During the year the internal auditor of Mulligan Co discovered several discrepancies in the inventory records. In astatement made to the board of directors, the internal auditor said:‘I think that someone is taking items from the warehouse. A physical inv


During the year the internal auditor of Mulligan Co discovered several discrepancies in the inventory records. In a

statement made to the board of directors, the internal auditor said:

‘I think that someone is taking items from the warehouse. A physical inventory count is performed every three months,

and it has become apparent that about 200 boxes of flat-packed chairs and tables are disappearing from the

warehouse every month. We should get someone to investigate what has happened and quantify the value of the



(c) Define ‘forensic accounting’ and explain its relevance to the statement made by the internal auditor.

(5 marks)


2.2 Your firm was appointed as auditor to Indigo Co, an iron and steel corporation, in September 2005. You are themanager in charge of the audit of the financial statements of Indigo, for the year ending 31 December 2005.Indigo owns office buildings, a workshop and a substantial stockyard on land that was leased in 1995 for 25 years.Day-to-day operations are managed by the chief accountant, purchasing manager and workshop supervisor whoreport to the managing director.All iron, steel and other metals are purchased for cash at ‘scrap’ prices determined by the purchasing manager. Scrapmetal is mostly high volume. A weighbridge at the entrance to the stockyard weighs trucks and vans before and afterthe scrap metals that they carry are unloaded into the stockyard.Two furnaces in the workshop melt down the salvageable scrap metal into blocks the size of small bricks that are thenstored in the workshop. These are sold on both credit and cash terms. The furnaces are now 10 years old and havean estimated useful life of a further 15 years. However, the furnace linings are replaced every four years. An annualprovision is made for 25% of the estimated cost of the next relining. A by-product of the operation of the furnaces isthe production of ‘clinker’. Most of this is sold, for cash, for road surfacing but some is illegally dumped.Indigo’s operations are subsidised by the local authority as their existence encourages recycling and means that thereis less dumping of metal items. Indigo receives a subsidy calculated at 15% of the market value of metals purchased,as declared in a quarterly return. The return for the quarter to 31 December 2005 is due to be submitted on21 January 2006.Indigo maintains manual inventory records by metal and estimated quality. Indigo counted inventory at 30 November2005 with the intention of ‘rolling-forward’ the purchasing manager’s valuation as at that date to the year-endquantities per the manual records. However, you were not aware of this until you visited Indigo yesterday to planyour year-end procedures.During yesterday’s tour of Indigo’s premises you saw that:(i) sheets of aluminium were strewn across fields adjacent to the stockyard after a storm blew them away;(ii) much of the vast quantity of iron piled up in the stockyard is rusty;(iii) piles of copper and brass, that can be distinguished with a simple acid test, have been mixed up.The count sheets show that metal quantities have increased, on average, by a third since last year; the quantity ofaluminium, however, is shown to be three times more. There is no suitably qualified metallurgical expert to valueinventory in the region in which Indigo operates.The chief accountant disappeared on 1 December, taking the cash book and cash from three days’ sales with him.The cash book was last posted to the general ledger as at 31 October 2005. The managing director has made anallegation of fraud against the chief accountant to the police.The auditor’s report on the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2004 was unmodified.Required:(a) Describe the principal audit procedures to be carried out on the opening balances of the financial statementsof Indigo Co for the year ending 31 December 2005. (6 marks)

4.3 Susan Paullaos was recently appointed as a non-executive member of the internal audit committee of Gluck andGoodman, a public listed company producing complex engineering products. Barney Chester, the executive financedirector who chairs the committee, has always viewed the purpose of internal audit as primarily financial in natureand as long as financial controls are seen to be fully in place, he is less concerned with other aspects of internalcontrol. When Susan asked about operational controls in the production facility Barney said that these were not theconcern of the internal audit committee. This, he said, was because as long as the accounting systems and financialcontrols were fully functional, all other systems may be assumed to be working correctly.Susan, however, was concerned with the operational and quality controls in the production facility. She spoke toproduction director Aaron Hardanger, and asked if he would be prepared to produce regular reports for the internalaudit committee on levels of specification compliance and other control issues. Mr Hardanger said that the internalaudit committee had always trusted him because his reputation as a manager was very good. He said that he hadnever been asked to provide compliance evidence to the internal audit committee and saw no reason as to why heshould start doing so now.At board level, the non-executive chairman, George Allejandra, said that he only instituted the internal audit committeein the first place in order to be seen to be in compliance with the stock market’s requirement that Gluck and Goodmanshould have one. He believed that internal audit committees didn’t add materially to the company. They were, hebelieved, one of those ‘outrageous demands’ that regulatory authorities made without considering the consequencesin smaller companies nor the individual needs of different companies. He also complained about the need to have aninternal auditor. He said that Gluck and Goodman used to have a full time internal auditor but when he left a yearago, he wasn’t replaced. The audit committee didn’t feel it needed an internal auditor because Barney Chester believedthat only financial control information was important and he could get that information from his managementaccountant.Susan asked Mr Allejandra if he recognised that the company was exposing itself to increased market risks by failingto have an effective audit committee. Mr Allejandra said he didn’t know what a market risk was.Required:(a) Internal control and audit are considered to be important parts of sound corporate governance.(i) Describe FIVE general objectives of internal control. (5 marks)

更多“During the year the internal auditor of Mulligan Co discovered several discrepancies in the inventory records. In astatement made to the board of directors, the internal auditor said:‘I think that someone is taking items from the warehouse. A physical inv”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (b) You are the audit manager of Jinack Co, a private limited liability company. You are currently reviewing two

    matters that have been left for your attention on the audit working paper file for the year ended 30 September


    (i) Jinack holds an extensive range of inventory and keeps perpetual inventory records. There was no full

    physical inventory count at 30 September 2005 as a system of continuous stock checking is operated by

    warehouse personnel under the supervision of an internal audit department.

    A major systems failure in October 2005 caused the perpetual inventory records to be corrupted before the

    year-end inventory position was determined. As data recovery procedures were found to be inadequate,

    Jinack is reconstructing the year-end quantities through a physical count and ‘rollback’. The reconstruction

    exercise is expected to be completed in January 2006. (6 marks)


    Identify and comment on the implications of the above matters for the auditor’s report on the financial

    statements of Jinack Co for the year ended 30 September 2005 and, where appropriate, the year ending

    30 September 2006.

    NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the matters.

    (b) Implications for the auditor’s report
    (i) Corruption of perpetual inventory records
    ■ The loss of data (of physical inventory quantities at the balance sheet date) gives rise to a limitation on scope.
    Tutorial note: It is the records of the asset that have been destroyed – not the physical asset.
    ■ The systems failure in October 2005 is clearly a non-adjusting post balance sheet event (IAS 10). If it is material
    (such that non-disclosure could influence the economic decisions of users) Jinack should disclose:
    – the nature of the event (i.e. systems failure); and
    – an estimate of its financial effect (i.e. the cost of disruption and reconstruction of data to the extent that it is
    not covered by insurance).
    Tutorial note: The event has no financial effect on the realisability of inventory, only on its measurement for the
    purpose of reporting it in the financial statements.
    ■ If material this disclosure could be made in the context of explaining how inventory has been estimated at
    30 September 2005 (see later). If such disclosure, that the auditor considers to be necessary, is not made, the
    audit opinion should be qualified ‘except for’ disagreement (over lack of disclosure).
    Tutorial note: Such qualifications are extremely rare since management should be persuaded to make necessary
    disclosure in the notes to the financial statements rather than have users’ attention drawn to the matter through
    a qualification of the audit opinion.
    ■ The limitation on scope of the auditor’s work has been imposed by circumstances. Jinack’s accounting records
    (for inventory) are inadequate (non-existent) for the auditor to perform. tests on them.
    ■ An alternative procedure to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence of inventory quantities at a year end is
    subsequent count and ‘rollback’. However, the extent of ‘roll back’ testing is limited as records are still under
    ■ The auditor may be able to obtain sufficient evidence that there is no material misstatement through a combination
    of procedures:
    – testing management’s controls over counting inventory after the balance sheet date and recording inventory
    movements (e.g. sales and goods received);
    – reperforming the reconstruction for significant items on a sample basis;
    – analytical procedures such as a review of profit margins by inventory category.
    ■ ‘An extensive range of inventory’ is clearly material. The matter (i.e. systems failure) is not however pervasive, as
    only inventory is affected.
    ■ Unless the reconstruction is substantially completed (i.e. inventory items not accounted for are insignificant) the
    auditor cannot determine what adjustment, if any, might be determined to be necessary. The auditor’s report
    should then be modified, ‘except for’, limitation on scope.
    ■ However, if sufficient evidence is obtained the auditor’s report should be unmodified.
    ■ An ‘emphasis of matter’ paragraph would not be appropriate because this matter is not one of significant
    Tutorial note: An uncertainty in this context is a matter whose outcome depends on future actions or events not
    under the direct control of Jinack.
    ■ If the 2005 auditor’s report is qualified ‘except for’ on grounds of limitation on scope there are two possibilities for
    the inventory figure as at 30 September 2005 determined on completion of the reconstruction exercise:
    (1) it is not materially different from the inventory figure reported; or
    (2) it is materially different.
    ■ In (1), with the limitation now removed, the need for qualification is removed and the 2006 auditor’s report would
    be unmodified (in respect of this matter).
    ■ In (2) the opening position should be restated and the comparatives adjusted in accordance with IAS 8 ‘Accounting
    Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’. The 2006 auditor’s report would again be unmodified.
    Tutorial note: If the error was not corrected in accordance with IAS 8 it would be a different matter and the
    auditor’s report would be modified (‘except for’ qualification) disagreement on accounting treatment.

  • 第2题:

    (b) Chatam, a limited liability company, is a long-standing client. One of its subsidiaries, Ayora, has made losses

    for several years. At your firm’s request, Chatam’s management has made a written representation that goodwill

    arising on the acquisition of Ayora is not impaired. Your firm’s auditor’s report on the consolidated financial

    statements of Chatam for the year ended 31 March 2005 is unmodified. Your firm’s auditor’s report on the

    financial statements of Ayora is similarly unmodified. Chatam’s Chief Executive, Charles Barrington, is due to

    retire in 2006 when his share options mature. (6 marks)


    Comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of the above matters and their implications,

    if any, for the continuation of each assignment.

    NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

    (b) Unmodified auditor’s reports
    Ethical and professional issues
    ■ An unmodified opinion means, inter alia, that:
    – there are no material matters giving rise to disagreement with the auditor; and
    – the auditor’s report does not include an emphasis of matter paragraph (e.g. regarding going concern).
    ■ By implication the auditor must have obtained sufficient appropriate evidence that notwithstanding the losses:
    – the going concern basis is appropriate to Ayora’s financial statements and any related matters (e.g. parental
    support) are adequately disclosed therein;
    – goodwill in Chatam’s consolidated financial statements is not materially impaired.
    ■ Management’s written representation (that the goodwill is not impaired) must have been necessary (otherwise it should
    not have been asked for). This means that Bartolome does not have sufficient other audit evidence. This seems dubious
    as management should have carried out an impairment test to satisfy themselves that goodwill is not impaired. This
    test should similarly have satisfied Bartolome.
    ■ If there is evidence that goodwill is impaired management’s refusal to write it down might be considered a fraud.
    ■ The matter may cast doubt on the quality of audit evidence obtained in other areas. All other matters on which
    management representations have been obtained should be reviewed by another audit partner/manager.
    ■ Charles Barrington is retiring next year and his share options would presumably be worth less if goodwill were written
    down. His position in this long-standing client suggests a familiarity threat.
    ■ Bartolome may be threatened by self-interest to accept the representation as sufficient in order to retain the client.
    ■ Bartolome may be unduly influenced by a combination of factors (familiarity and previous experience) and failing to
    exercise the necessary degree of professional scepticism.
    Implications for continuation with assignment
    There is no reason why the audit should not be continued. However, a change in senior audit staff and audit manager may
    be overdue. The unmodified auditor’s reports should be subject to a cold review and any quality control issues raised with
    the staff who conducted the audit.

  • 第3题:

    4 (a) The purpose of ISA 250 Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements is to

    establish standards and provide guidance on the auditor’s responsibility to consider laws and regulations in an

    audit of financial statements.

    Explain the auditor’s responsibilities for reporting non-compliance that comes to the auditor’s attention

    during the conduct of an audit. (5 marks)

    (a) Reporting non-compliance
    Non-compliance refers to acts of omission or commission by the entity being audited, either intentional or unintentional, that
    are contrary to the prevailing laws or regulations.
    To management
    Regarding non-compliance that comes to the auditor’s attention the auditor should, as soon as practicable, either:
    ■ communicate with those charged with governance; or
    ■ obtain audit evidence that they are appropriately informed.
    However, the auditor need not do so for matters that are clearly inconsequential or trivial and may reach agreement1 in
    advance on the nature of such matters to be communicated.
    If in the auditor’s judgment the non-compliance is believed to be intentional and material, the auditor should communicate
    the finding without delay.
    If the auditor suspects that members of senior management are involved in non-compliance, the auditor should report the
    matter to the next higher level of authority at the entity, if it exists (e.g. an audit committee or a supervisory board). Where
    no higher authority exists, or if the auditor believes that the report may not be acted upon or is unsure as to the person to
    whom to report, the auditor would consider seeking legal advice.
    To the users of the auditor’s report on the financial statements
    If the auditor concludes that the non-compliance has a material effect on the financial statements, and has not been properly
    reflected in the financial statements, the auditor expresses a qualified (i.e. ‘except for disagreement’) or an adverse opinion.
    If the auditor is precluded by the entity from obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence to evaluate whether or not noncompliance
    that may be material to the financial statements has (or is likely to have) occurred, the auditor should express a
    qualified opinion or a disclaimer of opinion on the financial statements on the basis of a limitation on the scope of the audit.
    Tutorial note: For example, if management denies the auditor access to information from which he would be able to assess
    whether or not illegal dumping had taken place (and, if so, the extent of it).
    If the auditor is unable to determine whether non-compliance has occurred because of limitations imposed by circumstances
    rather than by the entity, the auditor should consider the effect on the auditor’s report.
    Tutorial note: For example, if new legal requirements have been announced as effective but the detailed regulations are not
    yet published.
    To regulatory and enforcement authorities
    The auditor’s duty of confidentiality ordinarily precludes reporting non-compliance to a third party. However, in certain
    circumstances, that duty of confidentiality is overridden by statute, law or by courts of law (e.g. in some countries the auditor
    is required to report non-compliance by financial institutions to the supervisory authorities). The auditor may need to seek
    legal advice in such circumstances, giving due consideration to the auditor’s responsibility to the public interest.

  • 第4题:

    (ii) On 1 July 2006 Petrie introduced a 10-year warranty on all sales of its entire range of stainless steel

    cookware. Sales of stainless steel cookware for the year ended 31 March 2007 totalled $18·2 million. The

    notes to the financial statements disclose the following:

    ‘Since 1 July 2006, the company’s stainless steel cookware is guaranteed to be free from defects in

    materials and workmanship under normal household use within a 10-year guarantee period. No provision

    has been recognised as the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.’

    (4 marks)

    Your auditor’s report on the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2006 was unmodified.


    Identify and comment on the implications of these two matters for your auditor’s report on the financial

    statements of Petrie Co for the year ended 31 March 2007.

    NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the matters above.

    (ii) 10-year guarantee
    $18·2 million stainless steel cookware sales amount to 43·1% of revenue and are therefore material. However, the
    guarantee was only introduced three months into the year, say in respect of $13·6 million (3/4 × 18·2 million) i.e.
    approximately 32% of revenue.
    The draft note disclosure could indicate that Petrie’s management believes that Petrie has a legal obligation in respect
    of the guarantee, that is not remote and likely to be material (otherwise no disclosure would have been required).
    A best estimate of the obligation amounting to 5% profit before tax (or more) is likely to be considered material, i.e.
    $90,000 (or more). Therefore, if it is probable that 0·66% of sales made under guarantee will be returned for refund,
    this would require a warranty provision that would be material.
    Tutorial note: The return of 2/3% of sales over a 10-year period may well be probable.
    Clearly there is a present obligation as a result of a past obligating event for sales made during the nine months to
    31 March 2007. Although the likelihood of outflow under the guarantee is likely to be insignificant (even remote) it is
    probable that some outflow will be needed to settle the class of such obligations.
    The note in the financial statements is disclosing this matter as a contingent liability. This term encompasses liabilities
    that do not meet the recognition criteria (e.g. of reliable measurement in accordance with IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent
    Liabilities and Contingent Assets).
    However, it is extremely rare that no reliable estimate can be made (IAS 37) – the use of estimates being essential to
    the preparation of financial statements. Petrie’s management must make a best estimate of the cost of refunds/repairs
    under guarantee taking into account, for example:
    ■ the proportion of sales during the nine months to 31 March 2007 that have been returned under guarantee at the
    balance sheet date (and in the post balance sheet event period);
    ■ the average age of cookware showing a defect;
    ■ the expected cost of a replacement item (as a refund of replacement is more likely than a repair, say).
    If management do not make a provision for the best estimate of the obligation the audit opinion should be qualified
    ‘except for’ non-compliance with IAS 37 (no provision made). The disclosure made in the note to the financial
    statements, however detailed, is not a substitute for making the provision.
    Tutorial note: No marks will be awarded for suggesting that an emphasis of matter of paragraph would be appropriate
    (drawing attention to the matter more fully explained in the note).
    Management’s claim that the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability does not give rise to a limitation
    on scope on the audit. The auditor has sufficient evidence of the non-compliance with IAS 37 and disagrees with it.

  • 第5题:

    4 You are an audit manager in Nate & Co, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. You are reviewing three situations,

    which were recently discussed at the monthly audit managers’ meeting:

    (1) Nate & Co has recently been approached by a potential new audit client, Fisher Co. Your firm is keen to take the

    appointment and is currently carrying out client acceptance procedures. Fisher Co was recently incorporated by

    Marcellus Fisher, with its main trade being the retailing of wooden storage boxes.

    (2) Nate & Co provides the audit service to CF Co, a national financial services organisation. Due to a number of

    errors in the recording of cash deposits from new customers that have been discovered by CF Co’s internal audit

    team, the directors of CF Co have requested that your firm carry out a review of the financial information

    technology systems. It has come to your attention that while working on the audit planning of CF Co, Jin Sayed,

    one of the juniors on the audit team, who is a recent information technology graduate, spent three hours

    providing advice to the internal audit team about how to improve the system. As far as you know, this advice has

    not been used by the internal audit team.

    (3) LA Shots Co is a manufacturer of bottled drinks, and has been an audit client of Nate & Co for five years. Two

    audit juniors attended the annual inventory count last Monday. They reported that Brenda Mangle, the new

    production manager of LA Shots Co, wanted the inventory count and audit procedures performed as quickly as

    possible. As an incentive she offered the two juniors ten free bottles of ‘Super Juice’ from the end of the

    production line. Brenda also invited them to join the LA Shots Co office party, which commenced at the end of

    the inventory count. The inventory count and audit procedures were completed within two hours (the previous

    year’s procedures lasted a full day), and the juniors then spent four hours at the office party.


    (a) Define ‘money laundering’ and state the procedures specific to money laundering that should be considered

    before, and on the acceptance of, the audit appointment of Fisher Co. (5 marks)

    4 NATE & CO
    (a) – Money laundering is the process by which criminals attempt to conceal the true origin and ownership of the proceeds
    of criminal activity, allowing them to maintain control over the proceeds, and ultimately providing a legitimate cover for
    their sources of income. The objective of money laundering is to break the connection between the money, and the crime
    that it resulted from.
    – It is widely defined, to include possession of, or concealment of, the proceeds of any crime.
    – Examples include proceeds of fraud, tax evasion and benefits of bribery and corruption.
    Client procedures should include the following:
    – Client identification:
    ? Establish the identity of the entity and its business activity e.g. by obtaining a certificate of incorporation
    ? If the client is an individual, obtain official documentation including a name and address, e.g. by looking at
    photographic identification such as passports and driving licences
    ? Consider whether the commercial activity makes business sense (i.e. it is not just a ‘front’ for illegal activities)
    ? Obtain evidence of the company’s registered address e.g. by obtaining headed letter paper
    ? Establish the current list of principal shareholders and directors.
    – Client understanding:
    ? Pre-engagement communication may be considered, to explain to Marcellus Fisher and the other directors the
    nature and reason for client acceptance procedures.
    ? Best practice recommends that the engagement letter should also include a paragraph outlining the auditor’s
    responsibilities in relation to money laundering.

  • 第6题:

    (a) Contrast the role of internal and external auditors. (8 marks)

    (b) Conoy Co designs and manufactures luxury motor vehicles. The company employs 2,500 staff and consistently makes a net profit of between 10% and 15% of sales. Conoy Co is not listed; its shares are held by 15 individuals, most of them from the same family. The maximum shareholding is 15% of the share capital.

    The executive directors are drawn mainly from the shareholders. There are no non-executive directors because the company legislation in Conoy Co’s jurisdiction does not require any. The executive directors are very successful in running Conoy Co, partly from their training in production and management techniques, and partly from their ‘hands-on’ approach providing motivation to employees.

    The board are considering a significant expansion of the company. However, the company’s bankers are

    concerned with the standard of financial reporting as the financial director (FD) has recently left Conoy Co. The board are delaying provision of additional financial information until a new FD is appointed.

    Conoy Co does have an internal audit department, although the chief internal auditor frequently comments that the board of Conoy Co do not understand his reports or provide sufficient support for his department or the internal control systems within Conoy Co. The board of Conoy Co concur with this view. Anders & Co, the external auditors have also expressed concern in this area and the fact that the internal audit department focuses work on control systems, not financial reporting. Anders & Co are appointed by and report to the board of Conoy Co.

    The board of Conoy Co are considering a proposal from the chief internal auditor to establish an audit committee.

    The committee would consist of one executive director, the chief internal auditor as well as three new appointees.

    One appointee would have a non-executive seat on the board of directors.


    Discuss the benefits to Conoy Co of forming an audit committee. (12 marks)


  • 第7题:

    You are the audit supervisor of Maple & Co and are currently planning the audit of an existing client, Sycamore Science Co (Sycamore), whose year end was 30 April 2015. Sycamore is a pharmaceutical company, which manufactures and supplies a wide range of medical supplies. The draft financial statements show revenue of $35·6 million and profit before tax of $5·9 million.

    Sycamore’s previous finance director left the company in December 2014 after it was discovered that he had been claiming fraudulent expenses from the company for a significant period of time. A new finance director was appointed in January 2015 who was previously a financial controller of a bank, and she has expressed surprise that Maple & Co had not uncovered the fraud during last year’s audit.

    During the year Sycamore has spent $1·8 million on developing several new products. These projects are at different stages of development and the draft financial statements show the full amount of $1·8 million within intangible assets. In order to fund this development, $2·0 million was borrowed from the bank and is due for repayment over a ten-year period. The bank has attached minimum profit targets as part of the loan covenants.

    The new finance director has informed the audit partner that since the year end there has been an increased number of sales returns and that in the month of May over $0·5 million of goods sold in April were returned.

    Maple & Co attended the year-end inventory count at Sycamore’s warehouse. The auditor present raised concerns that during the count there were movements of goods in and out the warehouse and this process did not seem well controlled.

    During the year, a review of plant and equipment in the factory was undertaken and surplus plant was sold, resulting in a profit on disposal of $210,000.


    (a) State Maples & Co’s responsibilities in relation to the prevention and detection of fraud and error. (4 marks)

    (b) Describe SIX audit risks, and explain the auditor’s response to each risk, in planning the audit of Sycamore Science Co. (12 marks)

    (c) Sycamore’s new finance director has read about review engagements and is interested in the possibility of Maple & Co undertaking these in the future. However, she is unsure how these engagements differ from an external audit and how much assurance would be gained from this type of engagement.


    (i) Explain the purpose of review engagements and how these differ from external audits; and (2 marks)

    (ii) Describe the level of assurance provided by external audits and review engagements. (2 marks)


    (a) Fraud responsibility

    Maple & Co must conduct an audit in accordance with ISA 240 The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements and are responsible for obtaining reasonable assurance that the financial statements taken as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error.

    In order to fulfil this responsibility, Maple & Co is required to identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements due to fraud.

    They need to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the assessed risks of material misstatement due to fraud, through designing and implementing appropriate responses. In addition, Maple & Co must respond appropriately to fraud or suspected fraud identified during the audit.

    When obtaining reasonable assurance, Maple & Co is responsible for maintaining professional scepticism throughout the audit, considering the potential for management override of controls and recognising the fact that audit procedures which are effective in detecting error may not be effective in detecting fraud.

    To ensure that the whole engagement team is aware of the risks and responsibilities for fraud and error, ISAs require that a discussion is held within the team. For members not present at the meeting, Sycamore’s audit engagement partner should determine which matters are to be communicated to them.

    (b) Audit risks and auditors’ responses

    (c) (i) Review engagements

    Review engagements are often undertaken as an alternative to an audit, and involve a practitioner reviewing financial data, such as six-monthly figures. This would involve the practitioner undertaking procedures to state whether anything has come to their attention which causes the practitioner to believe that the financial data is not in accordance with the financial reporting framework.

    A review engagement differs to an external audit in that the procedures undertaken are not nearly as comprehensive as those in an audit, with procedures such as analytical review and enquiry used extensively. In addition, the practitioner does not need to comply with ISAs as these only relate to external audits.

    (ii) Levels of assurance

    The level of assurance provided by audit and review engagements is as follows:

    External audit – A high but not absolute level of assurance is provided, this is known as reasonable assurance. This provides comfort that the financial statements present fairly in all material respects (or are true and fair) and are free of material misstatements.

    Review engagements – where an opinion is being provided, the practitioner gathers sufficient evidence to be satisfied that the subject matter is plausible; in this case negative assurance is given whereby the practitioner confirms that nothing has come to their attention which indicates that the subject matter contains material misstatements.

  • 第8题:

    You are the audit manager of Chestnut & Co and are reviewing the key issues identified in the files of two audit clients.

    Palm Industries Co (Palm)

    Palm’s year end was 31 March 2015 and the draft financial statements show revenue of $28·2 million, receivables of $5·6 million and profit before tax of $4·8 million. The fieldwork stage for this audit has been completed.

    A customer of Palm owed an amount of $350,000 at the year end. Testing of receivables in April highlighted that no amounts had been paid to Palm from this customer as they were disputing the quality of certain goods received from Palm. The finance director is confident the issue will be resolved and no allowance for receivables was made with regards to this balance.

    Ash Trading Co (Ash)

    Ash is a new client of Chestnut & Co, its year end was 31 January 2015 and the firm was only appointed auditors in February 2015, as the previous auditors were suddenly unable to undertake the audit. The fieldwork stage for this audit is currently ongoing.

    The inventory count at Ash’s warehouse was undertaken on 31 January 2015 and was overseen by the company’s internal audit department. Neither Chestnut & Co nor the previous auditors attended the count. Detailed inventory records were maintained but it was not possible to undertake another full inventory count subsequent to the year end.

    The draft financial statements show a profit before tax of $2·4 million, revenue of $10·1 million and inventory of $510,000.


    For each of the two issues:

    (i) Discuss the issue, including an assessment of whether it is material;

    (ii) Recommend ONE procedure the audit team should undertake to try to resolve the issue; and

    (iii) Describe the impact on the audit report if the issue remains UNRESOLVED.


    1 The total marks will be split equally between each of the two issues.

    2 Audit report extracts are NOT required.


    Audit reports

    Palm Industries Co (Palm)

    (i) A customer of Palm’s owing $350,000 at the year end has not made any post year-end payments as they are disputing the quality of goods received. No allowance for receivables has been made against this balance. As the balance is being disputed, there is a risk of incorrect valuation as some or all of the receivable balance is overstated, as it may not be paid.

    This $350,000 receivables balance represents 1·2% (0·35/28·2m) of revenue, 6·3% (0·35/5·6m) of receivables and 7·3% (0·35/4·8m) of profit before tax; hence this is a material issue.

    (ii) A procedure to adopt includes:

    – Review whether any payments have subsequently been made by this customer since the audit fieldwork was completed.

    – Discuss with management whether the issue of quality of goods sold to the customer has been resolved, or whether it is still in dispute.

    – Review the latest customer correspondence with regards to an assessment of the likelihood of the customer making payment.

    (iii) If management refuses to provide against this receivable, the audit report will need to be modified. As receivables are overstated and the error is material but not pervasive a qualified opinion would be necessary.

    A basis for qualified opinion paragraph would be needed and would include an explanation of the material misstatement in relation to the valuation of receivables and the effect on the financial statements. The opinion paragraph would be qualified ‘except for’.

    Ash Trading Co (Ash)

    (i) Chestnut & Co was only appointed as auditors subsequent to Ash’s year end and hence did not attend the year-end inventory count. Therefore, they have not been able to gather sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with regards to the completeness and existence of inventory.

    Inventory is a material amount as it represents 21·3% (0·51/2·4m) of profit before tax and 5% (0·51/10·1m) of revenue; hence this is a material issue.

    (ii) A procedure to adopt includes:

    – Review the internal audit reports of the inventory count to identify the level of adjustments to the records to assess the reasonableness of relying on the inventory records.

    – Undertake a sample check of inventory in the warehouse and compare to the inventory records and then from inventory records to the warehouse, to assess the reasonableness of the inventory records maintained by Ash.

    (iii) The auditors will need to modify the audit report as they are unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence in relation to inventory which is a material but not pervasive balance. Therefore a qualified opinion will be required.

    A basis for qualified opinion paragraph will be required to explain the limitation in relation to the lack of evidence over inventory. The opinion paragraph will be qualified ‘except for’.

  • 第9题:

    Text 1 Ruth Simmons joined Goldman Sachs's board as an outside director in January 2000;a year later she became president of Brown University.For the rest of the decade she apparently managed both roles without attracting much criticism.But by the end of 2009 Ms.Simmons was under fire for having sat on Goldman's compensation committee;how could she have let those enormous bonus payouts pass unremarked?By February the next year Ms.Simmons had left the board.The position was just taking up too much time,she said.Outside directors are supposed to serve as helpful,yet less biased,advisers on a firm's board.Having made their wealth and their reputations elsewhere,they presumably have enough independence to disagree with the chief executive's proposals.If the sky,and the share price,is falling,outside directors should be able to give advice based on having weathered their own crises.The researchers from Ohio University used a database that covered more than 10,000 firms and more than 64,000 different directors between 1989 and 2004.Then they simply checked which directors stayed from one proxy statement to the next.The most likely reason for departing a board was age,so the researchers concentrated on those“surprise”disappearances by directors under the age of 70.They found that after a surprise departure,the probability that the company will subsequently have to restate earnings increases by nearly 20%.The likelihood of being named in a federal classaction lawsuit also increases,and the stock is likely to perform worse.The effect tended to be larger for larger firms.Although a correlation between them leaving and subsequent bad performance at the firm is suggestive,it does not mean that such directors are always jumping off a sinking ship.Often they“trade up,”leaving riskier,smaller firms for larger and more stable firms.But the researchers believe that outside directors have an easier time of avoiding a blow to their reputations if they leave a firm before bad news break,even if a review of history shows they were on the board at the time any wrongdoing occurred.Firms who want to keep their outside directors through tough times may have to create incentives.Otherwise outside directors will follow the example of Ms.Simmons,once again very popular on campus.
    The author's attitude toward the role of outside directors is_____


    态度题【命题思路】本题需要在理解文章主旨要义的前提下能够识别出作者对外部董事的态度。态度有正向答案,也有负向答案,此题首先考查考生锁定哪个方向的答案;其次考查考生在方向正确的基础上结合原文具体信息进行判断,从而得出作者对外部董事所持有的态度。【直击答案】根据题干信息“The author's attitude”和“the roleof outside directors”定位到第二段“Outside directors…on a firm's board.”。其中原文中的“be supposed to”等于题干中的“The author's attitude”,“serve as”等于题干中的“the role”。根据这句可知“外部董事在公司中应扮演有益而又相对公正的顾问角色。”由此可以判断出作者对外部董事这一角色持肯定态度。另外根据文章最后一段可知“想要在困难时期留住外部董事的公司可能不得不采取一些激励政策。”这说明外部董事对公司还是有积极作用的,综合全文,B项正确。【干扰排除】根据对文章第二段分析可知作者对外部董事的态度应是正向的,故C项和D项感情色彩错误,均不选。纵观整篇文章,作者只是对外部董事进行客观描述,并没有宽容放纵的态度,故A项错误。长难句解析

  • 第10题:

    Which segment would benefit from integrating the internal systems of a company, including those for inventory, payment processing, marketing, accounts, and order tracking?()

    • A、 supply chain logistics
    • B、 banking administration
    • C、 retail supplier
    • D、 healthcare administration


  • 第11题:

    ou are the Exchange administrator for the Xxx Corporation’s Exchange 2010 organization.Xxx has recently merged with another corporation.The Exchange organization must comply with new legal and regulatory requirements.You must ensure that all e-mail messages that contain at least one recipient or sender who is a member of the tax@Xxx distribution list and which pass through the Hub Transport server in the Xxx Corporation, will store a copy of the message in an auditor’s mailbox. Which cmdlet should you use?()

    Set-JournalRule -Name Tax Communications -JournalEmailAddress ’Auditor@Xxx ’ -Scope Internal -Recipient tax@Xxx -Enabled $True


    Set-JournalRule -Name Tax Communications -JournalEmailAddress ’Auditor@Xxx ’ -Scope Global -Recipient tax@Xxx -Enabled $True


    Set-JournalRule -Name Tax Communications -JournalEmailAddress ’Auditor@Xxx ’ -Scope External -Recipient tax@Xxx -Enabled $True


    New-JournalRule -Name Tax Communications -JournalEmailAddress ’Auditor@Xxx ’ Scope Global -Recipient tax@Xxx -Enabled $True

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    A seaman dies during a voyage. What is NOT required to be entered into the Official Log? ()

    Statement that the Master has taken custody of the deceased's MMD and passport


    An inventory of the money and property


    Statement of the wages due


    Statement as to the total deductions to be made from the wages

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    (ii) Audit work on after-date bank transactions identified a transfer of cash from Batik Co. The audit senior has

    documented that the finance director explained that Batik commenced trading on 7 October 2005, after

    being set up as a wholly-owned foreign subsidiary of Jinack. No other evidence has been obtained.

    (4 marks)


    Identify and comment on the implications of the above matters for the auditor’s report on the financial

    statements of Jinack Co for the year ended 30 September 2005 and, where appropriate, the year ending

    30 September 2006.

    NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the matters.

    (ii) Wholly-owned foreign subsidiary
    ■ The cash transfer is a non-adjusting post balance sheet event. It indicates that Batik was trading after the balance
    sheet date. However, that does not preclude Batik having commenced trading before the year end.
    ■ The finance director’s oral representation is wholly insufficient evidence with regard to the existence (or otherwise)
    of Batik at 30 September 2005. If it existed at the balance sheet date its financial statements should have been
    consolidated (unless immaterial).
    ■ The lack of evidence that might reasonably be expected to be available (e.g. legal papers, registration payments,
    etc) suggests a limitation on the scope of the audit.
    ■ If such evidence has been sought but not obtained then the limitation is imposed by the entity (rather than by
    ■ Whilst the transaction itself may not be material, the information concerning the existence of Batik may be material
    to users and should therefore be disclosed (as a non-adjusting event). The absence of such disclosure, if the
    auditor considered necessary, would result in a qualified ‘except for’, opinion.
    Tutorial note: Any matter that is considered sufficiently material to be worthy of disclosure as a non-adjusting
    event must result in such a qualified opinion if the disclosure is not made.
    ■ If Batik existed at the balance sheet date and had material assets and liabilities then its non-consolidation would
    have a pervasive effect. This would warrant an adverse opinion.
    ■ Also, the nature of the limitation (being imposed by the entity) could have a pervasive effect if the auditor is
    suspicious that other audit evidence has been withheld. In this case the auditor should disclaim an opinion.

  • 第14题:

    (b) You are the audit manager of Johnston Co, a private company. The draft consolidated financial statements for

    the year ended 31 March 2006 show profit before taxation of $10·5 million (2005 – $9·4 million) and total

    assets of $55·2 million (2005 – $50·7 million).

    Your firm was appointed auditor of Tiltman Co when Johnston Co acquired all the shares of Tiltman Co in March

    2006. Tiltman’s draft financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2006 show profit before taxation of

    $0·7 million (2005 – $1·7 million) and total assets of $16·1 million (2005 – $16·6 million). The auditor’s

    report on the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2005 was unmodified.

    You are currently reviewing two matters that have been left for your attention on the audit working paper files for

    the year ended 31 March 2006:

    (i) In December 2004 Tiltman installed a new computer system that properly quantified an overvaluation of

    inventory amounting to $2·7 million. This is being written off over three years.

    (ii) In May 2006, Tiltman’s head office was relocated to Johnston’s premises as part of a restructuring.

    Provisions for the resulting redundancies and non-cancellable lease payments amounting to $2·3 million

    have been made in the financial statements of Tiltman for the year ended 31 March 2006.


    Identify and comment on the implications of these two matters for your auditor’s reports on the financial

    statements of Johnston Co and Tiltman Co for the year ended 31 March 2006. (10 marks)

    (b) Tiltman Co
    Tiltman’s total assets at 31 March 2006 represent 29% (16·1/55·2 × 100) of Johnston’s total assets. The subsidiary is
    therefore material to Johnston’s consolidated financial statements.
    Tutorial note: Tiltman’s profit for the year is not relevant as the acquisition took place just before the year end and will
    therefore have no impact on the consolidated income statement. Calculations of the effect on consolidated profit before
    taxation are therefore inappropriate and will not be awarded marks.
    (i) Inventory overvaluation
    This should have been written off to the income statement in the year to 31 March 2005 and not spread over three
    years (contrary to IAS 2 ‘Inventories’).
    At 31 March 2006 inventory is overvalued by $0·9m. This represents all Tiltmans’s profit for the year and 5·6% of
    total assets and is material. At 31 March 2005 inventory was materially overvalued by $1·8m ($1·7m reported profit
    should have been a $0·1m loss).
    Tutorial note: 1/3 of the overvaluation was written off in the prior period (i.e. year to 31 March 2005) instead of $2·7m.
    That the prior period’s auditor’s report was unmodified means that the previous auditor concurred with an incorrect
    accounting treatment (or otherwise gave an inappropriate audit opinion).
    As the matter is material a prior period adjustment is required (IAS 8 ‘Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting
    Estimates and Errors’). $1·8m should be written off against opening reserves (i.e. restated as at 1 April 2005).
    (ii) Restructuring provision
    $2·3m expense has been charged to Tiltman’s profit and loss in arriving at a draft profit of $0·7m. This is very material.
    (The provision represents 14·3% of Tiltman’s total assets and is material to the balance sheet date also.)
    The provision for redundancies and onerous contracts should not have been made for the year ended 31 March 2006
    unless there was a constructive obligation at the balance sheet date (IAS 37 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
    Contingent Assets’). So, unless the main features of the restructuring plan had been announced to those affected (i.e.
    redundancy notifications issued to employees), the provision should be reversed. However, it should then be disclosed
    as a non-adjusting post balance sheet event (IAS 10 ‘Events After the Balance Sheet Date’).
    Given the short time (less than one month) between acquisition and the balance sheet it is very possible that a
    constructive obligation does not arise at the balance sheet date. The relocation in May was only part of a restructuring
    (and could be the first evidence that Johnston’s management has started to implement a restructuring plan).
    There is a risk that goodwill on consolidation of Tiltman may be overstated in Johnston’s consolidated financial
    statements. To avoid the $2·3 expense having a significant effect on post-acquisition profit (which may be negligible
    due to the short time between acquisition and year end), Johnston may have recognised it as a liability in the
    determination of goodwill on acquisition.
    However, the execution of Tiltman’s restructuring plan, though made for the year ended 31 March 2006, was conditional
    upon its acquisition by Johnston. It does not therefore represent, immediately before the business combination, a
    present obligation of Johnston. Nor is it a contingent liability of Johnston immediately before the combination. Therefore
    Johnston cannot recognise a liability for Tiltman’s restructuring plans as part of allocating the cost of the combination
    (IFRS 3 ‘Business Combinations’).
    Tiltman’s auditor’s report
    The following adjustments are required to the financial statements:
    ■ restructuring provision, $2·3m, eliminated;
    ■ adequate disclosure of relocation as a non-adjusting post balance sheet event;
    ■ current period inventory written down by $0·9m;
    ■ prior period inventory (and reserves) written down by $1·8m.
    Profit for the year to 31 March 2006 should be $3·9m ($0·7 + $0·9 + $2·3).
    If all these adjustments are made the auditor’s report should be unmodified. Otherwise, the auditor’s report should be
    qualified ‘except for’ on grounds of disagreement. If none of the adjustments are made, the qualification should still be
    ‘except for’ as the matters are not pervasive.
    Johnston’s auditor’s report
    If Tiltman’s auditor’s report is unmodified (because the required adjustments are made) the auditor’s report of Johnston
    should be similarly unmodified. As Tiltman is wholly-owned by Johnston there should be no problem getting the
    adjustments made.
    If no adjustments were made in Tiltman’s financial statements, adjustments could be made on consolidation, if
    necessary, to avoid modification of the auditor’s report on Johnston’s financial statements.
    The effect of these adjustments on Tiltman’s net assets is an increase of $1·4m. Goodwill arising on consolidation (if
    any) would be reduced by $1·4m. The reduction in consolidated total assets required ($0·9m + $1·4m) is therefore
    the same as the reduction in consolidated total liabilities (i.e. $2·3m). $2·3m is material (4·2% consolidated total
    assets). If Tiltman’s financial statements are not adjusted and no adjustments are made on consolidation, the
    consolidated financial position (balance sheet) should be qualified ‘except for’. The results of operations (i.e. profit for
    the period) should be unqualified (if permitted in the jurisdiction in which Johnston reports).
    Adjustment in respect of the inventory valuation may not be required as Johnston should have consolidated inventory
    at fair value on acquisition. In this case, consolidated total liabilities should be reduced by $2·3m and goodwill arising
    on consolidation (if any) reduced by $2·3m.
    Tutorial note: The effect of any possible goodwill impairment has been ignored as the subsidiary has only just been
    acquired and the balance sheet date is very close to the date of acquisition.

  • 第15题:

    (b) You are an audit manager in a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants currently assigned to the audit of Cleeves

    Co for the year ended 30 September 2006. During the year Cleeves acquired a 100% interest in Howard Co.

    Howard is material to Cleeves and audited by another firm, Parr & Co. You have just received Parr’s draft

    auditor’s report for the year ended 30 September 2006. The wording is that of an unmodified report except for

    the opinion paragraph which is as follows:

    Audit opinion

    As more fully explained in notes 11 and 15 impairment losses on non-current assets have not been

    recognised in profit or loss as the directors are unable to quantify the amounts.

    In our opinion, provision should be made for these as required by International Accounting Standard 36

    (Impairment). If the provision had been so recognised the effect would have been to increase the loss before

    and after tax for the year and to reduce the value of tangible and intangible non-current assets. However,

    as the directors are unable to quantify the amounts we are unable to indicate the financial effect of such


    In view of the failure to provide for the impairments referred to above, in our opinion the financial statements

    do not present fairly in all material respects the financial position of Howard Co as of 30 September 2006

    and of its loss and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting


    Your review of the prior year auditor’s report shows that the 2005 audit opinion was worded identically.


    (i) Critically appraise the appropriateness of the audit opinion given by Parr & Co on the financial

    statements of Howard Co, for the years ended 30 September 2006 and 2005. (7 marks)


    (b) (i) Appropriateness of audit opinion given
    Tutorial note: The answer points suggested by the marking scheme are listed in roughly the order in which they might
    be extracted from the information presented in the question. The suggested answer groups together some of these
    points under headings to give the analysis of the situation a possible structure.
    ■ The opinion paragraph is not properly headed. It does not state the form. of the opinion that has been given nor
    the grounds for qualification.
    ■ The opinion ‘the financial statements do not give a true and fair view’ is an ‘adverse’ opinion.
    ■ That ‘provision should be made’, but has not, is a matter of disagreement that should be clearly stated as noncompliance
    with IAS 36. The title of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets should be given in full.
    ■ The opinion should be headed ‘Disagreement on Accounting Policies – Inappropriate Accounting Method – Adverse
    1 ISA 250 does not specify with whom agreement should be reached but presumably with those charged with corporate governance (e.g audit committee or
    2 other supervisory board).
    Paper 3.1INT
    ■ It is appropriate that the opinion paragraph should refer to the note(s) in the financial statements where the matter
    giving rise to the modification is more fully explained. However, this is not an excuse for the audit opinion being
    ‘light’ on detail. For example, the reason for impairment could be summarised in the auditor’s report.
    ■ The effects have not been quantified, but they should be quantifiable. The maximum possible loss would be the
    carrying amount of the non-current assets identified as impaired.
    ■ It is not clear why the directors have been ‘unable to quantify the amounts’. Since impairments should be
    quantifiable any ‘inability’ suggest a limitation in scope of the audit, in which case the opinion should be disclaimed
    (or ‘except for’) on grounds of lack of evidence rather than disagreement.
    ■ The wording is confusing. ‘Failure to provide’ suggests disagreement. However, there must be sufficient evidence
    to support any disagreement. Although the directors cannot quantify the amounts it seems the auditors must have
    been able to (estimate at least) in order to form. an opinion that the amounts involved are sufficiently material to
    warrant a qualification.
    ■ The first paragraph refers to ‘non-current assets’. The second paragraph specifies ‘tangible and intangible assets’.
    There is no explanation why or how both tangible and intangible assets are impaired.
    ■ The first paragraph refers to ‘profit or loss’ and the second and third paragraphs to ‘loss’. It may be clearer if the
    first paragraph were to refer to recognition in the income statement.
    ■ It is not clear why the failure to recognise impairment warrants an adverse opinion rather than ‘except for’. The
    effects of non-compliance with IAS 36 are to overstate the carrying amount(s) of non-current assets (that can be
    specified) and to understate the loss. The matter does not appear to be pervasive and so an adverse opinion looks
    unsuitable as the financial statements as a whole are not incomplete or misleading. A loss is already being reported
    so it is not that a reported profit would be turned into a loss (which is sometimes judged to be ‘pervasive’).
    Prior year
    ■ As the 2005 auditor’s report, as previously issued, included an adverse opinion and the matter that gave rise to
    the modification:
    – is unresolved; and
    – results in a modification of the 2006 auditor’s report,
    the 2006 auditor’s report should also be modified regarding the corresponding figures (ISA 710 Comparatives).
    ■ The 2006 auditor’s report does not refer to the prior period modification nor highlight that the matter resulting in
    the current period modification is not new. For example, the report could say ‘As previously reported and as more
    fully explained in notes ….’ and state ‘increase the loss by $x (2005 – $y)’.

  • 第16题:

    (b) State the enquiries you would make of the directors of Mulligan Co to ascertain the adequacy of the

    $3 million finance requested for the new production facility. (7 marks)

    (b) It is important to appreciate that the finance request should cover not only the cost of the construction of the new facility, but
    also costs in order to get the business unit up and running, and enough cash to meet initial working capital requirements.
    Mulligan Co may have sufficient cash to cover such additional expenses, but the bank will want comfort that this is the case.
    Enquiries would include the following:
    Who has prepared the forecast? It is important to evaluate the experience and competence of the preparer. If management
    has previously prepared forecasts and capital expenditure budgets that were reliable and accurate, this adds a measure of
    confidence in the preparation of the new forecast and the underlying assumptions used.
    To what extent is internal finance available to cover any shortfall in the finance requirement? If there is surplus cash within
    the organisation then the bank need not provide the full amount of finance necessary to start up the new business operation.
    Has the cost of finance been included in the forecast? It appears that this cost is missing. Finance costs should be calculated
    based on the anticipated interest rate to be applied to the loan advanced, and included in the total finance requirement.
    What is the forecast operating cycle of the new business unit? In particular how long is the work in progress period, and how
    much credit will be extended to customers? i.e. when will cash inflows specific to the new business unit be received? More
    finance might be required to fund initial working capital shortfalls during the period when work in progress is occurring, and
    before cash receipts from customers are received.
    Will further raw materials be required? A request has been made for $250,000 for raw materials of timber. Other materials
    may need to be purchased, for example, non-timber raw materials, and inventory of other consumables such as nuts and
    How long will the ‘initial’ inventory of raw material last? What is the planned work in progress time for the new product? More
    finance may be needed to avoid a stock out of raw materials.
    Construction of the new factory – is there any documentation to support the capital expenditure? For example, architect’s
    plans, surveyor’s reports. This will support the accuracy of the finance requested and is an important source of evidence given
    the materiality of the premises to the total amount of finance requested.
    How likely is it that costs may be subject to inflation before actually being incurred? This could increase the amount of finance
    required by several percentage points.
    Have quotes been obtained for the new machinery to be purchased?
    Purchase of new machinery – will any specific installation costs be incurred? These costs can be significant for large pieces
    of capital equipment. Also, enquiries should be made regarding any delivery costs.
    The budget does not appear to contain any finance request for overheads such as use of electricity during the construction
    period, and hire of installation equipment. Have these overheads been included in the construction cost estimate?
    Will staff need to be trained in using the new machinery? If so, any incremental costs should be included in the finance
    Advertising and marketing of new product – enquire of Patrick Tiler the methods that will be used to market the new product.
    Some types of advertising are more of a cash drain due to their high expense e.g. television advertising is expensive and ‘up
    front’ compared to magazine advertising, which is cheap and spread out. As Patrick Tiler is new to Mulligan Co, his forecast
    is not based on past experience of this particular business.
    LCT Bank will also consider the recoverability of the amount advanced by looking at the cash generating potential of the new
    business unit. Enquiries should therefore be made regarding the likely success of the new products, for example:
    – Has any market research been carried out to support the commercial viability of the new products?
    – Have any contracts with retailers to carry the new products been negotiated?
    – How quickly have past products generated a cash inflow?
    – Is there a contingency plan in place in case the new products fail to be successful?

  • 第17题:

    Following a competitive tender, your audit firm Cal & Co has just gained a new audit client Tirrol Co. You are the manager in charge of planning the audit work. Tirrol Co’s year end is 30 June 2009 with a scheduled date to complete the audit of 15 August 2009. The date now is 3 June 2009.

    Tirrol Co provides repair services to motor vehicles from 25 different locations. All inventory, sales and purchasing systems are computerised, with each location maintaining its own computer system. The software in each location is

    the same because the programs were written specifically for Tirrol Co by a reputable software house. Data from each location is amalgamated on a monthly basis at Tirrol Co’s head office to produce management and financial accounts.

    You are currently planning your audit approach for Tirrol Co. One option being considered is to re-write Cal & Co’s audit software to interrogate the computerised inventory systems in each location of Tirrol Co (except for head office)

    as part of inventory valuation testing. However, you have also been informed that any computer testing will have to be on a live basis and you are aware that July is a major holiday period for your audit firm.


    (a) (i) Explain the benefits of using audit software in the audit of Tirrol Co; (4 marks)

    (ii) Explain the problems that may be encountered in the audit of Tirrol Co and for each problem, explain

    how that problem could be overcome. (10 marks)

    (b) Following a discussion with the management at Tirrol Co you now understand that the internal audit department are prepared to assist with the statutory audit. Specifically, the chief internal auditor is prepared to provide you with documentation on the computerised inventory systems at Tirrol Co. The documentation provides details of the software and shows diagrammatically how transactions are processed through the inventory system. This documentation can be used to significantly decrease the time needed to understand the computer systems and enable audit software to be written for this year’s audit.


    Explain how you will evaluate the computer systems documentation produced by the internal audit

    department in order to place reliance on it during your audit. (6 marks)


  • 第18题:

    One of your audit clients is Tye Co a company providing petrol, aviation fuel and similar oil based products to the government of the country it is based in. Although the company is not listed on any stock exchange, it does follow best practice regarding corporate governance regulations. The audit work for this year is complete, apart from the matter referred to below.

    As part of Tye Co’s service contract with the government, it is required to hold an emergency inventory reserve of 6,000 barrels of aviation fuel. The inventory is to be used if the supply of aviation fuel is interrupted due to unforeseen events such as natural disaster or terrorist activity.

    This fuel has in the past been valued at its cost price of $15 a barrel. The current value of aviation fuel is $120 a barrel. Although the audit work is complete, as noted above, the directors of Tye Co have now decided to show the ‘real’ value of this closing inventory in the financial statements by valuing closing inventory of fuel at market value, which does not comply with relevant accounting standards. The draft financial statements of Tye Co currently show a profit of approximately $500,000 with net assets of $170 million.


    (a) List the audit procedures and actions that you should now take in respect of the above matter. (6 marks)

    (b) For the purposes of this section assume from part (a) that the directors have agreed to value inventory at


    Having investigated the matter in part (a) above, the directors present you with an amended set of financial

    statements showing the emergency reserve stated not at 6,000 barrels, but reported as 60,000 barrels. The final financial statements now show a profit following the inclusion of another 54,000 barrels of oil in inventory. When queried about the change from 6,000 to 60,000 barrels of inventory, the finance director stated that this change was made to meet expected amendments to emergency reserve requirements to be published in about six months time. The inventory will be purchased this year, and no liability will be shown in the financial statements for this future purchase. The finance director also pointed out that part of Tye Co’s contract with the government requires Tye Co to disclose an annual profit and that a review of bank loans is due in three months. Finally the finance director stated that if your audit firm qualifies the financial statements in respect of the increase in inventory, they will not be recommended for re-appointment at the annual general meeting. The finance director refuses to amend the financial statements to remove this ‘fictitious’ inventory.


    (i) State the external auditor’s responsibilities regarding the detection of fraud; (4 marks)

    (ii) Discuss to which groups the auditors of Tye Co could report the ‘fictitious’ aviation fuel inventory;

    (6 marks)

    (iii) Discuss the safeguards that the auditors of Tye Co can use in an attempt to overcome the intimidation

    threat from the directors of Tye Co. (4 marks)


  • 第19题:

    You are an audit manager at Rockwell & Co, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. You are responsible for the audit of the Hopper Group, a listed audit client which supplies ingredients to the food and beverage industry worldwide.

    The audit work for the year ended 30 June 2015 is nearly complete, and you are reviewing the draft audit report which has been prepared by the audit senior. During the year the Hopper Group purchased a new subsidiary company, Seurat Sweeteners Co, which has expertise in the research and design of sugar alternatives. The draft financial statements of the Hopper Group for the year ended 30 June 2015 recognise profit before tax of $495 million (2014 – $462 million) and total assets of $4,617 million (2014: $4,751 million). An extract from the draft audit report is shown below:

    Basis of modified opinion (extract)

    In their calculation of goodwill on the acquisition of the new subsidiary, the directors have failed to recognise consideration which is contingent upon meeting certain development targets. The directors believe that it is unlikely that these targets will be met by the subsidiary company and, therefore, have not recorded the contingent consideration in the cost of the acquisition. They have disclosed this contingent liability fully in the notes to the financial statements. We do not feel that the directors’ treatment of the contingent consideration is correct and, therefore, do not believe that the criteria of the relevant standard have been met. If this is the case, it would be appropriate to adjust the goodwill balance in the statement of financial position.

    We believe that any required adjustment may materially affect the goodwill balance in the statement of financial position. Therefore, in our opinion, the financial statements do not give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Hopper Group and of the Hopper Group’s financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

    Emphasis of Matter Paragraph

    We draw attention to the note to the financial statements which describes the uncertainty relating to the contingent consideration described above. The note provides further information necessary to understand the potential implications of the contingency.


    (a) Critically appraise the draft audit report of the Hopper Group for the year ended 30 June 2015, prepared by the audit senior.

    Note: You are NOT required to re-draft the extracts from the audit report. (10 marks)

    (b) The audit of the new subsidiary, Seurat Sweeteners Co, was performed by a different firm of auditors, Fish Associates. During your review of the communication from Fish Associates, you note that they were unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence with regard to the breakdown of research expenses. The total of research costs expensed by Seurat Sweeteners Co during the year was $1·2 million. Fish Associates has issued a qualified audit opinion on the financial statements of Seurat Sweeteners Co due to this inability to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence.


    Comment on the actions which Rockwell & Co should take as the auditor of the Hopper Group, and the implications for the auditor’s report on the Hopper Group financial statements. (6 marks)

    (c) Discuss the quality control procedures which should be carried out by Rockwell & Co prior to the audit report on the Hopper Group being issued. (4 marks)


    (a) Critical appraisal of the draft audit report

    Type of opinion

    When an auditor issues an opinion expressing that the financial statements ‘do not give a true and fair view’, this represents an adverse opinion. The paragraph explaining the modification should, therefore, be titled ‘Basis of Adverse Opinion’ rather than simply ‘Basis of Modified Opinion’.

    An adverse opinion means that the auditor considers the misstatement to be material and pervasive to the financial statements of the Hopper Group. According to ISA 705 Modifications to Opinions in the Independent Auditor’s Report, pervasive matters are those which affect a substantial proportion of the financial statements or fundamentally affect the users’ understanding of the financial statements. It is unlikely that the failure to recognise contingent consideration is pervasive; the main effect would be to understate goodwill and liabilities. This would not be considered a substantial proportion of the financial statements, neither would it be fundamental to understanding the Hopper Group’s performance and position.

    However, there is also some uncertainty as to whether the matter is even material. If the matter is determined to be material but not pervasive, then a qualified opinion would be appropriate on the basis of a material misstatement. If the matter is not material, then no modification would be necessary to the audit opinion.

    Wording of opinion/report

    The auditor’s reference to ‘the acquisition of the new subsidiary’ is too vague; the Hopper Group may have purchased a number of subsidiaries which this phrase could relate to. It is important that the auditor provides adequate description of the event and in these circumstances it would be appropriate to name the subsidiary referred to.

    The auditor has not quantified the amount of the contingent element of the consideration. For the users to understand the potential implications of any necessary adjustments, they need to know how much the contingent consideration will be if it becomes payable. It is a requirement of ISA 705 that the auditor quantifies the financial effects of any misstatements, unless it is impracticable to do so.

    In addition to the above point, the auditor should provide more description of the financial effects of the misstatement, including full quantification of the effect of the required adjustment to the assets, liabilities, incomes, revenues and equity of the Hopper Group.

    The auditor should identify the note to the financial statements relevant to the contingent liability disclosure rather than just stating ‘in the note’. This will improve the understandability and usefulness of the contents of the audit report.

    The use of the term ‘we do not feel that the treatment is correct’ is too vague and not professional. While there may be some interpretation necessary when trying to apply financial reporting standards to unique circumstances, the expression used is ambiguous and may be interpreted as some form. of disclaimer by the auditor with regard to the correct accounting treatment. The auditor should clearly explain how the treatment applied in the financial statements has departed from the requirements of the relevant standard.

    Tutorial note: As an illustration to the above point, an appropriate wording would be: ‘Management has not recognised the acquisition-date fair value of contingent consideration as part of the consideration transferred in exchange for the acquiree, which constitutes a departure from International Financial Reporting Standards.’

    The ambiguity is compounded by the use of the phrase ‘if this is the case, it would be appropriate to adjust the goodwill’. This once again suggests that the correct treatment is uncertain and perhaps open to interpretation.

    If the auditor wishes to refer to a specific accounting standard they should refer to its full title. Therefore instead of referring to ‘the relevant standard’ they should refer to International Financial Reporting Standard 3 Business Combinations.

    The opinion paragraph requires an appropriate heading. In this case the auditors have issued an adverse opinion and the paragraph should be headed ‘Adverse Opinion’.

    As with the basis paragraph, the opinion paragraph lacks authority; suggesting that the required adjustments ‘may’ materially affect the financial statements implies that there is a degree of uncertainty. This is not the case; the amount of the contingent consideration will be disclosed in the relevant purchase agreement, so the auditor should be able to determine whether the required adjustments are material or not. Regardless, the sentence discussing whether the balance is material or not is not required in the audit report as to warrant inclusion in the report the matter must be considered material. The disclosure of the nature and financial effect of the misstatement in the basis paragraph is sufficient.

    Finally, the emphasis of matter paragraph should not be included in the audit report. An emphasis of matter paragraph is only used to draw attention to an uncertainty/matter of fundamental importance which is correctly accounted for and disclosed in the financial statements. An emphasis of matter is not required in this case for the following reasons:

    – Emphasis of matter is only required to highlight matters which the auditor believes are fundamental to the users’ understanding of the business. An example may be where a contingent liability exists which is so significant it could lead to the closure of the reporting entity. That is not the case with the Hopper Group; the contingent liability does not appear to be fundamental.

    – Emphasis of matter is only used for matters where the auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate evidence that the matter is not materially misstated in the financial statements. If the financial statements are materially misstated, in this regard the matter would be fully disclosed by the auditor in the basis of qualified/adverse opinion paragraph and no emphasis of matter is necessary.

    (b) Communication from the component auditor

    The qualified opinion due to insufficient evidence may be a significant matter for the Hopper Group audit. While the possible adjustments relating to the current year may not be material to the Hopper Group, the inability to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence with regard to a material matter in Seurat Sweeteners Co’s financial statements may indicate a control deficiency which the auditor was not aware of at the planning stage and it could indicate potential problems with regard to the integrity of management, which could also indicate a potential fraud. It could also indicate an unwillingness of management to provide information, which could create problems for future audits, particularly if research and development costs increase in future years. If the group auditor suspects that any of these possibilities are true, they may need to reconsider their risk assessment and whether the audit procedures performed are still appropriate.

    If the detail provided in the communication from the component auditor is insufficient, the group auditor should first discuss the matter with the component auditor to see whether any further information can be provided. The group auditor can request further working papers from the component auditor if this is necessary. However, if Seurat Sweeteners has not been able to provide sufficient appropriate evidence, it is unlikely that this will be effective.

    If the discussions with the component auditor do not provide satisfactory responses to evaluate the potential impact on the Hopper Group, the group auditor may need to communicate with either the management of Seurat Sweeteners or the Hopper Group to obtain necessary clarification with regard to the matter.

    Following these procedures, the group auditor needs to determine whether they have sufficient appropriate evidence to draw reasonable conclusions on the Hopper Group’s financial statements. If they believe the lack of information presents a risk of material misstatement in the group financial statements, they can request that further audit procedures be performed, either by the component auditor or by themselves.

    Ultimately the group engagement partner has to evaluate the effect of the inability to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence on the audit opinion of the Hopper Group. The matter relates to research expenses totalling $1·2 million, which represents 0·2% of the profit for the year and 0·03% of the total assets of the Hopper Group. It is therefore not material to the Hopper Group’s financial statements. For this reason no modification to the audit report of the Hopper Group would be required as this does not represent a lack of sufficient appropriate evidence with regard to a matter which is material to the Group financial statements.

    Although this may not have an impact on the Hopper Group audit opinion, this may be something the group auditor wishes to bring to the attention of those charged with governance. This would be particularly likely if the group auditor believed that this could indicate some form. of fraud in Seurat Sweeteners Co, a serious deficiency in financial reporting controls or if this could create problems for accepting future audits due to management’s unwillingness to provide access to accounting records.

    (c) Quality control procedures prior to issuing the audit report

    ISA 220 Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements and ISQC 1 Quality Control for Firms that Perform. Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial Information, and Other Assurance and Related Services Agreements require that an engagement quality control reviewer shall be appointed for audits of financial statements of listed entities. The audit engagement partner then discusses significant matters arising during the audit engagement with the engagement quality control reviewer.

    The engagement quality control reviewer and the engagement partner should discuss the failure to recognise the contingent consideration and its impact on the auditor’s report. The engagement quality control reviewer must review the financial statements and the proposed auditor’s report, in particular focusing on the conclusions reached in formulating the auditor’s report and consideration of whether the proposed auditor’s opinion is appropriate. The audit documentation relating to the acquisition of Seurat Sweeteners Co will be carefully reviewed, and the reviewer is likely to consider whether procedures performed in relation to these balances were appropriate.

    Given the listed status of the Hopper Group, any modification to the auditor’s report will be scrutinised, and the firm must be sure of any decision to modify the report, and the type of modification made. Once the engagement quality control reviewer has considered the necessity of a modification, they should consider whether a qualified or an adverse opinion is appropriate in the circumstances. This is an important issue, given that it requires judgement as to whether the matters would be material or pervasive to the financial statements.

    The engagement quality control reviewer should ensure that there is adequate documentation regarding the judgements used in forming the final audit opinion, and that all necessary matters have been brought to the attention of those charged with governance.

    The auditor’s report must not be signed and dated until the completion of the engagement quality control review.

    Tutorial note: In the case of the Hopper Group’s audit, the lack of evidence in respect of research costs is unlikely to be discussed unless the audit engagement partner believes that the matter could be significant, for example, if they suspected the lack of evidence is being used to cover up a financial statements fraud.

  • 第20题:

    Text 1 Ruth Simmons joined Goldman Sachs's board as an outside director in January 2000;a year later she became president of Brown University.For the rest of the decade she apparently managed both roles without attracting much criticism.But by the end of 2009 Ms.Simmons was under fire for having sat on Goldman's compensation committee;how could she have let those enormous bonus payouts pass unremarked?By February the next year Ms.Simmons had left the board.The position was just taking up too much time,she said.Outside directors are supposed to serve as helpful,yet less biased,advisers on a firm's board.Having made their wealth and their reputations elsewhere,they presumably have enough independence to disagree with the chief executive's proposals.If the sky,and the share price,is falling,outside directors should be able to give advice based on having weathered their own crises.The researchers from Ohio University used a database that covered more than 10,000 firms and more than 64,000 different directors between 1989 and 2004.Then they simply checked which directors stayed from one proxy statement to the next.The most likely reason for departing a board was age,so the researchers concentrated on those“surprise”disappearances by directors under the age of 70.They found that after a surprise departure,the probability that the company will subsequently have to restate earnings increases by nearly 20%.The likelihood of being named in a federal classaction lawsuit also increases,and the stock is likely to perform worse.The effect tended to be larger for larger firms.Although a correlation between them leaving and subsequent bad performance at the firm is suggestive,it does not mean that such directors are always jumping off a sinking ship.Often they“trade up,”leaving riskier,smaller firms for larger and more stable firms.But the researchers believe that outside directors have an easier time of avoiding a blow to their reputations if they leave a firm before bad news break,even if a review of history shows they were on the board at the time any wrongdoing occurred.Firms who want to keep their outside directors through tough times may have to create incentives.Otherwise outside directors will follow the example of Ms.Simmons,once again very popular on campus.
    It can be inferred from the last paragraph that outside directors____

    A.may stay for the attractive offers from the firm
    B.have often had records of wrongdoings in the firm
    C.are accustomed to stressfree work in the firm
    D.will decline incentives from the firm

    推理题【命题思路】这是一道封闭式推理题,需要对最后一段进行锁定,从而得出答案。【直击答案】根据题干定位到最后一段第二句“Firms who…create incentives.”这句话的意思是“想要在困难时期留住外部董事的公司可能不得不采取一些激励政策。”由此可以推断出外部董事可能会因为公司采取的政策而留下。A项和原文意思吻合,故是正确答案。【干扰排除】B项与原文意思不符。原文最后一段最后一句只是说外部董事在公司犯错时还在公司任职,但并未说外部董事自己居公司留下劣迹,故不选。最后一段并没有提到外部董事的工作压力,C项属于无中生有,故不选。文末两句“Firms who…the example of Ms.Simmons…”只谈到了公司不得不采取一些激励措施,至于外部董事接受还是拒绝,没有提及。D项属于过度推理,不选。

  • 第21题:

    "I think you've made a mistake,"he said mildly.

    A: gently
    B: shyly
    C: weakly
    D: sweetly

    句意:“我想你搞错了,”他温和地说。单词gen街意为“和蔼地,温柔地”' shyl) 意为“害羞地”, weakly意为“虚弱地”, sweetly意为“甜蜜地”。单词mildly意为“文昨地,温和地”,和gently的意思接近。

  • 第22题:

    It is important to note that from the core company’s perspective, the supply chain includes (), upstream supplier and down stream customers.

    • A、Internal functions
    • B、External functions
    • C、Information systems
    • D、Physical distribution


  • 第23题:

    Which segment would benefit from integrating the internal systems of a company, including those for inventory, payment processing, marketing, accounts, and order tracking?()

     supply chain logistics


     banking administration


     retail supplier


     healthcare administration

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析