The route is not advertised into BGP
The route is advertised into BGP with community harry-402.
The route is advertised into BGP with community no-advertise.
The route is advertised into BGP with community harry-402 and no-advertise.
A.edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name set term 1 from protocol static set term 1 then accept
B.edit ospf policy set from protocol static set 1 then accept
C.set protocols OSPF export policy-name
D.set protocols OSPF policy policy-name
Which action occurs when the BGP route is evaluated by the policy expression?() [editpolicy-options] policy-statementreject_10 { from{ route-filter20.1.0.0/16orlongerM } then{ communityadd 90-1; accept }} policy-statementaccept_20 { from{ route-filter20.1.0.0/16orlongerM } then{ communityadd 100-1; reject; } } community100-1 members 100:1; community90-1 members 90:1 [editprotocols] bgp{ groupebgp-group { neighbor172.16.201.1 { export(reject-10 && accept-20); }}}
Given the following policy, what happens when the 1.1/17 route is evaluated?() [edit policy-options] policy-statement test { from { route-filter 0/0 orlonger accept; route-filter 1.1/17 upto /24 reject; route-filter 1.1/18 exact; } then { metric 6; accept; }
Which action occurs when the policy main-policy evaluates the BGP route [edit policy-options] policy-statement test { from { route-filter10.0.0.016/orlongeraccept; route-filter10.0.67.0/24orlangerreject; route-filter10.0.0.0/8orlanger; } then { metric10; community add no-advertise; accept; } } policy-statement main-policy { term only-want-certain-routes { from { policytest; } then { communityadd harry-402; accept; } } } communityno advertise members no-advertise; communityharry-402 members 666:402; [edit protocols] bgp { exportmain-policy; }
Which two can be used to create and apply an export policy that advertises static routes to RIP neighbors?()
Which action occurs when the BGP route is evaluated by the policy expression?() [editpolicy-options] policy-statementmy-filter { term-first{ from{ route-filter192.168.0.0/16orlongeraccept; route-filter exact accept; route-filter exact; } then{ metric10; accept; } termsecond { then{ metric20; accept; }} policy-statementmain { termchange-attributes from{ policymy-filter; } thenaccept; } termdefault { thenreject; }} [editprotocols] bgp{ exportmain; }
[edit policy-options]
[edit routing-options]
[edit forwarding-options]
[edit protocols]
The route is not advertised into BGP
The route is advertised into BGP with community harry-402.
The route is advertised into BGP with community no-advertise.
The route is advertised into BGP with community harry-402 and no-advertise.
[edit security]
[edit protocols]
[edit firewall]
[edit policy-options]
The route is not advertised into BGP.A.The route is not advertised into BGP.
The route is advertised into BGP with metric 10.B.The route is advertised into BGP with metric 10.
The route is advertised into BGP with metric 20.C.The route is advertised into BGP with metric 20.
The route is advertised into BGP with default metric.D.The route is advertised into BGP with default metric.
set protocol rip no-passive
top edit policy-options policy-statement demo set term 1 from protocol rip set term 1 then accept top set protocols rip group internal export demo
set protocols rip advertise in-out
top edit policy-options policy-statement demo set term 1 from active routes set term 1 then accept top set protocols rip group internal export demo
The policy evaluates to True (a&&n).
The policy evaluates to True because of c.
The policy evaluates to False because of c.
The policy evaluates to False because of !(a&&b).
If the policies shown below evaluate as described, which action will occur for the listed policy expression?() Policy A=True Policy B=True Policy C=True Policy D=False Policy Expression: !(A&&B)||C
In which hierarchy are routing policies defined?()
Which configuration causes RIP-learned routes to be advertised to other RIP neighbors?()
Which two can be used to create and apply an export policy that advertises static routes to RIP neighbors?()
Which two commands are needed to create and apply an export policy that advertises static routes to OSPF neighbors?()
Under which Junos hierarchy level are security policies configured?()
The route is not advertised into BGP
The route is advertised into BGP with metric 10.
The route is advertised into BGP with metric 20.
The route is advertised into BGP with default metric.
The route is not announced.
The route is announced with 90:1 added.
The route is announced with 100:1 added.
The route is announced with communities 90:1 and 100:1 added.
set protocols rip export demo
edit policy-options policy-statement demo set term 1 from protocol static set term 1 then accept
edit policy-options policy-statement demo set term 1 from protocol static accept
set protocols rip group internal export demo
set protocols rip export demo
edit policy-options policy-statement demo set term 1 from protocol static set term 1 then accept
edit policy-options policy-statement demo set term 1 from protocol static
set policy-options policy-statement demo
edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name set term 1 from protocol static set term 1 then accept
edit ospf policy set from protocol static set 1 then accept
set protocols OSPF export policy-name
set protocols OSPF policy policy-name
The route does not match this policy.
The route is accepted.
The route is rejected.
The route is accepted with a metric of 6.