If a kill -9 is performed on the clstrmgrES process, the default action is to halt the system. Tochange the default action to do something other then halting the system, which of the following files must be modified?()
During the boot process, which of the following files should be sued to control system initialization and start daemons and subsystems?()
A customer synchronizes the cluster in a virtualized environment. During the process the following warning isdisplayed: "For nodes with a single Network Interface Card per logical network configured, it is recommended to includethe file ’/usr/es/sbin/cluster/netmon.cf’ with a pingable IP address as described in the PowerHA PlanningGuide". What should the customer do next?()
Which of the following is the correct format for /etc/inittab entries()
Which of the following is the default location for Fonts in Windows 7?()
Which of the following is the default access control list file for the Resource Management and Control (RMC) subsystem?()
What is the default configuration file used by the syslogd daemon?()
A System p administrator needs to set the default password length for all users to six characters. Which of the following files needs to be edited to accomplish this ()
A system administrator would like to modify the system default user characteristics so that each new user will now be assigned (by default) the csh shell rather than the ksh shell. Which of the following actions should be performed?()
remove all other groups from the system
run the command mkuser -default GROUP=database
change the default group in /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default
edit /etc/security/group to move all users to the database stanza
snmpinfo -m get -o /usr/es/sbin/cluster/hacmp.defs -v cluster
snmpinfo -m dump -o /usr/es/sbin/cluster/hacmp.defs -v cluster
snmpinfo -m get -o /usr/es/sbin/cluser/hacmp.defs -v clusterState.0
snmpinfo -m dump -o /usr/es/sbin/cluster/hacmp.defs -v clusterState.0
Which action change the default editor for ALL users on the system from vi to edit()
Which action changes the default editor for ALL users on the system from vi to edit of the following?()
A System p customer has installed components from the Linux ToolBox. By default, which of the following directories will contain the open source commands such as gzip, gunzip and zcat()
An administrator has written a script to check that the contents of an application configuration file are identicalon all cluster nodes. The script has also been associated with a user defined custom verification method. Theadministrator would like the contents of this file to be checked and verified automatically on a daily basis.How can this be achieved?()
A system administrator wants to configure a system so that all new users will be put into the database group by default. How would this be accomplished?()
The snmpinfo command can be sued to obtain information about the current state of a running cluster. Which of the following will provide an administrator with a complete list of information from the cluster MIB?()
A step in the HACMP test plan is to gracefully stop the cluster on a node and to verify that the Shared resources fallover to the standby node. To prepare for this testing step, both nodes in the two-node cluster are in a stable state with the single resource group active on Node ’A’. Which of the following is the best way to execute this portion of the test plan?()
To enable the SNMP daemon during system startup, which of the following files should be modified?()