当前分类: 商务英语(本科)
问题:()the Manager’s not available at the moment. But the Assistant Manager is here.How Can I help you, madam?A、I’mafraidB、WithourcomplimentsC、TotalktotheManagerD、Itisentirelyourfault...
问题:When it hears the trigger word, it plays it back. “trigger word” here means a word that initiates a process or course of action....
问题:No credit will be offered()you place an order for more than 40.000 units.A、afterB、whenC、ifD、unless...
问题:A: Would you like a cup of coffee? B:()A、That’sResearchandDevelopment.B、No,thankyou.C、Yes.D、Thankyou....
问题:We very much appreciate your efforts().A、ourproductioncostsmustbenomorethan15percentB、hasdonedamagetoourreputationC、tonegotiatewithyouD、tomakethisproductpossible...
问题:We need to consider a couple of options()A、whichistheMark2project.B、whenwelookatthisquestion.C、thatvalueshisnewideas.D、thattheprocesscanbemadesimpler....
问题:I’m afraid our office is closed until nine o’clock tomorrow morning. This sentence means our office will be open after nine o’clock tomorrow morning....
问题:A: As you know, JK Toys has a strong presence in Europe. B: Yes, I saw your sales figures for last year.()A、Notatall.B、Newstravelsfastinthetoyindustry.C、Theyareveryimpressive.D、Goodthings,Ihope....
问题:In order to be employed, you need to make a very good first impression.这句话翻译成中文是() A、为了工作,你需要做出一个良好的第一印象。B、为了受聘,你需要给人一个深刻的良好印象。C、为了得到工作,你需要给人一个良好的第一印象。...
问题:Beads, stones, seashells, paper, precious metals such as gold and silver, base metals such as iron have all been used as money. Today, money is printed on paper. A lot of countries use their own currency, with n ames such as dollar, pound, franc, ruble...
问题:That is the existing product range. "product range" means product portfolio....
问题:Prices may change quickly if supply or demand().A、changesB、changeC、willchange...
问题:I have the authority().A、tonegotiatewithyouB、hasdonedamagetoourreputationC、tomakethisproductpossibleD、whatseemedanimpossibleproblem...
问题:We need to speak further about this.This sentence means we need to discuss the problem more....
问题:A:Do you know our company at all? B:No, it's the first time()here.A、IhadbeenB、IamcomingC、IwasD、Ihavebeen...
问题:Brand refers to names, logos and slogans. For example, Nike is known for its slogan “Just do it” and swoosh logo. A trademark shows the origin and ownership of a product or service, which is used to protect names, logos, drawings, symbols and other charac...
问题:The two parts reached no solution on the final item()A、whichistheMark2project.B、whichIwouldlikeyoutohave.C、thattheprocesscanbemadesimpler.D、thatvalueshisnewideas....
问题:Something important has come up.This sentence means something important happens unexpectedly....