题16 厦门市地处我国东南沿海,位于福建省东南部、九龙江人海处,背靠漳州、泉州平原,濒临台湾海峡,面对金门诸岛,与台湾宝岛和澎湖列岛隔海相望。 厦门港是一个条件优越的海峡性天然良港,其海岸线蜿蜒曲折,全长234公里,港阔水深,终年不冻,历史上就是我国东南沿海对外贸易的重要口岸。 厦门属亚热带气候,温和多雨,年平均气温在21℃左右,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒。全市人口中以汉族居多,另有回、满、壮等20多个少数民族;由于地理环境和历史背景因素,厦门拥有众多的归侨和侨眷。
Xiamen is situated on China’s southeast coast of Fujian Province, at the estuary of Jiulong River. Xiamen is adjacent to the Zhangzhou—Qanzhou Plain on the land, and faces the Jinmen Islands on the sea. Across the Taiwan Strait are Taiwan Island and the Penghu Islands.
Xiamen Harbour, a harbour of the strait type with favorable natural conditions, has a zigzag coastline of 234 kilometers. It is a spacious harbour with deep water that is ice-free all year round. Xiamen has always been an important seaport of foreign trade of the southeast coast ever since the ancient times.
Xiamen features a subtropical climate. It is generally mild and temperate with abundant rainwater. It has an average annual temperature of approximately 21°C. Winter in Xiamen is not harsh while summer is free from extreme heat. Besides the Han nationality which holds the majority of the city’s population, there are also 20-odd minority nationalities, such as Hui, Man, Zhuang, etc. Owing to its geographic environment and historical background, Xiamen is home to lots of returned overseas Chinese and their families.