This clause is not valid for a temporary or undo tablespace.
If the tablespace is in the NOLOGGING mode,no operation on the tablespace will generate redo.
The tablespace will be in the NOLOGGING mode by default,if not specified while creating a tablespace.
The tablespace-level logging attribute can be overridden by logging specifications at the table,index, materialized view,materialized view log,and partition levels.
You have three temporary tablespace groups named G1, G2, and G3 in your database. You are creating a new temporary tablespace as follows: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP1 TEMPFILE '/u1/data/temp1.dbf' SIZE 10M TABLESPACE GROUP ''; Which statement regarding the above command is correct?()
Which two statements regarding the LOGGING clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE... statement are correct?()
Your boss at Certkiller .com wants you to clarify Oracle 10g. Which two statements regarding the LOGGING clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE... statement are correcte?()
Which two statements regarding the LOGGING clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE. .. statement are correct?()
You have three temporary tablespace groups named G1, G2, and G3 in your database. You are creating a new temporary tablespace as follows: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP1 TEMPFILE ’/u1/data/temp1.dbf’ SIZE 10M TABLESPACE GROUP ; Which statement regarding the above command is correct?()
The sort is in ascending by order by default.
The sort is in descending order by default.
The ORDER BY clause must precede the WHERE clause.
The ORDER BY clause is executed on the client side.
The ORDER BY clause comes last in the SELECT statement.
The ORDER BY clause is executed first in the query execution.
This clause is not valid for a temporary or undo tablespace.
If the tablespace is in the NOLOGGING mode, no operation on the tablespace will generate redo.
The tablespace will be in the NOLOGGING mode by default, if not specified while creating a tablespace.
The tablespacelevel logging attribute can be overridden by logging specifications at the table, index, materialized view, materialized view log, and partition levels.
This clause is not valid for a temporary or undo tablespace.
If the tablespace is in the NOLOGGING mode,no operation on the tablespace will generate redo.
The tablespace will be in the NOLOGGING mode by default,if not specified while creating a tablespace.
The tablespace-level logging attribute can be overridden by logging specifications at the table,index, materialized view,materialized view log,and partition levels.
The database can have more than one undo tablespace.
The UNDO_TABLESPACE parameter is valid in both automatic andmanualundo management.
Undo segments automatically grow and shrink as needed, acting as circular storage buffer for their assigned transactions.
An undotablespaceis automatically created if the UNDO_TABLESPACEparameter is not set and the UNDO_MANAGEMENT parameter is set to AUTO during the database instance start up.
Undo data becomes obsolete after 1,000 seconds.
Undo data gets refreshed after every 1,000 seconds.
Undo data will be stored permanently after 1,000 seconds.
Committed undo data would be retained for 1,000 seconds if free undo space is available.
Undo data will be retained in the UNDO tablespace for 1,000 seconds,then it gets moved to the TEMPORARY tablespace to provide read consistency.
This clause is not valid for a temporary or undotablespace.
If thetablespaceis in the NOLOGGING mode, no operation on thetablespacewill generate redo.
Thetablespacewill be IntheNOLOGGING mode by default, if not specified while creating atablespace.
Thetablespace-level logging attribute can be overridden by logging specification at the table, index, materialized view, materialized view log, and partition levels.
It is executed first in the query execution
It must be the last clause in the SELECT statement
It cannot be used in a SELECT statement containing a HAVING clause
You cannot specify a column name followed by an expression in this clause
You can specify a combination of numeric positions and column names in this clause
ENCRYPT_TS is an encrypted tablespace that contains tables with data. Which statement is true regarding the effect of queries and data manipulation language (DML) statements on the encrypted data in the tables?()
Which two statements are true regarding the ORDER BY clause? ()
Your database contains a temporary tablespace, index tablespace, undo tablespace, and a read-only tablespace apart from the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces. If a media failure occurs resulting in the loss of any of these tablespaces, which tablespace is NOT required for the database to start?()
You issued the following command: CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE admin_work_area (startdate DATE, enddate DATE, class CHAR(20)) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS TABLESPACE tbs_t1; An index is then created on the ADMIN_WORK_AREA temporary table. Which two statements are true regarding the TBS_T1 tablespace in the above command?()
The UNDO_RETENTION parameter in your database is set to 1000 and undo retention is not guaranteed. Which statement regarding retention of undo data is correct?()
It stores only the temporary table but not its indexes.
It stores both the temporary table as well as its indexes.
It must be a nondefault temporary tablespace for the database.
It can be a default or nondefault temporary tablespace for the database.
It must be the default temporary tablespace of the user who issues the command.
undo tablespace
index tablespace
read-only tablespace
temporary tablespace
Both USING and ON clauses can be used for equijoins and nonequijoins
Amaximum of one pair of columns can be joined between two tables using the ON clause
The ON clause can be used to join tables on columns that have different names but compatible data types
The WHERE clause can be used to apply additional conditions in SELECT statements containing the ON or the USING clause
No more data files can be added to the tablespace.
Segment space is managed by free lists in the tablespace.
A user created without being assigned a default tablespace uses this tablespace.
The tablespace can be dropped with the current setting with segments present in it.
It will create the tablespace TEMP1 in group G1
It will create the tablespace TEMP1 in group G3
It will not add the tablespace TEMP1 to any group
It will create the tablespace TEMP1 in the default group
It will throw an error with message 'specified group is not available
It will create a new group with a system-generated name and add the tablespace TEMP1 to it.
The operation would fail if tbs_1 were a read-only tablespace.
The operation would fail if tbs_1 were a read/write tablespace.
The operation would fail if tbs_1 were the default tablespace for the database.
If the above operation were successful, media recovery would be required to bring the tablespace online.
If the above operation were successful, instance recovery would be required to bring the tablespace online.