposed?()A SOAP/TCPB SOAP/JMSC SOAP/HTTPD SOAP/SMTPE SOAP/HTTPS...
问题:单选题What must be included in a SOAP fault message when an error occurs due to a value in the message Body element?()A A detail elementB A Body fault codeC An application-specific fault codeD A fault string element with a value of Body...
问题:单选题What is the LEAST appropriate scenario for Web services?()A To integrate legacy systemsB To propagate security contextC To expose fine grained operationsD To use with process choreographyE For B2B (business to business) applications...
问题:单选题Which of the following is MOST likely to improve the performance of SOAP-based Web services?()A Use message level securityB Use fine-grained Web servicesC Use document/literal instead of RPC/encodedD Avoid stale data in the UDDI registry by turning...
问题:单选题Which specification provides recommendations on the use of encodings to maximize interoperability?()A SAAJ V1.2B JAX-RPC V1.0C WS-CoordinationD WS-I Basic Profile (BP) V1.1...
问题:单选题Which WSDL style is suited to sending binary tree nodes as part of a SOAP message?()A RPC/literalB RPC/encodedC Document/encodedD Document/literalE Document/literal wrapped...
问题:单选题Which of the following business scenarios is the LEAST appropriate for Web services?()A Expanding the reach of your company information.B Providing transactional services such as credit card payment processing.C Making existing services available to...
问题:单选题When creating a Web service which requires reliable delivery of SOAP messages, which transport should be used?()A SOAP/TCPB SOAP/JMSC SOAP/HTTPD SOAP/SMTPE SOAP/HTTPS...
问题:单选题A developer used wsimport to generate the skeleton code for a Web service implementation. What is the purpose of the generated ObjectFactory class?()A The ObjectFactory class is the generated Service Endpoint Interface classB The ObjectFactory class ...
问题:多选题The TCP/IP Monitor can be used to check the following:()ASOAP/JMSBHTTP HeaderCWSDL documentDSOAP messagesEWS-I Compliance...
问题:单选题How can a developer ensure that a fault will occur if the service does not recognize a SOAP header entry containing a transaction number?()A Set the faultCode value to soap:TransactionB Include a Fault element in the SOAP messageC Include a mustUnde...
问题:单选题What is the biggest advantage of using Web services to create SOA solutions?()A They are implemented using Java and XMLB They support a client-server programming modelC They are used to create tightly coupled applicationsD They are implemented usin...
问题:单选题A company has a high business value JAX-WS provider Web Service and cannot afford to lose any messages. What kind of quality of service should be used in conjunction with WS-ReliableMessaging?()A Managed persistentB Managed non-persistentC Unmanage...
问题:多选题An RPC/encoded Web service experiences poor performance at high message volumes. What can a developer do to improve this performance?()ATurn off marshallingBUse binary encodingCUse RPC/literal encodingDUse document/literal encodingERedesign to use more...