单选题The sentence “It caught the mood of a country that was busy burying its legacy of military rule and hyperinflation, while looking for a new role on the world stage.” in para. 5 can be demonstrated by the following examples EXCEPT ______.A Brazil contin

The sentence “It caught the mood of a country that was busy burying its legacy of military rule and hyperinflation, while looking for a new role on the world stage.” in para. 5 can be demonstrated by the following examples EXCEPT ______.

Brazil continues to dream of a Security Council seat


Brazil prepares to lend money to IMF


Brazilian interest rates were as high as 45% but have dropped quickly


In the final three months of 2008, gross domestic product shrank by 3.6%


3.The birth Jacinda Ardern's baby is first and foremost a time of great happiness for Jacinda and her partner,Clarke Gayford.Their daughter is very much a wanted child for these happy parents.But for public in New Zealand and beyon the new arrival in our country's first family also has considerable significance.Ardern becomes only the second serving prime minister in history to give birth.As well,she is not married to her partner.Conventional wisdom may have said that this combination of factors would not have been helpful to a political career at the highest level.Fortunately,that has proved to be wrong.Ardern is a remarkable woman who crashes through glass ceilings with apparent ease.She became Leader of the New Zealand Labour party and of the opposition a mere seven weeks before last September's general election.In that short time,she took her party out of a near death zone of low polling to a highly credible election result,and then through the successful coalition negotiations which re-sulted in her becoming prime minister in October at the age of 37.Ardern's pregnancy came as a surprise to her and Gayford,but they took it in their stride.arrangements were made for Ardern to work until very close to the birth,and then for the deputy prime minister to act in her place while she takes some six weeks maternity leave.After that,Gayford takes over as primary carer for the foreseeable future.For young women,the example Arderm is setting is an affirmation that hey too can expect to have that choice.For young men,Gayford being the full time carer of a baby sends a powerful message that they too can exercise that choice.ony ni New Zealand is known for being a socially progressive country.Arden is its third female prime minister;it has had three female governor generals;and 125 years ago,it became the first countr where women won the right to vote Now it is breaking new ground with a prime minister giving birth and her partner becoming a stay-at-home father.But in the context of New Zealand Is Is evolutionary,not revolutionary Overwhelmingly positive interest across the political spectrum is being taken in the addition to the first What lessons are there in this for our world?In my view,New Zealand is showing that no doors are closed to women,that having a baby while being prime minister can be managed,and that it's acceptable for male partners to be full-time carers.This is very positive role modelling for the empowerment of women and for gender equality.In a world where there are still glass ceilings to be smashed and where many countries continue to have laws,policies,and practices that discriminate against women,the message from New Zealand is one of hope-that women can break through all barriers and do it in their own way as Arden has done I hope that New Zealand will continue to be a leader in the full inclusion of women in all spheres of its society-and i expect it will be according to Paragraphs 7&8,which of the following is true about New Zealand?A.It is a country which is led by strong opinionated women B.Its doors are open for women to reach their full potential. C.It is a feminist country where women feel absolutely safe. D.It allows women to open doors for themselves

更多“单选题The sentence “It caught the mood of a country that was busy burying its legacy of military rule and hyperinflation, while looking for a new role on the world stage.” in para. 5 can be demonstrated by the following examples EXCEPT ______.A Brazil contin”相关问题
  • 第1题:


    Gross National Happiness

    In the last century,new technology improved the lives of many people in many countries.However,one
    country resisted these changes.High in the Himalayan mountains of Asia,the kingdom of Bhutan remained
    separate. Its people and Buddhist(佛教)culture had not been affected for almost a thousand years. Bhutan,
    however,was a poor country.People died at a young age.Most of its people could not read,and they did not
    know much about the outside world.Then,in 1972,a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck
    decided to help Bhutan to become modern,but without losing its traditions.
    King Wangchuck looked at other countries for ideas.He saw that most countries measured their progress
    by their Gross National Product(GNP).The GNP measures products and money. When the number of
    products sold increases,people say the country is making progress.King Wangchuck had a different idea for
    Bhutan.He wanted to measure his country's progress by people's happiness.If the people's happiness
    increased,the king could say that Bhutan was making progress.To decide if people were happier,he created
    a measure called Gross National Happiness(GNH).
    GNH is based on certain principles that create happiness.People are happier if they have health care,
    education,and jobs.They are happier when they live in a healthy,protected environment. They are happier
    when they can keep their traditional culture and customs.Finally,people are happier when they have a
    good,stable government.
    Now there is some evidence of increased GNH in Bhutan.People are healthier and are living longer.
    More people are educated and employed.Twenty-five percent of the land has become national parks,and the
    country has almost no pollution.The Bhutanese continue to wear their traditional clothing and follow their
    ancient Buddhist customs.Bhutan has also become a democracy.In 2008,King Wangchuck gave his power
    to his son.Although the country still had a king,it held its first democratic elections that year. Bhutan had
    political parties and political candidates for the first time.Finally,Bhutan has connected to the rest of the
    world through television and internet.
    Bhutan is a symbol for social progress.Many countries are now interested in Bhutan's GNH.These
    countries are investigating their own ways to measure happiness.They want to create new policies that take
    care of their people,cultures,and land.
    Brazil may be the next country to use the principles of GNH.Brazilian leaders see the principles of GNH
    as a source of inspiration.Brazil is a large country with a diverse population.If happiness works as a measure
    of progress in Brazil,perhaps the rest of the world will follow.

    Apart from modernizing Bhutan,what else did Wangchuck want to do for Bhutan?
    A:To make its population grow.
    B:To keep it separate from the world.
    C:To encourage its people to get rich.
    D:To keep its traditions and customs.

    由文章第一段倒数第一句“a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided …" 可知,Jigme Singye Wangchuck是一位国王,故选D。
    由文章第一段倒数第一句“King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided to help Bhutan to be- come modem , but without losing its traditions”可知,国王Jigme Singye Wangchuck决定要使自己 的国家除实现现代化外还要保留自己的传统习俗,故选D。
    由文章第二段第四句“When the number of products sold increases , people say the country is making progress.”可知,对于用GNP(国民生产总值)衡量进步的国家而言,当生产的产品销 售量增加时,这个国家才算是有所进步,故选A。
    由文章的第三段内容可知,GNH是以能否使人们产生幸福感来衡量的。A、B、D三项 的内容都不包含在这些标准之中,故选C。
    由文章倒数第二段的内容可知,许多国家都对不丹王国的国民幸福总值(GNH)很感兴 趣,并在研究各自衡量幸福的标准。这些国家并未采用GNH,也没有通力合作,形成国民幸福 指数的指标;同时也没效仿不丹和巴西的实例,故选D。

  • 第2题:


    Gross National Happiness

    In the last century,new technology improved the lives of many people in many countries.However,one
    country resisted these changes.High in the Himalayan mountains of Asia,the kingdom of Bhutan remained
    separate. Its people and Buddhist(佛教)culture had not been affected for almost a thousand years. Bhutan,
    however,was a poor country.People died at a young age.Most of its people could not read,and they did not
    know much about the outside world.Then,in 1972,a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck
    decided to help Bhutan to become modern,but without losing its traditions.
    King Wangchuck looked at other countries for ideas.He saw that most countries measured their progress
    by their Gross National Product(GNP).The GNP measures products and money. When the number of
    products sold increases,people say the country is making progress.King Wangchuck had a different idea for
    Bhutan.He wanted to measure his country's progress by people's happiness.If the people's happiness
    increased,the king could say that Bhutan was making progress.To decide if people were happier,he created
    a measure called Gross National Happiness(GNH).
    GNH is based on certain principles that create happiness.People are happier if they have health care,
    education,and jobs.They are happier when they live in a healthy,protected environment. They are happier
    when they can keep their traditional culture and customs.Finally,people are happier when they have a
    good,stable government.
    Now there is some evidence of increased GNH in Bhutan.People are healthier and are living longer.
    More people are educated and employed.Twenty-five percent of the land has become national parks,and the
    country has almost no pollution.The Bhutanese continue to wear their traditional clothing and follow their
    ancient Buddhist customs.Bhutan has also become a democracy.In 2008,King Wangchuck gave his power
    to his son.Although the country still had a king,it held its first democratic elections that year. Bhutan had
    political parties and political candidates for the first time.Finally,Bhutan has connected to the rest of the
    world through television and internet.
    Bhutan is a symbol for social progress.Many countries are now interested in Bhutan's GNH.These
    countries are investigating their own ways to measure happiness.They want to create new policies that take
    care of their people,cultures,and land.
    Brazil may be the next country to use the principles of GNH.Brazilian leaders see the principles of GNH
    as a source of inspiration.Brazil is a large country with a diverse population.If happiness works as a measure
    of progress in Brazil,perhaps the rest of the world will follow.

    A country shows its progress with GNP by_________.
    A:selling more products
    B:spending more money
    C:spending less money
    D:providing more jobs

    由文章第一段倒数第一句“a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided …" 可知,Jigme Singye Wangchuck是一位国王,故选D。
    由文章第一段倒数第一句“King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided to help Bhutan to be- come modem , but without losing its traditions”可知,国王Jigme Singye Wangchuck决定要使自己 的国家除实现现代化外还要保留自己的传统习俗,故选D。
    由文章第二段第四句“When the number of products sold increases , people say the country is making progress.”可知,对于用GNP(国民生产总值)衡量进步的国家而言,当生产的产品销 售量增加时,这个国家才算是有所进步,故选A。
    由文章的第三段内容可知,GNH是以能否使人们产生幸福感来衡量的。A、B、D三项 的内容都不包含在这些标准之中,故选C。
    由文章倒数第二段的内容可知,许多国家都对不丹王国的国民幸福总值(GNH)很感兴 趣,并在研究各自衡量幸福的标准。这些国家并未采用GNH,也没有通力合作,形成国民幸福 指数的指标;同时也没效仿不丹和巴西的实例,故选D。

  • 第3题:


    Gross National Happiness

    In the last century,new technology improved the lives of many people in many countries.However,one
    country resisted these changes.High in the Himalayan mountains of Asia,the kingdom of Bhutan remained
    separate. Its people and Buddhist(佛教)culture had not been affected for almost a thousand years. Bhutan,
    however,was a poor country.People died at a young age.Most of its people could not read,and they did not
    know much about the outside world.Then,in 1972,a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck de-
    cided to help Bhutan to become modern,but without losing its traditions.
    King Wangchuck looked at other countries for ideas.He saw that most countries measured their progress by
    their Gross National Product(GNP).The GNP measures products and money. When the number of products sold
    increases,people say the country is making progress.King Wangchuck had a different idea for Bhutan.He
    wanted to measure his country's progress by people's happiness.If the people's happiness increased,the
    king could say that Bhutan was making progress.To decide if people were happier,he created a measure
    called Gross National Happiness(GNH).
    GNH is based on certain principles that create happiness.People are happier if they have health care,
    education,and jobs.They are happier when they live in a healthy,protected environment.They are happier
    when they can keep their traditional culture and customs.Finally,people are happier when they have a
    good,stable government.
    Now there is some evidence of increased GNH in Bhutan.People are healthier and are living longer.
    More people are educated and employed.Twenty-five percent of the land has become national parks,and the
    country has almost no pollution.The Bhutanese continue to wear their traditional clothing and follow their
    ancient Buddhist customs.Bhutan has also become a democracy.In 2008,King Wangchuck gave his power
    to, his son.Although the country still had a king,it held its first democratic elections that year. Bhutan had
    political parties and political candidates for the first time.Finally,Bhutan has connected to the rest of the
    world through television and internet.
    Bhutan is a symbol for social progress.Many countries are now interested in Bhutan's GNH.These
    countries are investigating their own ways to measure happiness.They want to create new policies that take
    care of their people,cultures,and land.
    Brazil may be the next country to use the principles of GNH.Brazilian leaders see the principles of GNI
    as a source of inspiration.Brazil is a large country with a diverse population.If happiness works as a measure
    of progress in Brazil,perhaps the rest of the world will follow.

    According to GNH,people are happier if they_________.
    A:have new technology
    B:have a good,stable government
    C:can change their religion
    D:have more money

    由文章第一段倒数第一句“a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided..." 可知,Jigme Singye Wangchuck是一位国王,故选C。
    由文章第一段倒数第一句“King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided to help Bhutan to become modern , but without losing its traditions”可知,国王Jigme Singye Wangchuck决定要使自 己的国家实现现代化外还要保留自己的传统习俗,故选C。
    由文章第二段第四句“When the number of products sold increases , people say the country is making progress.”可知,对于用GNP(国民生产总值)衡量进步的国家而言,当生产的产品销 售量增加时,这个国家才算是有所进步,故选A。
    由文章的第三段内容可知,GNH是以能够产生幸福感的事物衡量的。A、C、D三项的 内容都不包含在这些标准之中,故选B。
    由文章倒数第二段的内容可知,许多国家都对不丹王国的国民幸福总值(GNH)很感兴 趣,并在研究各自衡量幸福的标准。这些国家并未采用GNH,也没有通力合作,形成国民幸福 指数的指标;同时也没效仿不丹和巴西的实例,故选D。

  • 第4题:

    The political system of the US is based on the following except ()

    • A、federalism
    • B、the constitutional monarchy
    • C、the separation of powers
    • D、respect for the constitution
    • E、the rule of law


  • 第5题:

    The DBA is defining role for users. Which of the following is not an acceptable method for defining a default role?()



  • 第6题:

    The political system of the US is based on the following except ()



    the constitutional monarchy


    the separation of powers


    respect for the constitution


    the rule of law

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第7题:

    —What are you busy doing these days, Mr. Zhao?—I ______ my newborn baby. You can’t imagine how busy I am!

    look after


    looked after


    am looking after


    have been looking after

    正确答案: D
    句意:——赵先生,这些天在忙些什么呢?——我一直在照顾我刚出身的孩子。你简直无法想象我有多忙!本题考查动词时态的用法。由题干中these days可知应用现在进行时,故C项为正确选项。

  • 第8题:

    Sentence 6 (reproduced below) can best be revised in what way?Reynolds found out that when he was Lisa, it is a second-class world to be a woman looking for a job.

    (As it is now)


    When he was Lisa, Reynolds found that it was a second-class existence for a woman seeking work in the world.


    Although as Lisa, Reynolds felt it is a second-class world to be a woman looking for a job.


    Reynolds as Lisa experienced the second-class world of female job applicants.


    In Reynolds’s opinion, he felt as Lisa that it is a second-class world for female job applicants.

    正确答案: B

  • 第9题:

    Rodents in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to a species of animals including all the following EXCEPT _____.








    正确答案: C

  • 第10题:

    The expression “fared best” in the sentence “During the 1960s and 1970s, and again after 1992, the poorest groups fared best.” in para. 8 can be paraphrased by which of the following?

    obtained higher income


    lived a better life


    enjoyed more equality


    paid lower income tax

    正确答案: A
    题目问的是:第8段中的句子“在20世纪60年代到70年代期间,还有1992年以后的时期,最穷的群体进展最好”,里面的“fared best”可以用下列哪一项释义?从文中可知,这两段时期里贫富差距有所缩小,即使是穷人也过上了好日子,选项B意思相近。故选B。

  • 第11题:

    Your network contains an Active Directory domain named contoso.com. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2012 R2. You create and enforce the default AppLocker executable rules. Users report that they can no longer execute a legacy application installed in the root of drive C. You need to ensure that the users can execute the legacy application. What should you do?()

    Modify the action of the existing rules


    Create a new rule.


    Add an exception to the existing rules


    Delete an existing rule

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Which of following is the best title for the passage?

    Improving Women's Self-confidence through Exercises


    The Traditional Gym Industry Is Losing Its Customers


    The Fitness Industry Is Looking for New Directions


    Specialized Gyms Designed for Overweight People

    正确答案: C

  • 第13题:


    Gross National Happiness

    In the last century,new technology improved the lives of many people in many countries.However,one
    country resisted these changes.High in the Himalayan mountains of Asia,the kingdom of Bhutan remained
    separate. Its people and Buddhist(佛教)culture had not been affected for almost a thousand years. Bhutan,
    however,was a poor country.People died at a young age.Most of its people could not read,and they did not
    know much about the outside world.Then,in 1972,a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck
    decided to help Bhutan to become modern,but without losing its traditions.
    King Wangchuck looked at other countries for ideas.He saw that most countries measured their progress
    by their Gross National Product(GNP).The GNP measures products and money. When the number of
    products sold increases,people say the country is making progress.King Wangchuck had a different idea for
    Bhutan.He wanted to measure his country's progress by people's happiness.If the people's happiness
    increased,the king could say that Bhutan was making progress.To decide if people were happier,he created
    a measure called Gross National Happiness(GNH).
    GNH is based on certain principles that create happiness.People are happier if they have health care,
    education,and jobs.They are happier when they live in a healthy,protected environment. They are happier
    when they can keep their traditional culture and customs.Finally,people are happier when they have a
    good,stable government.
    Now there is some evidence of increased GNH in Bhutan.People are healthier and are living longer.
    More people are educated and employed.Twenty-five percent of the land has become national parks,and the
    country has almost no pollution.The Bhutanese continue to wear their traditional clothing and follow their
    ancient Buddhist customs.Bhutan has also become a democracy.In 2008,King Wangchuck gave his power
    to his son.Although the country still had a king,it held its first democratic elections that year. Bhutan had
    political parties and political candidates for the first time.Finally,Bhutan has connected to the rest of the
    world through television and internet.
    Bhutan is a symbol for social progress.Many countries are now interested in Bhutan's GNH.These
    countries are investigating their own ways to measure happiness.They want to create new policies that take
    care of their people,cultures,and land.
    Brazil may be the next country to use the principles of GNH.Brazilian leaders see the principles of GNH
    as a source of inspiration.Brazil is a large country with a diverse population.If happiness works as a measure
    of progress in Brazil,perhaps the rest of the world will follow.

    According to GNH,people are happier if they_________.
    A:have new technology
    B:can change their religion
    C:have a good,stable government
    D:have more money

    由文章第一段倒数第一句“a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided …" 可知,Jigme Singye Wangchuck是一位国王,故选D。
    由文章第一段倒数第一句“King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided to help Bhutan to be- come modem , but without losing its traditions”可知,国王Jigme Singye Wangchuck决定要使自己 的国家除实现现代化外还要保留自己的传统习俗,故选D。
    由文章第二段第四句“When the number of products sold increases , people say the country is making progress.”可知,对于用GNP(国民生产总值)衡量进步的国家而言,当生产的产品销 售量增加时,这个国家才算是有所进步,故选A。
    由文章的第三段内容可知,GNH是以能否使人们产生幸福感来衡量的。A、B、D三项 的内容都不包含在这些标准之中,故选C。
    由文章倒数第二段的内容可知,许多国家都对不丹王国的国民幸福总值(GNH)很感兴 趣,并在研究各自衡量幸福的标准。这些国家并未采用GNH,也没有通力合作,形成国民幸福 指数的指标;同时也没效仿不丹和巴西的实例,故选D。

  • 第14题:

    Microchip Research Center Created
    A research center has been______(51)in this Far Eastern country to develop advanced microchip pro-duction technology.The center,which will start out with about US$14 million,will help the country develop its chip industry without always depending on imported technology.
    The center will make use of its research skills and______(52)to develop new technology for ______(53)chip plants.The advent of the center will possibly free the country from the______(54)that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries,said the country's flagship chipmaker.______(55),chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments don't allowthem to______(56)the most advanced technologies,fearing they will be used for______(57) purposes.Moreover,the high licensing fees they have to pay to technology providers are also an important ______(58)for their decision of self-reliance.
    As mainstream chip production technology______(59)from one generation to the next every three to five years,plants with new technology can make more powerful chips at lower costs,while plants with ______(60)equipment,which often cost billions of dollars to build,will be______(61)by the maker.
    More than 10 chip plants are being built,each costing millions of US dollars.The majority of that money goes to overseas equipment______(62)and technology owners-mainly______(63)Japan and Singapore.
    Should the new center play a major role in improving the situation in the industry,the country admits the US $14 million investment is still rather small.This country is developing______(64)technologies.Most of the investment will be spent on setting______(65)with technology and intellectual property owners.


    研究中心的建立应该用set up(建立,设立,创办)来表示,其他选项都不能表示建立的意思。 make up组成,弥补北妆,编造;put up举起,张贴,提高;hold up举起,支撑。
    reason后跟for表示“……的原因”。根据空格后的介词for可知,高额的licensing fees是他们决定是否依靠自己的原因之一。affect影响,假装,感动;effect影响,效果,印象;result结果,后果;reason原因,理由。
    根据空格前一句中的“new technology”与转折连词“while",可知空格处的词的意思与new相对,只有outdated符合条件。outdated过时的,旧时的,落伍的;outgoing爱交际的,友好的,外向的;outward向外的,朝外面的;fashionable流行的,时尚的,时髦的。
    由常理可知,设备落伍的工厂将被边缘化。march前进,进军,进展;margi nalize使处于社会的边缘,忽视,排斥;mark做标记,留下痕迹;smash粉碎,撞击,打碎。
    该句子主要对设备供应商和技术拥有者的国籍进行说明,用from来表示这些人来自日本和新加坡。to 向,朝着,表示方向;on在……之上,表示位置;from来自……,表示来源;about关于,表示对象。

  • 第15题:

    Your network contains an Active Directory domain named contoso.com. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2012 R2. You create and enforce the default AppLocker executable rules. Users report that they can no longer execute a legacy application installed in the root of drive C. You need to ensure that the users can execute the legacy application. What should you do?()

    • A、Modify the action of the existing rules
    • B、Create a new rule.
    • C、Add an exception to the existing rules
    • D、Delete an existing rule


  • 第16题:

    Your manager has informed you that only specific users can have access to the Preferred Members role, and that these users are restricted to the Preferred Members role. The Preferred Members role-mapping rule is currently set as the last rule in your role-mapping rules and is based on username. Currently all users are assigned to the Preferred Members role-mapping rule. Which three changes in the admin GUI will enforce your managers change request?()

    • A、Move the Preferred Members role-mapping rule to the top of the list.
    • B、Remove the Preferred Members role from the role-mapping rule.
    • C、Edit the Preferred Members role-mapping rule so that the username is equal to *.
    • D、Edit the Preferred Members role-mapping rule so that only the select users are assigned to the role-mapping rule.
    • E、Edit the Preferred Members role-mapping rule and select "Stop processing rules when this rule matches".


  • 第17题:

    We may learn from the sentence “But the glamour of the “First World” pledge appealed to middle-class consumers with money to burn” in para. 4 that ______.

    Brazilian went to Pao de Acucar because it was a brand from the “First World”


    Pao de Acucar was kind of local corner shops and thus cheaper


    Middle-class Brazilian went to Pao de Acucar instead of the cheaper local corner shops because of its slogan


    Pao de Acucar targeted middle-class consumers

    正确答案: B
    题目问的是:第4段中的句子“‘第一世界’誓言的魔力呼吁着中产阶级的消费者去挥霍”,我们可以从中得知什么?文章第3段提到“The one thing that was really reminiscent of the developed world was Pao de Acucar’s pricing policy. Local corner shops were often considerably cheaper.”说明发达国家采用Pao de Acucar的定价政策,相对而言地方角落里的商品经常会便宜很多,可以看出中产阶级的巴西人因为标语选择去Pao de Acucar,而不是更便宜的地方性商店。故选C。

  • 第18题:

    The DBA is defining role for users. Which of the following is not an acceptable method for defining a default role?()








    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第19题:

    Which of the following sentence best responds to “But it will be much easier.., than to conceal the gulf that exists within Europe itself” in para. 13?

    But some of Europe’s leaders are unwilling to take lessons from the country they blame for creating this crises.


    It is true that Mr. Obama’s focus has been on trying to rebuild ties with Europe.


    I am only using Germany to prove the point that Europe does not speak with one voice.


    No one else is talking about “a global new deal”.

    正确答案: C

  • 第20题:

    Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the author’s discussion of the role of political knowledge in the formation of political ideology during adolescence?

    He acknowledges its importance, but then modifies his initial assertion of that importance.


    He consistently resists the idea that it is important, using series of examples to support his stand.


    He wavers in evaluating it and finally uses analogies to explain why he is indecisive.


    He takes care not to make an initial judgment about it, but later confirms its critical role.

    正确答案: C

  • 第21题:

    The function of the sentence “Don’t cut your ties to the local utility just yet.” in para. 2 is ______.

    to state the thesis of the passage


    to serve as a summary of the passage


    to play the role of transition


    to lead to a counter-argument in the following paragraphs

    正确答案: C

  • 第22题:

    Where is the best place to insert the following sentence?Perhaps if students could work such little excursions into their busy study schedules, they would have similar “eureka” experiences.

    after sentence 7


    after sentence 8


    after sentence 9


    after sentence 10


    after sentence 11(as the last sentence of the second paragraph)

    正确答案: B
    第11句讨论了Isaac Asimov’s “eureka”的经历,插入的这句话对这个思想进一步阐释,将其与学生的生活联系起来。

  • 第23题:

    According to the passage, lack of sleep for a long while can probably lead to all of the following EXCEPT _____.

    heart disease


    weight gain




    liver disease

    正确答案: B
    文章第一段最后一句话提到“Over the long-term, this decreased response could set the stage for type-2 diabetes, fatty liver disease and weight gain”,由此可知长期缺乏睡眠会导致Ⅱ型糖尿病、脂肪肝和体重增加,并没有提到可能会导致心脏病。故A项为本题答案。