The MRKT tablespace is created as a small file tablespace, because the file size is less than the minimum required for big file files.
The MRKT tablespace may be dropped if it has no contents.
Users who were using the old default tablespace will have their default tablespaces changed to the MRKT tablespace.
No more data files can be added to the tablespace.
The relative file number of the tablespace is not stored in rowids for the table rows that are stored in the MRKT tablespace.
Examine the command that is used to create a table: SQL> CREATE TABLE orders(oid NUMBER(6) PRIMARY KEY, odate DATE, ccode NUMBER(6), oamt NUMBER(10,2)) TABLESPACE users; Which two statements are true about the effect of the above command) ()
The user HR receives the following error while inserting data into the TTK table:ERROR at line 1: ORA-01653: unable to extend table HR.TTK by 128 in tablespace SMD Upon investigation, you find that SMDis a small file tablespace. Which three action would allow the user to insert data()
Examine the commands executed in a DBA session:SQL> CREATE BIGFILE TABLESPACE MRKT 2 DATAFILE ’/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/mrkt.dbf’ size 10M LOGGING 3 EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCALSEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO; Tablespace created. SQL> ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT TABLESPACE MRKT; Database altered. Which two statements are trueregarding the MRKT tablespace()
Examine these two statements:Which three are true about the MRKT tablespace?()
Your database block size is 4 KB. In this database, you are required to create a tablespace with a block size of 8 KB. Which is the prerequisite for creating this tablespace?()
No more data files can be added to the tablespace.
Segment space is managed by free lists in the tablespace.
A user created without being assigned a default tablespace uses this tablespace.
The tablespace can be dropped with the current setting with segments present in it
A CHECK constraint is created on the OID column.
A NOT NULL constraint is created on the OID column.
The ORDERS table is the only object created in the USERS tablespace.
The ORDERS table and a unique index are created in the USERS tablespace.
The ORDERS table is created in the USERS tablespace and a unique index is created on the OID columnin the SYSTEM tablespace.
Restore the lost data file from the backup, and then flash back the database.
Restore the data file pertaining to index tablespace, and then recover the tablespace.
Restore all the data files, and then perform an incomplete recovery to get the tablespace back.
Restore all the data files, and then perform an incomplete recovery using the backup control file.
Drop and re-create the index tablespace, and then re-create all of the indexes in that tablespace.
The procedure may be used for some components to relocate component data to the SYSAUX tablespace from its current tablespace.
The procedure may be used for some components to relocate component data from the SYSAUX tablespace to another tablespace.
All the components may be moved into SYSAUX tablespace.
All the components may be moved from the SYSAUX tablespace.
The bigfile tablespace have only one data file.
The segment space management is automatic.
The extent management is dictionary managed.
The database can have only one bigfile tablespace.
The bigfile tablespace can be converted to a smallfile tablespace.
The tablespace has two data files.
An error is reported and tablespace creation fails.
Data files are created with names generated by the instance.
The tablespace can be extended without specifying the data file.
Data files belonging to the USERS tablespace cannot be renamed.
The tablespace would require recovery to go back online.
A checkpoint is taken on all data files that are associated with the SALES tablespace.
The sessions that subsequently try to access the objects in the SALES tablespace receive an error.
The new status of the SALES tablespace is recorded in the control file when the database instance is closed.
Which two statements are true about the use of the procedures listed in the vsysaux_occupants.move_procedure column?()
View this parameter setting in your database: DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST=’D:// /oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/oracle’ You created a tablespace by using this command: CREATE TABLESPACE USERS; Which two statements are true about the USERS tablespace?()
You lost a data file that belongs to an index tablespace in your database, which operates in ARCHIVELOG mode. Loss of the data file resulted in increased response time on your queries. Which two options would you use to solve this problem? ()
In which of the following scenarios is a tablespace recovery required?()
Add a data file to the SMD tablespace.
Add a data file to the temporary tablespace associated with the user HR.
Resize the data file associated with the SMD tablespace to make it larger.
Alter the data file associated with the SMD tablespace to grow automatically.
Change the segment space management for the SMD tablespace to automatic. n segments is managed through free lists.
Add a data file to the SMD tablespace.
Add a data file to the temporary tablespace associated with the user HR.
Resize the data file associated with the SMD tablespace to make it larger.
Alter the data file associated with the SMD tablespace to grow automatically.
Change the segment space management for the SMD tablespace to automatic
The MRKT tablespace is created as a small file tablespace, because the file size is less than the minimum required for big file files.
The MRKT tablespace may be dropped if it has no contents.
Users who were using the old default tablespace will have their default tablespaces changed to the MRKT tablespace.
No more data files can be added to the tablespace.
The relative file number of the tablespace is not stored in rowids for the table rows that are stored in the MRKT tablespace.
No more data files can be added to the tablespace.
Segment space is managed by free lists in the tablespace.
A user created without being assigned a default tablespace uses this tablespace.
The tablespace can be dropped with the current setting with segments present in it.
The backup piece size will be limited to 300 MB
The RMAN uses multiplexing to perform backup
The operation is accomplished using the default channel available
The RMAN parallelizes the backup although the parallelism is not set for a channel
Only bring the tablespace back online.
Only recover the tablespace and then bring the tablespace back online.
Shut down the database, recover the data file and then start up the database.
Issue the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command, recover the tablespace, and then bring the tablespace online.
Recover the tablespace, issue the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command, and then bring the tablespace online.
The tablespace would require recovery to go back online.
A checkpoint is taken on all data files that are associated with the SALES tablespace.
The sessions that subsequently try to access the objects in the SALES tablespace receive an error
The new status of the SALES tablespace is recorded in the control file when the database instance isclosed
The parameter DB_CACHE_SIZE must be a multiple of 8.
The value of the parameter SGA_MAX_SIZE must be increased.
The tablespace must be created with a uniform extent size of 8 KB
The parameter DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE must be defined in the parameter file.