Point p = new Point();
Line.Point p = new Line.Point();
The Point class cannot be instatiated at line 15.
Line l = new Line() ; l.Point p = new l.Point();
A.Point p = Line.getPoint();
B.Line.Point p = Line.getPoint();
C.Point p = (new Line()).getPoint();
D.Line.Point p = (new Line()).getPoint();
class Super { public int getLenght( ) { return 4; } } public class Sub extends Super { public long getLenght( ) { return 5; } public static void main(String[] args) { Super sooper = new Super( ); Sub sub = new Sub( ); System.out.println( sooper.getLenght( ) + “,” + sub.getLenght( ) ); } } What is the output?()
Given the following code fragment: public void create() { Vector myVect; myVect = new Vector(); } Which of the following statements are true?()
// Point X public class foo { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { jave.io.PrintWriter out = new jave.io.PrintWriter( new jave.io.OutputStreamWriter(System.out), true); out.println(“Hello”); } } Which statement at Point X on line 1 is required to allow this code to compile?()
10. class Line { 11. public class Point { public int x,y; } 12. public Point getPoint() { return new Point(); } 13. } 14. class Triangle { 15. public Triangle() { 16. // insert code here 17. } 18. } Which code, inserted at line 16, correctly retrieves a local instance of a Point object?()
new Inner(); // At line 3
new Inner(); // At line 8
new o.Inner(); // At line 8
new Outer.Inner(); // At line 8
Compilation of class A fails.
Line 28 prints the value 3 to System.out.
Line 28 prints the value 1 to System.out.
A runtime error occurs when line 25 executes.
Compilation fails because of an error on line 28.
Compilation of class A fails.
Line 28 prints the value 3 to System.out.
Line 28 prints the value 1 to System.out.
Compilation fails because of an error on line 28.
A runtime error occurs when line 25 executes.
Line 19
The object is NOT a candidate for garbage collection.
Line 17
Line 16
Line 18
After line 8.
After line 10.
After line 4, when doBar() completes.
After line 11, when main() completes.
Just after line 13.
Just after line 14.
Just after line 15.
Just after line 16 (that is, as the method returns).
1. public class Outer{ 2. public void someOuterMethod() { 3. // Line 3 4. } 5. public class Inner{} 6. public static void main( String[]argv ) { 7. Outer o = new Outer(); 8. // Line 8 9. } 10. } Which instantiates an instance of Inner?()
10. class Line { 11. public static class Point { } 12. } 13. 14. class Triangle { 15. // insert code here 16. } Which code, inserted at line 15, creates an instance of the Point class defined in Line?()
Given the following code: 1) class Parent { 2) private String name; 3) public Parent(){} 4) } 5) public class Child extends Parent { 6) private String department; 7) public Child() {} 8) public String getValue(){ return name; } 9) public static void main(String arg[]) { 10) Parent p = new Parent(); 11) } 12) } Which line will cause error?()
1. class Bar { } 1. class Test { 2. Bar doBar() { 3. Bar b = new Bar(); 4. return b; 5. } 6. public static void main (String args[]) { 7. Test t = new Test(); 8. Bar newBar = t.doBar(); 9. System.out.println(“newBar”); 10. newBar = new Bar(); 11. System.out.println(“finishing”); 12. } 13. } At what point is the Bar object, created on line 3, eligible for garbage collection?()
Given: 11. public void genNumbers() { 12. ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList(); 13. for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { 14. int value = i * ((int) Math.random()); 15. Integer intObj = new Integer(value); 16. numbers.add(intObj); 17. } 18. System.out.println(numbers); 19. } Which line of code marks the earliest point that an object referenced by intObj becomes a candidate for garbage collection?()
Line 16
Line 17
Line 18
Line 19
line 3
line 6
line 7
line 8
line 10
Line l = new Line() ; l.Point p = new l.Point();
Line.Point p = new Line.Point();
The Point class cannot be instatiated at line 15.
Point p = new Point();
The declaration on line 2 does not allocate memory space for the variable myVect.
The declaration on line 2 allocates memory space for a reference to a Vector object.
The statement on line 2 creates an object of class Vector.
The statement on line 3 creates an object of class Vector.
The statement on line 3 allocates memory space for an object of class Vector.
Point p = Line.getPoint();
Line.Point p = Line.getPoint();
Point p = (new Line()).getPoint();
Line.Point p = (new Line()).getPoint();
Point p = new Point();
Line.Point p = new Line.Point();
The Point class cannot be instatiated at line 15.
Line 1 = new Line() ; 1.Point p = new 1.Point();
Line 16
Line 17
Line 18
Line 19
The object is NOT a candidate for garbage collection.