问答题Practice 7  Average household debt in the United States is currently 130 percent of average household income. The U. S. household savings rate is close to zero. Consumer confidence has plummeted with the value of 401(k) plans and retirement nest eggs.

Practice 7  Average household debt in the United States is currently 130 percent of average household income. The U. S. household savings rate is close to zero. Consumer confidence has plummeted with the value of 401(k) plans and retirement nest eggs. Car sales are at a fifteen-year low. And credit card defaults look like the next shoe to drop as cash-strapped Americans have run up credit card debt to postpone the day of reckoning.  Too many Americans have been expressing the Dream through the acquisition of stuff. Americans need a refresher course on the American dream. The Constitution speaks of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not an automatic chicken in every pot. The American Dream embraced by immigrants over the past two centuries has been the opportunity to set one’s own goals and pursue them honestly to the limits of one’s ambition and ability. Too many Americans have been expressing the Dream through the acquisition of stuff. Others see the Dream as raising a family in a land that delivers Franklin Roosevelt’s four freedoms. Still others dream of their children accessing the highest possible level of education, living healthy lives, being good citizens in their communities.

更多“问答题Practice 7  Average household debt in the United States is currently 130 percent of average household income. The U. S. household savings rate is close to zero. Consumer confidence has plummeted with the value of 401(k) plans and retirement nest eggs. ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    According to a report released by the Beijing-based China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute, China’s household appliances market appeared active in the past year and high-end kitchen products lead the trend, suggesting that the country's consumption upgrade is fairly obvious.()



  • 第2题:

    KFP Co, a company listed on a major stock market, is looking at its cost of capital as it prepares to make a bid to buy a rival unlisted company, NGN. Both companies are in the same business sector. Financial information on KFP Co and NGN is as follows:

    NGN has a cost of equity of 12% per year and has maintained a dividend payout ratio of 45% for several years. The current earnings per share of the company is 80c per share and its earnings have grown at an average rate of 4·5% per year in recent years.

    The ex div share price of KFP Co is $4·20 per share and it has an equity beta of 1·2. The 7% bonds of the company are trading on an ex interest basis at $94·74 per $100 bond. The price/earnings ratio of KFP Co is eight times.

    The directors of KFP Co believe a cash offer for the shares of NGN would have the best chance of success. It has been suggested that a cash offer could be financed by debt.


    (a) Calculate the weighted average cost of capital of KFP Co on a market value weighted basis. (10 marks)

    (b) Calculate the total value of the target company, NGN, using the following valuation methods:

    (i) Price/earnings ratio method, using the price/earnings ratio of KFP Co; and

    (ii) Dividend growth model. (6 marks)

    (c) Discuss the relationship between capital structure and weighted average cost of capital, and comment on

    the suggestion that debt could be used to finance a cash offer for NGN. (9 marks)


  • 第3题:

    Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge of environmental claims made by household products, according to a "green labeling" study published by Consumers International Friday.
    Among the report's more outrageous findings--a German fertilizer described itself as "earthworm friendly" a brand of flour said it was "non-polluting" and a British toilet paper claimed to be "environmentally friendlier".
    The study was written and researched by Britain's National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission.
    "While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy." said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.
    The lO-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.
    The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent insect sprays and by some garden products. It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September,1999.
    Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.
    "Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing." said report researcher Philip Page.
    "Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list with 73. The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading." he said.
    The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "non-polluting" can not be verified. "What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO." said Page.
    It can be inferred from the passage that the lobby group Consumer International wants to__________.

    A. make product labeling satisfy ISO requirements
    B. see all household products meet environmental standards
    C. warn consumers of the danger of so-called green products
    D. verify the efforts of non-polluting products


  • 第4题:

    资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.
    Some scary facts about retirement:
    More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.
    25% do not participate in their company's retirement plan.
    The average person spends 20 years in retirement.
    Here are some tips to help you plan correctly:
    1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It's just like a doctor's visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.
    2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can.
    3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator.
    4. Take part in your employer's retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options.
    5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or government pension plan, learn all the details.
    6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don't make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.
    7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.
    8. Learn about your government's retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.
    9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement.

    Which of the following is NOT true about retirement?

    A.More than half of people don’t have enough finances for retirement.
    B.quarter of people don’t take part in their company’s retirement plan.
    C.No one can be financially secure in retirement.
    D.The average person will spend 20 years in retirement.

    【关键词】not true; retirement
    【主题句】第二自然段1.More than of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.超过的人没有足够的资金用于退休。2. do not participate in their company’s retirement plan.没有参与公司退休计划。3.The average person spends 20 years in retirement.一般人花费20年时间退休。

  • 第5题:

    资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.
    Some scary facts about retirement:
    More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.
    25% do not participate in their company's retirement plan.
    The average person spends 20 years in retirement.
    Here are some tips to help you plan correctly:
    1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It's just like a doctor's visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.
    2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can.
    3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator.
    4. Take part in your employer's retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options.
    5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or government pension plan, learn all the details.
    6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don't make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.
    7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.
    8. Learn about your government's retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.
    9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement.

    What will happen if you withdraw your retirement savings before you retire?

    A.You may have to pay penalties.
    B.You will fail to realize your goals.
    C.Your retirement savings will become off-limits.
    D.You should save money for your retirement all over again.

    【关键词】What will happen; withdraw your retirement savings; before you retire
    【主题句】Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don’t make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.坚持存储退休金。 不要在退休前提款,否则你可能会受到惩罚,并且会阻碍你实现目标。

  • 第6题:

    资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.
    Some scary facts about retirement:
    More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.
    25% do not participate in their company's retirement plan.
    The average person spends 20 years in retirement.
    Here are some tips to help you plan correctly:
    1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It's just like a doctor's visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.
    2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can.
    3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator.
    4. Take part in your employer's retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options.
    5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or government pension plan, learn all the details.
    6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don't make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.
    7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.
    8. Learn about your government's retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.
    9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement.

    What’s the main theme of the passage?

    A.How to find a good financial professional.
    B.The importance of retirement plans.
    C.The scary facts about retirement.
    D.How to make correct retirement plans.

    【关键词】main theme
    【主题句】Here are some tips to help you plan correctly。下面是一些帮助你正确制定计划的小窍门。

  • 第7题:

    There are approximately 500 () now in operation in the United States.

    • A、savings banks
    • B、saving bank
    • C、saving banks
    • D、savings bank


  • 第8题:

    Practice 7  Some people would say that the Englishman's home is no longer his castle; that it has become his workshop. This is partly because the average English is keen on working with his own hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or another, that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional help. The main reason for this is a financial one.. the high cost of labor has meant that the builders and decorators' costs have reached a level which makes them prohibitive for house-proud English people of modest means. So, if they wish to keep their houses looking bright and smart, they have to tackle some of the repairs and decorating themselves. As a result, there has grown up in the post-war years what is sometimes referred to as the “Do-it-yourself Movement”.  The “Do-it-yourself Movement” began with home decorating but has since spread into a much wider field. Nowadays there seem to be very few things that cannot be made by the “do-it- yourself” method.

    正确答案: 【参考译文】
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    Which of the followings is true according to the text? _____

    Cigarette ends are unrecyclable.


    Between 2000 and 2014, global sales of cigarettes decreased by 8 percent.


    TerraCycle Company can now recycle the rest of the 80 percent of household waste.


    Ending up in landfill is not the best way for dealing with waste.

    正确答案: A
    根据倒数第二段的The goal is to use the latest research to find a way to stop so much waste ending up in landfill…可知,垃圾填埋不是最好的处理办法,只是限于目前的技术水平,只能如此而已。其余三项表述与原文不符。

  • 第10题:

    In the Chinese household, grandparents play indispensable roles in raising children.








    正确答案: C
    解析: indispensable不可缺少的,必要的。essential与之同义。dominant支配的。exemplary可做模范的。demanding过分要求的,苛刻的。

  • 第11题:

    For Cinderella, doing household work is ______.

    an assignment


    a compulsion


    an obligation


    a burden

    正确答案: C
    文章第一段末尾提到“housework is my duty”意思当然是说做家务是她的责任,而不能说成是任务。故选C。

  • 第12题:

    It can be inferred from the passage that the minimal basis for a complaint to the international Trade Commission is which of the following?

    A foreign competitor has received a subsidy from a foreign government.


    A foreign competitor has substantially increased the volume of products shipped to the United States.


    A foreign competitor selling products in the United States at less than fair market value.


    The company requesting import relief has been injured by the sale of imports in the United States.

    正确答案: B

  • 第13题:

    From 1948 to 1966 average yearly growth in real spendable earnings was ______ percent in the United States.

    A. 1.1

    B. 2.1


    D. 4.1


  • 第14题:

    It becomes a common practice to insert a clause in the bills of lading for vessels trading to and from the United States,expressly declaring ______ the Shipowner could recover in general average in the event of negligence,provided that due diligence has been exercised to make the ship in all respects seaworthy.






  • 第15题:

    Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge of environmental claims made by household products, according to a "green labeling" study published by Consumers International Friday.
    Among the report's more outrageous findings--a German fertilizer described itself as "earthworm friendly" a brand of flour said it was "non-polluting" and a British toilet paper claimed to be "environmentally friendlier".
    The study was written and researched by Britain's National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission.
    "While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy." said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.
    The lO-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.
    The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent insect sprays and by some garden products. It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September,1999.
    Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.
    "Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing." said report researcher Philip Page.
    "Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list with 73. The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading." he said.
    The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "non-polluting" can not be verified. "What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO." said Page.
    What is one of the consequences caused by the many claims of household products?

    A. They are likely to lead to serious environmental problems
    B. Consumers find it difficult to tell the true from the false
    C. They could arouse widespread anger among consumers
    D. Consumers will be tempted to buy products they don't need

    此题暂无解析由倒数第二段的“The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers tosort the true from the misleadin9”,大意是环保说明如此之多。以至消费者很难去伪存真。这句话的意思和B的表述一致,所以选择8。

  • 第16题:

    Education has a value of consumption and its demand will depend on its own price,prices of other goods,and______income.


    本题考查形容词的词义辨析。题目意为“教育具有消费价值,其需求将取决于其自身的价格、其他商品的价格和家庭收入。”A选项“国内的”,B选项“家,住宅”,C选项“房子,房屋”, D选项“家庭的”。household income固定搭配,意为“家庭收入”。

  • 第17题:

    资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.
    Some scary facts about retirement:
    More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.
    25% do not participate in their company's retirement plan.
    The average person spends 20 years in retirement.
    Here are some tips to help you plan correctly:
    1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It's just like a doctor's visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.
    2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can.
    3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator.
    4. Take part in your employer's retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options.
    5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or government pension plan, learn all the details.
    6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don't make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.
    7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.
    8. Learn about your government's retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.
    9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement.

    According to the passage, retirement plans may be offered by ___.

    A.the government
    B.both the employer and the government
    C.the employer
    D.the employer, the government and the media

    【关键词】retirement plans; be offered
    【主题句】1.Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.让你的老板开始计划,这将对你有很大的帮助。2.Learn about your government’s retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.了解政府退休计划。每个国家都有不同的计划,有些国家有特别的税收优惠,所以要了解你的国家所提供的和相应的计划。

  • 第18题:

    The Sandwich Generation
    Today people often look forward to their middle age as a time when they will be able to take things easier. After their children are grown,they expect to enjoy the life they have worked hard to create .However,the reality is often very different. In middle age,many people discover that they have two ongoing responsibilities:one is to look after their aging parents,and the other is to help their young adult children deal with the pressures of life.Around the world,there are mil-lions of people who are“sandwiched”in between the older and the younger generations.Some-times there may be two or three generations living in the same household-a situation that is corn-mon in many Asian countries and in some parts of Europe .In other cases,a couple may be taking care of parents and children,but they do not live with them.
    There are two important reasons for the rise of the sandwich generation.First,people are liv-ing longer than they used to.In the early nineteenth century,the average life expectancy for adults in the United States,for example,was about 40,whereas today people live to an average age of 75 .Therefore,children are taking care of their parents over a longer period of time.The see-ond reason is that these days,young adults often live with their parents for a longer time than they did in the past. This is often for financial reasons.It's also more common for today's young adults to return home during or after college if they need financial or emotional support.
    Young adults feel sandwiched between their financial responsibilities and their desire to enjoy life .They may have to cover expenses that their parents cannot.They may have to manage their parents' financial and legal affairs.They may have to prepare for their parents' future needs,such as special medical care or a move to a nursing home. This can be a traumatic(长期困扰的)ex-perience for everyone.
    Caring for adult children presents challenges as well,and caregivers have to resolve important questions:How can financial responsibilities be shared among members of the household?How can household chores be shared?What is the best way to ensure everyone's privacy?Successfully cop-ing with these issues can avoid a lot of stress for the whole family.
    The financial and emotional pressures on the sandwich generation can be overwhelming. However,this time in life also has its rewards.It can be a time to rediscover the special qualities of one's parents or children.It can also provide a valuable opportunity to spend more time with them. However,in order to survive this difficult period in their lives,the members of the sand-wich generation must remember that they also need to pay attention to their own needs and look af-ter the quality of their own lives.They can't be totally selfless.

    The sandwich generation face the following challenges EXCEPT_____.
    A: sharing household chores
    B: ensuring everyone's privacy
    C: determining who is the caregiver of the family
    D:.shouldering the financial responsibilities of the household

    由第一段第二、三句“After their children are grown , they expect to enjoy the life they have worked hard to create. However , the reality is often very different.”可知以此推断,很多中年人不能如愿地享受生活。故选B。

    由第一段第四句“In middle age , many people discover that they have two ongoing re-sponsibilities:one is to look after their aging parents,and the other is to help their young adult children deal with the pressures of life.”及第五句“Around the world , there are mil-lions of people who are'sandwiched'in between the older and the younger generations.”可知,中年人在对父母和对孩子的责任中左右为难。故选B。

    由第二段最后三句“The second reason is that these days , young adults often live with their parents for a longer time than they did in the past.This is often for financial reasons.It's also more common for today's young adults to return home during or after college if they need financial or emotional support.”可知,如今一些年轻人之所以会更久跟父母住在一起,是因为他们需要父母的经济或情感支持。故选A。

    由第四段中的“caregivers have to resolve important questions : How can financial respon-sibilities be shared among members of the household?How can household chores be shared? What is the best way to ensure everyone's privacy?”可知,只有(决定谁来照料家庭)不是三明治一代要考虑的问题。故选C。

    由最后一段最后两句中的“they also need to pay attention to their own needs and look after the quality of their own lives. They can't be totally selfless.”可知,要度过这个艰难的人生阶段,三明治一代需要考虑自身的幸福。故选B。

  • 第19题:

    Rolls-Royce is world famous for()

    • A、machine tools
    • B、household appliances
    • C、luxury automobiles
    • D、high-quality knives and hand tools


  • 第20题:

    During the first half of the twentieth century, the average American household was _____ by the introduction of a group of machines that profoundly altered the daily lives of housewives.








    正确答案: B

  • 第21题:

    Passage 7U. S consumer prices climbed faster than expected in May, further fanning investor fears over inflation. Stock markets around the world have cracked sharply lower the past few weeks, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average losing all the ground it had gained so far this year. Japan’s stock market is down 11% on the year; gold has had its biggest slide in a decade and a half; and many emerging markets are wobbling. After Wednesday’s Consumer Price Index report from the Labor Department, which showed a 0.4 percent increase in prices for May (core inflation, which excludes food and energy, rose 0.3 percent), the stock market made a comeback. But with future interest rate hikes now starting to be priced into the market, investor fears that central bankers around the world will go overboard and continue to drive rates higher is set to further spook markets. This is no trading correction that investors have to absorb. The real risk of a jarring bear market has emerged.  But while the trauma that inflation created for investors in the 1970s is still close to the surface, the sudden frenzy is misplaced. Powerful forces in the world economy continue to keep prices largely in check.  Over the past decade, inflation has been a minor threat compared with brutal deflationary shocks. They started with the collapse of the Mexican peso in the mid-1990s. In 1997, much of eastern Asia’s flourishing economy was leveled. Next were Russia, Turkey and Argentina; Brazil teetered on the brink. By early 2001, Silicon Valley, the pride of the U. S. economy, was crashing, while entire sectors of the so-called New Economy disintegrated.  The tech wreck may be over, but it has left a legacy of low prices. Tech companies had to dump on the market everything from fiberoptic networks to computer chips, as desperate investors struggled to raise cash. That slashed telecommunication costs at the very moment that emerging markets were producing a skilled and hungry generation of information workers. Result? The offshore outsourcing revolution and downward pressure on global production costs that keeps inflation under control. Equally powerful are the ultra-low-cost emerging-market manufacturing bases, led by China. With more than 1 billion people set to enter the urban labor markets of China, India, Brazil and Indonesia in the next 20 years, all those pressures on prices will only intensify.  More immediate forces are also at work to keep prices from surging. Despite some wishful thinking, growth in Europe is slowing, not accelerating. A large part of U. S. growth has been driven by booming real estate prices. But in the past two years, the Fed has increased rates 16 times, so real estate-driven consumption is yesterday’s news. Tomorrow’s story will be the sharp fall in U. S. growth as consumers face higher mortgage costs. That dynamic could become particularly nasty, given the record level of U. S. household debt, government deficit and unequaled current-account shortfall.  Investors are often caught flat-footed when markets slide. In 2001-02, deflation was the fear of the day, but few investors at the time saw the opportunity in commodities, which were going for a fraction of today’s prices. Today investors are obsessed with inflation, while government and top- tier corporate bonds are shunned.  That should be telling us something. What is it? In the past few years, the central banks of Japan, the U. S. and Europe have cut interest rates so aggressively that the real cost of borrowing fell to, effectively, below zero. That spurred extraordinary amounts of debt financing by governments and corporations. But now, as the global credit cycle tightens, some of the marginal investments will quickly become unsustainable. If central bankers keep raising interest rates, deeper cracks would open in the world economy.  What is really troubling markets is not inflation. It is the fear that central banks may have tightened too much, and will tighten further. If that happens, the recent market shock would be merely the precursor to a still more dramatic quake.  1. What is the situation of the world financial markets recently? What is the situation expected to be in the near future?  2. What does the author mean by “the tech wreck may be over, but it has left a legacy of low prices”? (Para.4)  3. What is the relationship between real estate market and economic growth in US in the past and in the near future?  4. According to the author, what are the “powerful forces” that can keep inflation “largely in check”?

    正确答案: 【参考答案】
    1. Over the past weeks, stock markets around the world are a little bit depressed. Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost all the gaining it earned so far. Japan’s stock market is down 11% on the year. The price of gold has dropped in the largest scale in 15 years. Many emerging markets are not stable. Since central bankers around world will continue to raise interest rates higher, people generally believe that the financial markets will continued to be depressed (“bear markets”) in the near future.
    2. In early 2001, Silicon Valley, the US center of high technology, suffered a great depression. Now the depression is over, but its fallouts continue to drive prices down. Tech companies have to dump on the markets high tech equipments at very low prices, as investors want to get cash. The outsourcing revolution has exerted downward pressure on global production costs. Also, the large labor forces in ultra-low-cost emerging-market manufacturing bases, like China, are intensifying pressures on prices.
    3. In the past, a large part of US growth has been driven by booming real estate prices. But in the past two years, interest rates have been raised 16 times. Since consumers now face higher mortgage costs, the US economic growth is expected to fall sharply.
    4. US consumer prices climbed faster than expected in May, but powerful forces in the world economy can keep inflation largely in check. The prices of high tech equipment will continue to fall, because Tech companies are dumping products on the market, and outsourcing revolution exerts downward pressure on global production costs. Growth in Europe is slowing, not accelerating. The US growth is expected to fall sharply because the higher mortgage costs following the rises of interest rates have discouraged consumers away from real estate markets.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    Practice 3  In-state tuition. For decades, it was the one advantage big state schools had that even the Ivy League couldn’t match, in terms of recruiting the best and the brightest to their campuses. But these days, that’s no longer necessarily the case. Starting this September, some students will find a Harvard degree cheaper than one from many public universities. Harvard officials sent shock waves through academia last December by detailing a new financial-aid policy that will charge families making up to $180,000 just 10 % of their household income per year, substantially subsidizing the annual cost of more than $ 45,600 for all but its wealthiest students. The move was just the latest in what has amounted to a financial-aid bidding war in recent years among the U. S.’s élite universities.  Though Harvard’s is the most generous to date, Princeton, Yale and Stanford have all launched similar plans to cap tuition contributions for students from low-and middle-income families. Indeed, students on financial aid at nearly every Ivy stand a good chance of graduating debt-free, thanks to loan-elimination programs introduced over the past five years. And other exclusive schools have followed their lead by replacing loans with grants and work-study aid. And several more schools are joining the no-loan club this fall. Even more schools have taken steps to reduce debt among their neediest students.

    正确答案: 【参考译文】
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    The author intends to tell the readers that _____.

    the United States is a wealthy country although poverty and crime exist there


    crime has become a serious problem in the United States, although it is said to be a prosperous one


    despite the fact that crimes have been increasing rapidly in the United States, it is a country of prosperity


    in spite of stories about poverty and crime in the United States, it is prospering at an increasing rate

    正确答案: B