问答题Practice 7  ● Look at the list below. It shows the departments of a company.  ● For questions 6-10, decide in which department (A-H) each person on the opposite page works.  ● For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.  ● Do not use

Practice 7  ● Look at the list below. It shows the departments of a company.  ● For questions 6-10, decide in which department (A-H) each person on the opposite page works.  ● For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.  ● Do not use any letter more than once.  A Customer service department  B Design department  C Engineering department  D Facilities department  E Finance department  F Human resources department  G Legal department  H Shipping and receiving department  6. Richard Saunders is responsible for accepting materials from their suppliers.  7. John Knight and his team are responsible for the maintenance of the company building.  8. Gina Theismann is dealing with the complaints from a customer.  9. Robin Seaton is working on the training plan for the new employees.  10. Helen Marsden and her team are making the company’s budget for next year.

更多“Practice 7  ● Look at the list below. It shows the departmen”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    7. Will you ________ my baby while I- m away?

    A. look out

    B. take care

    C. look for

    D. look after


  • 第2题:


    • A、vallist=List(4,7,3)
    • B、vallist=List[Int](1,2,3)
    • C、vallist=List[String](‘a’,’b’,’c’)
    • D、vallist=List[Int]("a","b")


  • 第3题:

    Practice 2  You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.  The diagram below shows how potato chips are made.  Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.  Write at least 150 words.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    The diagram demonstrates the process of converting potatoes into potato chips.
    First of all, when a batch of potatoes arrives at the manufacturing plant, they are examined by hand for quality before being washed in cold water. The potatoes are then sent to a peeling machine to remove their skins and eliminate potato peels and starch. Then, the peeled potatoes are transported to a bucket conveyor, which moves them one by one into a slicing machine, after which the slices are distributed on another conveyor belt and air dried as they move along into the deep fryer. The chips are then cooked in the deep fryer and, after the completion of this process, they are salted and transported by a fiat belt conveyor to the bag packer machine, which feeds chips into each bag. Alternatively, if the chips are to be packaged in a can, a different machine is used.
    In summary, potatoes are washed, peeled, sliced and fried in order to produce potato chips.    
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第4题:

    Practice 2  You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.  The graphs below show the types of music albums purchased by people in Britain according to sex and age.  Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.  Write at least 150 words.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    The three bar charts illustrate a survey of the consuming habit in music albums in Britain by sex and age group.
    At first glance, we can notice that classical music is far less popular than pop or rock music. Compared to 17% of women, the rock market is mainly consumed by men with 30% buying rock. It is obvious that, according to the graphs, male buyers are more than female buyers in all types of music. We can also see that the pop music CD buyers are people from age 16 to 34 who take the highest percentage, followed by the male buyers with slightly under 30%. We see from the graph number one that need in pop music is steady from age 16 to 44 with 20% of the population continuing to buy pop CDs after 45 years old. For the classic music, however, the most active consuming, at 20%, is by people older than 45, and 25-34 age group takes the next place at 16% approximately.
    In sum, we would see the market distriburion of the three kinds of music albums in the UK clearly.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第5题:

    Practice 11  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  It is easy to make judgments about people and their actions when we do not know anything about their circumstances or what motivated them to take those actions. But we should look beyond a person’s actions. When people do things that we consider outrageous, inconsiderate, or harmful, we should try to understand why they acted as they did.  Assignment: Is it important to try to understand people’s motivations before judging their actions? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    Why do people do the things they do? Sometimes it’s not that difficult to understand a person’s motivation; A father may choose to work a second job, which may take him away from his family for long periods of time. He doesn’t want to be an absent father, but he believes that his actions will eventually benefit his family. He is motivated by his love for his wife and children. A mother may choose to forego buying herself new clothes or jewelry so that she can be sure her children have enough to eat, nice clothes, and toys. Her motivation is also her love of her family. But when it comes to people whose motivations are a mystery to us, it is always important to try and decipher their feelings so as to help them (or keep them from hurting anyone else).
    What motivates certain people to kill? If we can answer that question, we may be able to identify such inclinations in others and so prevent them from acting out their anger. For surely it is anger that frequently leads to violence. A political assassin, for example, is typically infuriated by the way his country is being run by the current leaders. If there had been some way to know how outraged Lee Harvey Oswald was, or SirhanSirhan, or James Earl Ray, there might have been some way to prevent the deaths of John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. If only someone had been able to gain some insight into the workings of Timothy McVeigh’s maddened mind, the tragedy of Oklahoma City in 1995 might have been averted.
    In other cases, it is not anger, necessarily, but more likely despair that motivates people to commit desperate acts. In 1995, Susan Smith was convicted of the unspeakable act of drowning her two young sons by rolling her car into a lake with them strapped inside. Later, authorities found out that she herself had had a terrible childhood (she was regularly molested by her stepfather) and twice had tried to commit suicide. If anyone could have understood this tormented woman’s mentality, those two little boys might have been saved.
    It is easy to condemn a person for committing a despicable act. It is much harder to discover what their motivation was for acting in such a tragic way, but it is worth the effort.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第6题:

    Practice 7  ● Look at the list below. It shows the departments of a company.  ● For questions 6-10, decide in which department (A-H) each person on the opposite page works.  ● For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.  ● Do not use any letter more than once.  A Customer service department  B Design department  C Engineering department  D Facilities department  E Finance department  F Human resources department  G Legal department  H Shipping and receiving department  6. Richard Saunders is responsible for accepting materials from their suppliers.  7. John Knight and his team are responsible for the maintenance of the company building.  8. Gina Theismann is dealing with the complaints from a customer.  9. Robin Seaton is working on the training plan for the new employees.  10. Helen Marsden and her team are making the company’s budget for next year.

    正确答案: 6.H 本题的意思是“Richard Saunders负责从他们的供货商那里接收材料。”对外运送产品或材料和接受供货商提供的材料是Shipping and receiving department的主要职责。所以应选H项。
    7.D 本题的意思是“John Knight和他的团队负责维护公司大楼。”维护公司的各种设施和设备,包括公司的大楼等建筑是Facilities department的职责, 因此应选D项。
    8.A 本题的意思是“Gina Theismann正在处理顾客投诉。”为客户提供帮助,并尽可能使他们感到满意就是Customer service department(客服服务部)的职责。当客户有不满意之处,当然也会向客户服务部投诉。因此应选A项。
    9.F 本题的意思是“Robin Seaton正在为新员工制定培训计划。”Human resources department(人力资源部)也称为Personnel department,它的职责很多,包括员工的聘用、解雇、薪酬、培训、绩效评估等。因此F项正确。
    10.E 本题的意思是“Helen Marsden和她的团队正在制作公司明年的预算。”管理公司所有与财务有关的事务的部门是Finance department,它通常还包括预算部(budget department)、会计部(accounting department) 和薪酬部(payroll department)。因此E项正确。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第7题:

    Which of the following is a best practice that can be used to ensure consistency when building systems?()

     Server build checklist


     Server baselining tools


     Architecture diagrams


     Hardware compatibility list

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第8题:

    Practice 3  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  Many among us like to blame violence and immorality in the media for a decline immortals in society: Yet these people seem to have lost touch with logic. Any objective examination shows that our society is far less violent or exploitative than virtually any society in the past. Early humans murdered and enslaved each other with astonishing regularity, without the help of gangster rap or Jerry Bruckheimer films.  Assignment: Do violence and immorality in the media make our society more dangerous and immoral? Write an essay in which you answer this question and discuss your point of view on this issue. Support your position logically with examples from literature, the arts, history, politics, science and technology, current events, or your experience or observation.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    One of the most misguided notions of conventional wisdom is that depicting violence in the media makes our society more violent. A close examination shows that this claim is baseless. Societies with severe restrictions on violence in the media tend to be more, not less, violent than those with no such restrictions. Indeed, despite the popular myth of a more peaceful past, societies were far more violent before the advent of movies, television, and video games. Societies that restrict access to immoral western movies are the same ones that call their citizens to violent and irrational holy war. As Michael Moore pointed out poignantly in the movie Bowling for Columbine, Americans kill each other with firearms at a far greater rate than al- most any other first-world nation. But he is quick to point out that our media is not more violent than those in Japan or Germany or even Canada, which have rates of violence that are a full order of magnitude lower than ours. Indeed, the killers among us are not likely to spend a lot of time listening to Marilyn Manson or playing Mortal Kombat on their Play- stations, despite what our more nearsighted and sanctimonious politicians and preachers would like us to believe. Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, lived in a one-room shack without electricity or running water, let alone cable. But even if murderers like Kaczynski were video game addicts, attributing their motives to media violence would be missing the point entirely. People who are habitually violent have adopted a war mentality. They tend to see the world in black- and-white, us-against-them terms. Tragically, our leaders tend to have this very same mentality, but they couch it in patriotism. Lobbing cruise missiles and landing marines in another country is not considered a horrible last resort, but a patriotic duty. If we wish to understand why Americans are more violent than the Japanese, violence in the media will hold no answers; Japanese kids watch just as much violence. Foreign policy is far more telling: which country has leaders who engage in violence against other countries at every opportunity, and constantly try to convince us that it’s right? If our pundits and politicians were truly concerned about making a safer world—and there are many reasons to believe they are not, since they profit the most from a fearful citizenry—they would begin by acknowledging that violence is almost a desperate grab for control from a person or people who believe they are being repressed. If we want a more peaceful and noble society, then we will stop coercing other countries with violence and economic oppression. As Franklin Roosevelt said, We have nothing to fear but fear itself. We are the most fearful nation on the planet, and we are paying for it.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    Practice 7 介绍说明

    正确答案: 【参考译文】
    Like all large cities throughout the world, New York has old problems to solve and new ones to face. Slums must be cleared and new houses must be built. //
    Traffic congestion continues to trouble the city’s already over-crowded streets. Not only must new highways be constructed, but also old road must be repaired. //
    Caring for the sick, providing for the needy, and helping new comers to adjust to big city life are additional tasks that the City of New York must perform. Protecting the health and safety of New Yorkers requires an army of police, firemen, as well as doctors and nurses. //
    In spite of all these, millions of visitors continue to flock to the city every year. New Yorkers are working hard to meet their city’s needs and to keep it a world center of culture, industry and commerce.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    The muster list shows each rig hand’s muster station,his duties during abandonment,basic instructions,and().

    all emergency signals


    instructions for lowering the survival craft


    the time each weekly drill will be held


    work schedule

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Practice 16Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Reading Selectively Or Extensively? You should write 150 words, and your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below.  1. 有人认为读书要有选择。  2. 有人认为应当博览群书。  3. 你的看法。

    Reading Selectively Or Extensively? Some people think that when we read we should read selectively. That is to say, we should select some books we are interested in and ignore others. Reading selectively can help us concentrate our limited time and attention on those selected books.
    Others think when we read we should read extensively. That is to say, no matter what kind of book it is, we should read it through. Reading extensively can help broaden our mind and grasp the general knowledge of various fields.
    As far as I am concerned, the two reading methods have their respective advantages and disadvantages. If we only read selectively, the framework of our knowledge may not be complete. If we read extensively, we may not have so much time and energy to specialize in a particular field. Therefore, the combination of the two methods sounds more reasonable.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Practice 2  ● Look at the HR list below. It shows the titles of each person.  ● For questions 6-10, decide who does these jobs.  ● For each question, mark one letter A-H on your book.  ● Do not use any letter more than once.  A Mr. Brown Accountant        E Mr. Harvers Clerk  B Mr. Wright Buyer          F Ms. Hampson Sales Representative  C Mrs. Turnner Quality Controller   G Miss Law Receptionist  D Mr. Edwards Typist         H Ms. Smith Marketing Manager  6. Who answers the phones and welcomes the visitors?  7. Who purchase the stationeries for the company?  8. Who works on the sales volume of the company?  9. Who looks at the company’s profits and costs?  10. Who makes sure the company’s products are well made?

    正确答案: 6.G 句意:谁接电话和接待来宾?这些应该是接待员(receptionist)的工作范畴,故选G。
    7.B 句意:谁为公司采购文具?这应该是采购员(buyer)的工作内容。purchase 购买。
    8.F 负责公司销售额应该是销售代表(Sales Representative)的工作,故选F。
    9.A 句意:谁管理公司利润和开支情况?Mr. Brown Accountant(会计师)应该为此负责。
    10.C 保证公司产品质量应该是质量管理员(Quality Controller)的责任,故选项C。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    A crew list is a piece of paper which shows ______.

    A.all names of crew members on board

    B.all crew member's lists on board

    C.all paper of crew members on board

    D.all names of lists for the crew on board


  • 第14题:

    Which of the following is a best practice that can be used to ensure consistency when building systems?()

    • A、Server build checklist
    • B、Server baselining tools
    • C、Architecture diagrams
    • D、Hardware compatibility list


  • 第15题:

    Practice 1  You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.  The diagram below shows a process that organic waste turn into garden fertiliser. Write a report for a university teacher describing the information shown below.  You should write at least 150 words.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    The diagram shows how to recycle organic waste to produce garden fertiliser.
    The operation goes in four stages according to the information shown in the diagram. First, we can see there is a plastic container with 2 cubic metres in capacity and four air inlets on walls allowing air to penetrate. Then, the waste is put into this plastic container, such as food, grass and newspapers when food and grass take 15cm each. In the third step, nitrogen and hot water (cold water is not permitted) are injected in. In the fourth container, we can see the heat coming from the bottom. After 6 months, the stored compost—green fertiliser—is formed and ready to go for gardening.
    In short, the scheme of organic fertiliser production has been described above clearly.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第16题:

    The Muster List (“Station Bill”) shows each person’s lifeboat station,duties during abandonment,basic instructions,and().

    all emergency signals


    instructions for lowering the lifeboats


    the time each weekly drill will be held


    work schedule

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第17题:

    Practice 1  You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.  The graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during typical days in autumn and spring. The pie chart shows how electricity is used in an average English home.  Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.  Write at least 150 words.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    This model has been prepared as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.
    These two diagrams respectively illustrate daily electricity consumption in England in autumn and spring, and the four specific aspects of electricity in a common English family.
    From the graph, apparently, the amount of electricity consumed in autumn was twice as much as that in spring. In detail, in autumn the number hit a trough at about 30,000 units at 9 o’clock while the peak at nearly 50,000 at 22 o’clock. Between 13 to 19 o’clock there was hardly any change in the amount of electricity and in the rest of the day it fluctuated. As for spring, the lowest number was 12,000 at similar 9 o’clock, but there were two similar high points at 20,000 at both 13, and 23 o’clock, though the latter is slightly less than the former. Furthermore, compared with that in autumn, the number remained stable between 16 and 22 o’clock. The bar chart unfolds the fact that the statistics in heating was more than half of the total demand whilst the rest three in other fields, such as ovens, lighting or vacuum cleaners took up similar percentages of 17.5%, 16% and 15%.
    The possible reason for these charts is heating substantially boosts electricity demand in autumn.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第18题:

    Practice 6  ● Look at the list below. It shows pages from a company’s website on the internet.  ● For questions 6-10, decide which page (A-H) is the most suitable for each person below to  select.  ● For each question, mark the correct letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.  ● Do not use any letter more than once.  Sky Systems Ltd: Website Directory  A Company History  B Company Organization  C Annual Report  D Company Goals  E Product Information  F Retail Outlets  G Customer Complaints  H Latest News  6. Adam Smith is not satisfied with some goods he bought.  7. Rachel Cains wants to find out when the company started trading.  8. Hazel Thomas needs to know the name of the Personnel Officer.  9. Dominic Noble has to find out how the company performed last year.  10. Benjamin Tidswell wants the address of his nearest Sky Systems dealer.

    正确答案: 6.G 本题的意思是:Adam Smith对他所买的一些产品不满意。由此可知他应该选择G项“顾客投诉”(Customer Complaints)。
    7.A 这句话的意思是:Rachel Cains想要找出公司什么时候开始交易的。这是属于公司历史(Company History)这一方面的,所以选A。
    8.B 本题的意思是:Hazel Thomas想要知道人事主管的名字。人事部门应该属于公司组织(Company Organization),所以选B。
    9.C 这句话的意思是:Dominic Noble想要找出公司去年的表现如何。C项“年度报告”中会包括公司去年的业绩。
    10.F 本题的意思是:Benjamin Tidswell需要离他最近的Sky Systems经销商的地址。由此可知他应该选择F项“零售店”。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第19题:

    Practice 3  ● Look at the leaflet below. It shows a list of talks organized by a marketing association for its member.  ● For questions 6-10, decide which event (A-H) is the most suitable for each person.  ● For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.  ● Do not use any letter more than once.  BA Marketing Association  Events for March  A Business to business marketing: secrets of successful networking  B Improving e-marketing performance  C Using market researchers—why and how  D IT in presentations—what’s available and how to use it  E Advertising, PR or Marketing— which is king  F Making the appearance of products more attractive  G Well trained staff—an important marketing tool  H Tripton Motors, marketing success story  6. Eddie Smith’s director wants him to attend a talk on the benefits of updating employees’ marketing skills.  7. The product manager of Smiths Engineering wants to know about the effectiveness of computer graphics when giving talks to major clients.  8. Rachel Green’s company advertises mainly through magazines. But she needs to make more effective use of the company’s website.  9. An advertising trainee has read a research report on the importance of design and packaging and would like more information.  10. Computer services provider McDonald wants to find out about ways of making useful contacts in other companies.

    正确答案: 6.G 题干中的关键信息为 a talk on the benefits of updating employees’ marketing skills。要听关于提高雇员营销技能好处的讲座,就该去Well-trained staff—an important marketing too1“训练有素的员工是重要的营销工具”这个讲座。
    7.D 欲了解the effectiveness of computer graphics when giving talks to major clients“计算机图形在向客户介绍产品时的好处”时,应该去听 IT in presentations—what’s available and how to use it“演讲时利用IT技术的好处和怎样使用它”的讲座。
    8.B 题干中的关键信息为advertises 和make more effective use of the company’s website“更好地利用该公司网站登广告”,因此应去Improving e-marketing performance“改善网络营销的业绩”的讲座。
    9.F 一名广告行业的学员希望学习更多关于设计和包装知识,那么他应该去听的讲座是 Making the appearance of products more attractive“使产品外观更加漂亮”。
    10.A 想要找到ways of making useful contacts in other companies“与其他公司的人发展人脉关系的方法”就应该去Business to business marketing: secrets of successful networking(成功建立关系网的秘诀)这个讲座。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第20题:

    Practice 5  ● Look at the table of contents of a report provided by Industrial Development Agency of Ireland below. The table shows the sections of the report.  ● For questions 6-10, decide which section (A-H) would be needed by each person.  ● For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.  ● Do not use any letter more than once.  THINKING OF INVESTING IN THIS COUNTRY?  Need to have a detailed knowledge of one or more of the following  TABLE OF CONTENTS  A Chairman and CEO Overview  B Research and Innovation  C Investment Highlights  D Statistics  E Board and Committees of the Board 2007  F Corporate Governance  G Organisational Structure and IDA Offices  H Financial Statements  6. Sarah Lee would like to know the strengths in research in Ireland.  7. Barrie Watson needs a list of the board members.  8. Tim Longman wants to have a general knowledge of the development of Ireland.  9. Scott Forrest needs to know the locations of the agency’s offices.  10. Joshua Golder wants to find out which companies have invested in Ireland.

    正确答案: 6.B 本题的意思是“Sarah Lee想要了解爱尔兰在研究方面的实力。”“Research and Innovation”(研究与创新)部分应该会介绍爱尔兰的研究情况。因此应该选B。
    7.E 本题的意思是“Barrie Watson需要一份董事会成员的名单。”“Board and Committees of the Board 2007”中应该会有对发展署董事会的介绍。对董事会成员的介绍以及对各个委员会功能及其成员的介绍通常会包括在报告中的这个部分。所以E为正确选项。
    8.A 本题的意思是“Tim Longman想要初步了解一下爱尔兰的发展情况。”公司或组织的年度报告中“Chairman and CEO Overview”中一般会包含对发展情况的简略描述。公司的发展概况一般也包括在这个部分。所以A项正确。
    9.G 本题的意思是“Scott Forrest需要知道发展署的各个办事处的地点。”该机构的构成情况会在“Organisational Structure and IDA Offices”这个部分中给予简单的介绍,并且IDA在各地的办事处的地址及联系方式也会出现在这个部分,所以正确选项为G。
    10.C 本题的意思是“Joshua Golder想要弄清哪些公司已经在爱尔兰投资了。”关键词“invest”可以作为本题的解题线索,根据排除法即可发现C项正确。爱尔兰投资的主要企业会在年度报告的“Investment High—lights”这一部分列举出来。因此C项正确。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    A crew list is a piece of paper which shows ().

    all names of crew members on board


    all crew member's lists on board


    all paper of crew members on board


    all names of lists for the crew on board

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    The Light List shows a lighted aid to navigation on the left bank. This means that the light can be seen on the starboard side of a vessel().

    ascending the river


    descending the river


    crossing the river


    proceeding towards sea

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Practice 7 :国际关系

    正确答案: 【参考译文】
    The Asia-Pacific region has, on the whole, continued to enjoy its peace and stability, and remains the most dynamic region economically with the greatest development potential in the world. The Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is heading for closer cooperation. In East Asia, cooperation between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the one hand and China, Japan and the Republic of Korea on the other as the major channel, has become more practical. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has made outstanding progress in developing state-to-state relationship based on partnership rather than alliance, as well as in anti-terrorist cooperation.
    However, uncertainties impeding peace and development are also on the increase. The world is far from being tranquil. The old international political and economic order, which is unfair and irrational, has yet to be changed fundamentally. Economic development of the world is materially unbalanced, and the North-South gap is further widening. The developing countries have gained less from the economic globalization process, and some of them are in danger of being marginalized.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第24题:

    Practice 1  ● Look at the notice below. It shows the departments in a company.  ● For questions 6-10, decide which department A-H each employee should contact.  ● For each question, mark one letter A-H on your Answer Sheet.  ● Do not use any letter more than once.  MOLEWORTH PLC  CANBERRA. AUSTRALIA  Ground Floor:  A Wages&Salaries  B Marketing  C Quality Control  First Floor:  D Typing Service  E Exports  F Purchasing  Second Floor:  G Personnel  H Training  6. Ms. Williams needs to send a large order to an important customer in the USA.  7. John Carter needs extra staff to help with an unexpected order.  8. Mr. Wales wants to discuss advertising for his new product.  9. Mary Walden thinks she has been charged too much tax on her pay.  10. Jan Whittaker has a box of faulty goods which a shop has sent back.

    正确答案: 6.E 如果给国外客户发货就需找出口部,即Exports,故选E。
    7.G 题干中关键信息为needs extra staff。急需人手应找找人事部(Personnel)帮忙。
    8.B 如果要讨论新产品的广就应该找市场部,即Marketing,故选B。
    9.A 句意:玛丽·沃尔登觉得她被多扣了工资税。她应该找的是薪酬部,即Wages & Salaries。
    10.C 产品因缺陷被商店退回就应该找质量管理部,即Quality Control,故选C。
    解析: 暂无解析