eliminates dependence of middleware layer
provides the ability to partition the library
makes tape look and work like any removable media
provides up to 48% lower power consumption in idle mode
Which of the following are enhancements from the FAT32 file system to the NTFS file system()
Which of the following BEST describes the function of a redundant power supply?()
A system is being planned with three production partitions, one each for an IBM i, AIX standard edition, and Power Linux applications. One fibre-channel attached TS3100 tape library will be shared between the partitions for backup. Which solution provides tape library sharing with minimum operator intervention?()
Which of the following best describes what is meant by Linux Affinity on AIX?()
Which one of the following BEST describes Long Term File System (LTFS)?()
Which of the following is an exclusive feature of the LTO-5 drive?()
Which of the following BEST describes the initial process of setting up a new operating system from a CD-ROM? ()
Control Path Failover
Enhanced Frame Control
Advanced Library Management System
High Availability Library Control
1 and 3
1, 2, 3, and 4
eliminates dependence of middleware layer
provides the ability to partition the library
makes tape look and work like any removable media
provides up to 48% lower power consumption in idle mode
Configure VIO Server Express Edition to control the tape library through one fibre channel card.Assign the library to the production partitions when needed.
Configure the IBM i partition to own the tape library.Use IBM i virtualization to host a virtual tape library connection to the AIX and Linux partition.Assign the library to the production partitions when needed.
Configure a fibre channel card for each partition, and a configure fibre switch.Connect the partitions and tape library to the switch.Zone the switch so all partitions can enable the tape when needed and disable the tape when finished.
Configure AIX to control the tape library through one fibre channel adapter.Use AIX virtualization to host a virtual tape library connection to the IBM i and Linux partitions.Assign the library to the production partitions when needed.
Format a partition, install device drivers, and install the operating system.
Create a partition, format the partition, and install the operating system.
Install the operating system, create a partition, and install device drivers.
Install the operating system, install device drivers, and create a partition.
Which of the following BEST describes a Blade server?()
Which of the following is a benefit of the IBM Long Term File System (LTFS)? ()
One of your best customers has limited funding and is interested in the ability to increase a system’s computing power as needed. Which of the following System x server attributes should the Sales Specialist promote?()
Which one of the following provides the capability to partition the 3584 Tape Library into separatelogical libraries?()
Which system provides redundant system clocks?()
Which option best describes the features of the Personal Worklist page, as compared with AdvancedWorklist?()
The ability to install a Linux system on an AIX system
The ability to install an AIX system on a Linux system
The ability to compile and run a Linux application on AIX
The ability to compile and run an AIX application on Linux
NFS File System
Micro Partitioning
Encryption capable
IBM Long Term File System
management of the library files
management of the encryption keys and archives
helps to reduce tape, file management and archive costs
helps to control the write speed matching on LTO-4 drives
management of the encryption keys
partitioning of the library drives
helps to control the write speed matching
helps reduce tape, file management and archive costs
Provides additional diagnostic LEDs
Reduces power consumption
Eliminates a single point of failure
Reduces total cost of ownership
Ability to hot-plug additional processors on demand
Low cost of System x servers makes scaling out an option
Pay as you Grow scalability of the IBM System x3950 server
Integration of System x servers with the existing servers using an interconnect