Run importvg command
Run synclvodm command
Recreate volume groups
Update /etc/filesystems
Using the C-SPOC utilities, an administrator has created a new volume group and filesytems. Theadministrator performs an Isvg -I command on the volume group and notices that the log logical volume created in C-SPOC is closed/syncd and loglv01 has been created and is in use. What step was required in order for the logfile created by C-SPOC to be used.()
When defining resources for a concurrent resource group, which of the following is NOT supported?()
The data on datavg is inaccessible. Using "df" the user discovers that none of the datavg filesystems are mounted. Running "lsvg" shows only rootvg. Running "importvg -y" gives the following error: "056-056 volume cannot be varied on because pv is marked missing". Which of the following steps should be performed?()
A system administrator has backed up the datavg volume group using the savevg command. There are several raw logical volumes and some unmounted jfs filesystems in datavg. Which of the following statements is true about this backup?()
第5题: environment consists of 10 volume groups and 4 physical networks. The customer Desires the fastest possible fallover for a two-node cluster. Which of the following configuration alternatives will provide the fastest fallover?()
A user reports a corrupted boot logical volume. In order to recreate the contents of the boot logical volume which of the following procedures should the user be advised to perform?()
reboot the server in maintenance mode;migratevg -y newvg oldvg;reboot the server in normal mode
unmount all filesystems in the volume group;varyoffvg oldvg;migratepv -y oldvg -n newvg varyonvg newvg
unmount all filesystems in the volume group;varyoffvg oldvg;exportvg oldvg;importvg -y newvg hdisk1;mount all
unmount all filesystems in the volume group;varyoffvg oldvg;for each logical volume in the volume group do cplv -v oldvg -y newvg;varyonvg newvg;mount all
Perform the C-SPOC logform utility option prior to creating any filesystems.
Manually perform a logform outside of C-SPOC prior to creating any filesystems.
Run a logredo command and select log logical volume created in C-SPOC as the preferred jfslog.
Use C-SPOC to delete and recreate the log logical volume,set the perform logform option to true.
The Volume Groups must be changed with chvg -E vgname.
The Volume Groups must be a member of a resource group and must be varied on al nodes of the cluster.
The Volume Groups must be a member of a resource group and must be varied off all nodes of the cluster.
The Volume Grups cannot be changed to enhanced concurrent capable because they must be recreated with mkvg -C vgname.
Cause a fallover to occur on the resource group.
Export the volume groups and re-import them on all nodes.
Run an importvg -L
Investiage recent changes to the shared volume group and use C-SPOC to correct inconsistencies.
IPAT via IP Aliasing,default shared volume groups
IPAT via IP Replacement default shared volume groups
IPAT via IP Aliasing,enhanced concurrent volume groups
IPAT via IP Replacement,enhanced concurrent volume groups
Run the ‘mkvg -M’ command to create multiple volume groups on a single disk
Add a new disk to the system or release a disk from the one of the existing volume groups
Run the ‘mkvg’ command to create multiple volume groups on a single disk providing the disk does not have a PVID
Run the ‘mkvg’ command to create multiple volume groups on a single disk providing the volume groups have the same PP size
The 'lsvg -o' command is run with an output of only rootvg, but the server has another volume group named datavg, which is notdisplayed. What is the likely cause?()
Companycom has restored their mksysb. They notice that the external volume groups cannot be seen. What should be done to access the volume groups?()
第15题: performs cluster verification every Sunday night with a corn job. The systems administrator reviews the /var/hacmp/clverify/clverify.log on Monday morning and notice that cluster verification posted a message about inconsistent filesystem names in one of the shared volume groups. What should the administrator do?()
Following a successful migration,it is highly recommended that concurrent Volume Groups be Converted to enhanced concurrent capable Volume Groups. In order to follow this recommendation,what step must be completed first?()
A system administrator would like to rename volume group oldvg to newvg. This volume group resides on hdisk1. What is the appropriate procedure to perform this?()
Where can a system administrator find information regarding configured physical volumes, volume groups, and logical volumes besides the Volume Group Descriptor Area (VGDA)?()
datavg is in an offline state.
‘lsvg -o’ only displays the root volume group.
‘lsvg -o’ only displays the fist volume group.
datavg has no filesystems and therefore, is inactive.
Run cfgmgr.
Run synclvodm.
Look in errorlog for hardware problems.
Boot into service mode and run fsck on filesystems.
Application Servers using disk
Definition of Multiple IP aliases
Volume Groups using raw logical volumes
Volume Groups supporting concurrent access
Object Data Manager (ODM)
Logical Volume Control Block (LVCB)
Reboot the system in normal mode.
Use the bosboot command to rebuild the boot image.
Restore the boot logical volume from a mksysb image.
Reboot the system into maintenance mode and run fsck on the boot logical volume.