Three balls in a vertical line
Two balls in a vertical line
One ball near the foremast and one ball at each yardarm
One diamond near the foremast and one ball at each yardarm
A vessel on the high seas that is not under command shall display which of the following day signals? ______
A.Two black balls
B.Three black balls
C.Two red balls
D.Three red balls
Following a system boot,the display indicates that previously detected hardware is missing. Which of the following commands would identify the missing hardware?()
in distress
approaching a bend in the channel
operating astern propulsion
intending to overtake another vessel
It provides a graphic display to emphasize which vessel is on a collision course
In the true presentation,it provides a quick visual check to determine if a vessel has changed course
The display is one of the primary inputs and must be in use when using the trial maneuver capability
It provides a graphic display of a target vessel's relative course,speed,and CPA
The vessel which has the other on her own starboard side
The vessel which has the other on her own port side
The one which hears the other's fog signal first
Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel
The vessel's ownership
The vessel's nationality
The vessel's identity
The vessel's last port of call
In doubt that another vessel is taking sufficient action to avoid a collision
Altering course to starboard
Altering course to port
The stand-on vessel and will maintain course and speed
Bale cubic
Deadweight tonnage of cargo
Loaded displacement
Gross tonnage
speed begins to drop
receives ice damage
becomes icebound
the vessel is in distress
the vessel has completed loading dangerous cargo
it is safe to pass
the vessel is anchored
A fishing vessel with outlying gear
A vessel proceeding under sail and machinery
A vessel engaged in diving operations
A vessel being towed
is holding course and speed
is turning to starboard
intends to pass port to port
will keep out of the way of the stand-on vessel
Five or more short blasts on a vessel’s whistle indicates that she is ______. doubt that another vessel is taking sufficient action to avoid a collision
B.altering course to starboard
C.altering course to port
D.the stand-on vessel and will maintain course and speed
When vessel is on fire
When vessel is not under command
When vessel is carrying the dangerous cargoes
When vessel is restricted in her ability to maneuver
The bottom samples and fathometer reading prove the loran fix is reliable
The bottom samples and fathometer readings indicate that the loran fix is unreliable
The information collected indicates that the fathometer may be in error
The information collected indicates that the chart is most likely in error
vessel towing astern
barge pushed ahead
vessel towing astern only when the length of her tow exceeds 200 meters
this signal does not exist in international waters
Hose connections to the tank must be made with a minimum of three bolts
There must be water pressure on the fire main
You must shut down if another vessel comes alongside
If transferring at anchor,you must display a red flag by day and a red light at night
A flashing amber light
A fixed red light
A white flag raised and lowered vertically
A flashing white light
three all-round red lights instead of the lights required for a power-driven vessel of her class
the same lights as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
three all-round red lights in addition to the lights required for a power-driven vessel of her class
the lights for a power-driven vessel which is not under command
bale cubic
gross tonnage
loaded displacement
A vessel towed
A vessel not under command and unable to maneuver
A vessel anchored giving warning of her position
A vessel stopped dead in the water
intends to alter course to starboard
intends to pass starboard to starboard
is altering course to starboard
intends to pass port to port
A black ball in the forepart of her vessel
A black double frustum of a cone
A basket where best seen
A black cone point upwards