(c) Excluding the number of complaints by patients, identify and briefly explain THREE quantitativenon-financial performance measures that could be used to assess the ‘quality of service’ provided by theDental Health Partnership. (3 marks)


(c) Excluding the number of complaints by patients, identify and briefly explain THREE quantitative

non-financial performance measures that could be used to assess the ‘quality of service’ provided by the

Dental Health Partnership. (3 marks)

更多“(c) Excluding the number of complaints by patients, identify and briefly explain THREE quantitativenon-financial performance measures that could be used to assess the ‘quality of service’ provided by theDental Health Partnership. (3 marks)”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (b) Ratio analysis in general can be useful in comparing the performance of two companies, but it has its limitations.


    State and briefly explain three factors which can cause accounting ratios to be misleading when used for

    such comparison. (6 marks)

    (b) (i) One company may have revalued its assets while the other has not.
    (ii) Accounting policies and estimation techniques may differ. For example, one company may use higher depreciation rates
    than the other.
    (iii) The use of historical cost accounting may distort the capital and profit of the two companies in different ways.
    Other answers considered on their merits.

  • 第2题:

    (c) Using information from the case, assess THREE risks to the Giant Dam Project. (9 marks)

    (c) Assessment of three risks
    Disruption and resistance by Stop-the-dam. Stop-the-dam seems very determined to delay and disrupt progress as much as
    possible. The impact of its activity can be seen on two levels. It is likely that the tunnelling and other ‘human’ disruption will
    cause a short-term delay but the more significant impact is that of exposing the lenders. In terms of probability, the case says
    that it ‘would definitely be attempting to resist the Giant Dam Project when it started’ but the probability of exposing the
    lenders is a much lower probability event if the syndicate membership is not disclosed.
    Impact/hazard: low
    Probability/likelihood: high
    The risk to progress offered by First Nation can probably be considered to be low impact/hazard but high probability. The case
    says that it ‘would be unlikely to disrupt the building of the dam’, meaning low impact/hazard, but that ‘it was highly likely
    that they would protest’, meaning a high level of probability that the risk event would occur.
    Impact: low
    Probability: high
    There are financing risks as banks seems to be hesitant when it comes to lending to R&M for the project. Such a risk event,
    if realised, would have a high potential for disruption to progress as it may leave R&M with working capital financing
    difficulties. The impact would be high because the bank may refuse to grant or extend loans if exposed (subject to existing
    contractual terms). It is difficult to estimate the probability. Perhaps there will be a range of attitudes by the lending banks
    with some more reticent than others (perhaps making it a ‘medium’ probability event).
    Impact: medium to high (depending on the reaction of the bank)
    Probability: low to medium (depending on how easy it would be to discover the lender)

  • 第3题:

    (b) Identify and explain THREE approaches that the directors of Moffat Ltd might apply in assessing the

    QUALITATIVE benefits of the proposed investment in a new IT system. (6 marks)

    (b) One approach that the directors of Moffat Ltd could adopt would be to ignore the qualitative benefits that may arise on the
    basis that there is too much subjectivity involved in their assessment. The problem that this causes is that the investment will
    probably look unattractive since all costs will be included in the evaluation whereas significant benefits and savings will have
    been ignored. Hence such an approach is lacking in substance and is not recommended.
    An alternative approach would involve attempting to attribute values to each of the identified benefits that are qualitative in
    nature. Such an approach will necessitate the use of management estimates in order to derive the cash flows to be
    incorporated in a cost benefit analysis. The problems inherent in this approach include gaining consensus among interested
    parties regarding the footing of the assumptions from which estimated cash flows have been derived. Furthermore, if the
    proposed investment does take place then it may well be impossible to prove that the claimed benefits of the new system
    have actually been realised.
    Perhaps the preferred approach is to acknowledge the existence of qualitative benefits and attempt to assess them in a
    reasonable manner acceptable to all parties including the company’s bank. The financial evaluation would then not only
    incorporate ‘hard’ facts relating to costs and benefits that are quantitative in nature, but also would include details of
    qualitative benefits which management consider exist but have not attempted to assess in financial terms. Such benefits might
    include, for example, the average time saved by location managers in analysing information during each operating period.
    Alternatively the management of Moffat Ltd could attempt to express qualitative benefits in specific terms linked to a hierarchy
    of organisational requirements. For example, qualitative benefits could be categorised as being:
    (1) Essential to the business
    (2) Very useful attributes
    (3) Desirable, but not essential
    (4) Possible, if funding is available
    (5) Doubtful and difficult to justify.

  • 第4题:

    (b) Discuss FOUR factors that distinguish service from manufacturing organisations and explain how each of

    these factors relates to the services provided by the Dental Health Partnership. (5 marks)

    (b) The major characteristics of services which distinguish services from manufacturing are as follows:
    – Intangibility.
    When a dentist provides a service to a client there are many intangible factors involved such as for example the
    appearance of the surgery, the personality of the dentist, the manner and efficiency of the dental assistant. The output
    of the service is ‘performance’ by the dentist as opposed to tangible goods.
    – Simultaneity.
    The service provided by the dentist to the patient is created by the dentist at the same time as the patient consumed it
    thus preventing any advance verification of quality.
    – Heterogeneity.
    Many service organisations face the problem of achieving consistency in the quality of its output. Whilst each of the
    dentists within the Dental Health Partnership will have similar professional qualifications there will be differences in the
    manner they provide services to clients.
    – Perishability.
    Many services are perishable. The services of a dentist are purchased only for the duration of an appointment.

  • 第5题:

    (c) Explain the term ‘target costing’ and how it may be applied by GWCC. Briefly discuss any potential

    limitations in its application. (8 marks)

    (c) Target costing should be viewed as an integral part of a strategic profit management system. The initial consideration in target
    costing is the determination of an estimate of the selling price for a new product which will enable a firm to capture its required
    share of the market. In this particular example, Superstores plc, which on the face of it looks a powerful commercial
    organisation, wishes to apply a 35% mark-up on the purchase price of each cake from GWCC. Since Superstores plc has
    already decided on a launch price of £20·25 then it follows that the maximum selling price that can be charged by GWCC
    is (100/135) x £20·25 which is £15·00.
    This is clearly a situation which lends itself to the application of target costing/pricing techniques as in essence GWCC can
    see the extent to which they fall short of the required level of return with regard to a contract with Superstores plc which ends
    after twelve months. Thus it is necessary to reduce the total costs by £556,029 to this figure in order to achieve the desired
    level of profit, having regard to the rate of return required on new capital investment. The deduction of required profit from
    the proposed selling price will produce a target price that must be met in order to ensure that the desired rate of return is
    obtained. Thus the main theme that underpins target costing can be seen to be ‘what should a product cost in order to achieve
    the desired level of return’.
    Target costing will necessitate comparison of current estimated cost levels against the target level which must be achieved if
    the desired levels of profitability, and hence return on investment, are to be achieved. Thus where a gap exists between the
    current estimated cost levels and the target cost, it is essential that this gap be closed.
    The Directors of GWCC plc should be aware of the fact that it is far easier to ‘design out’ cost during the pre-production phase
    than to ‘control out’ cost during the production phase. Thus cost reduction at this stage of a product’s life cycle is of critical
    significance to business success.
    A number of techniques may be employed in order to help in the achievement and maintenance of the desired level of target
    cost. Attention should be focussed upon the identification of value added and non-value added activities with the aim of the
    elimination of the latter. The product should be developed in an atmosphere of ‘continuous improvement’. In this regard, total
    quality techniques such as the use of Quality circles may be used in attempting to find ways of achieving reductions in product
    Value engineering techniques can be used to evaluate necessary product features such as the quality of materials used. It is
    essential that a collaborative approach is taken by the management of GWCC and that all interested parties such as suppliers
    and customers are closely involved in order to engineer product enhancements at reduced cost.
    The degree of success that will be achieved by GWCC via the application of target costing principles will be very much
    dependent on the extent of ‘flexibility’ in variable costs. Also the accuracy of information gathered by GWCC will assume
    critical importance because the use of inaccurate information will produce calculated ‘cost gaps’ which are meaningless and
    render the application of target costing principles of little value.

  • 第6题:

    (b) Briefly discuss how stakeholder groups (other than management and employees) may be rewarded for ‘good’

    performance. (4 marks)

    (b) Good performance should result in improved profitability and therefore other stakeholder groups may be rewarded for ‘good
    performance’ as follows:
    – Shareholders may receive increased returns on equity in the form. of increased dividends and /or capital growth.
    – Customers may benefit from improved quality of products and services, and possibly lower prices.
    – Suppliers may benefit from increased volumes of purchases.
    – Government will benefit from increased amounts of taxation.

  • 第7题:

    5 GE Railways plc (GER) operates a passenger train service in Holtland. The directors have always focused solely on

    the use of traditional financial measures in order to assess the performance of GER since it commenced operations

    in 1992. The Managing Director of GER has asked you, as a management accountant, for assistance with regard to

    the adoption of a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement within GER.


    (a) Prepare a memorandum explaining the potential benefits and limitations that may arise from the adoption of

    a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement within GER. (8 marks)

    (a) To: Board of directors
    From: Management Accountant
    Date: 8 June 2007
    The potential benefits of the adoption of a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement within GER are as
    A broader business perspective
    Financial measures invariably have an inward-looking perspective. The balanced scorecard is wider in its scope and
    application. It has an external focus and looks at comparisons with competitors in order to establish what constitutes best
    practice and ensures that required changes are made in order to achieve it. The use of the balanced scorecard requires a
    balance of both financial and non-financial measures and goals.
    A greater strategic focus
    The use of the balanced scorecard focuses to a much greater extent on the longer term. There is a far greater emphasis on
    strategic considerations. It attempts to identify the needs and wants of customers and the new products and markets. Hence
    it requires a balance between short term and long term performance measures.
    A greater focus on qualitative aspects
    The use of the balanced scorecard attempts to overcome the over-emphasis of traditional measures on the quantifiable aspects
    of the internal operations of an organisation expressed in purely financial terms. Its use requires a balance between
    quantitative and qualitative performance measures. For example, customer satisfaction is a qualitative performance measure
    which is given prominence under the balanced scorecard approach.
    A greater focus on longer term performance
    The use of traditional financial measures is often dominated by financial accounting requirements, for example, the need to
    show fixed assets at their historic cost. Also, they are primarily focused on short-term profitability and return on capital
    employed in order to gain stakeholder approval of short term financial reports, the longer term or whole life cycle often being
    The limitations of a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement may be viewed as follows:
    The balanced scorecard attempts to identify the chain of cause and effect relationships which will provide the stimulus for
    the future success of an organisation.
    Advocates of a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement suggest that it can constitute a vital component
    of the strategic management process.
    However, Robert Kaplan and David Norton, the authors of the balanced scorecard concept concede that it may not be suitable
    for all firms. Norton suggests that it is most suitable for firms which have a long lead time between management action and
    financial benefit and that it will be less suitable for firms with a short-term focus. However, other flaws can be detected in
    the balanced scorecard.
    The balanced scorecard promises to outline the theory of the firm by clearly linking the driver/outcome measures in a cause
    and effect chain, but this will be difficult if not impossible to achieve.
    The precise cause and effect relationships between measures for each of the perspectives on the balanced scorecard will be
    complex because the driver and outcome measures for the various perspectives are interlinked. For example, customer
    satisfaction may be seen to be a function of several drivers, such as employee satisfaction, manufacturing cycle time and
    quality. However, employee satisfaction may in turn be partially driven by customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction
    may partially drive manufacturing cycle time. A consequence of this non-linearity of the cause and effect chain (i.e., there is
    non-linear relationship between an individual driver and a single outcome measure), is that there must be a question mark
    as to the accuracy of any calculated correlations between driver and outcome measures. Allied to this point, any calculated
    correlations will be historic. This implies that it will only be possible to determine the accuracy of cause and effect linkages
    after the event, which could make the use of the balanced scorecard in dynamic industries questionable. If the market is
    undergoing rapid evolution, for example, how meaningful are current measures of customer satisfaction or market share?
    These criticisms do not necessarily undermine the usefulness of the balanced scorecard in presenting a more comprehensive
    picture of organisational performance but they do raise doubts concerning claims that a balanced scorecard can be
    constructed which will outline a clear cause and effect chain between driver and outcome measures and the firm’s financial

  • 第8题:

    (b) Explain THREE problems in undertaking a performance comparison of GBC and TTC and also explain THREE

    items of additional information that would be of assistance in assessing the operating and financial

    performance of GBC and TTC. (6 marks)

    (b) The relative performance of GBC and TTC is difficult to assess due to the following:
    (i) They would appear to have differing objectives. GBC provides free transport for senior citizens and charges lower fares
    than TTC. GBC also uses environmentally friendly fuel. Each of these factors inhibits a direct comparison of the two
    (ii) The organisations are funded differently. It is evident that TTC uses loan finance to fund operations which gives rise to
    interest charges which are not incurred by GBC. On the other hand GBC is funded by the government.
    (iii) TTC has higher fixed asset values which precipitate much higher depreciation charges.
    (iv) There is also a lack of non-financial performance indicators such as the number of on-time arrivals, number of accidents,
    complaints re passenger dissatisfaction, staff turnover, adherence to relevant legislation, convenience of pick-up/drop-off
    points etc.
    The following items of additional information would assist in assessing the financial and operating performance of the two
    (1) The number of staff employed by each organisation would assist in the assessment of the financial and operating
    performance. Ratios such as revenue generated per employee and operating costs per employee might provide useful
    comparators of financial and operating efficiency.
    (2) Safety and accident records of each organisation would give an indication of the reliability and safety afforded to
    passengers by each organisation. Passenger safety is of paramount importance to all passenger transport businesses.
    (3) Records of late/cancelled buses together with the number of complaints received from the passengers would provide an
    indication of the efficiency of the service provided by each organisation.
    (4) The accessibility of the services, location of pick-up/drop-off points would provide an indication of the flexibility of service
    delivery provided by each organisation.
    (5) The comfort, cleanliness and age of the respective bus fleets would provide a further indication of the level of service
    quality provided by each organisation.
    (6) The fuel emission levels of the buses operated by each organisation would provide an indication of the extent of their
    ‘social responsibility’.
    Notes: (i) Only three items of additional information were required.
    (ii) Alternative relevant discussion and examples would be acceptable.

  • 第9题:

    (iii) assesses TSC in terms of financial performance, competitiveness, service quality, resource utilisation,

    flexibility and innovation and discusses the interrelationships between these terms, incorporating

    examples from within TSC; and (10 marks)

    (iii) The terms listed may be seen as representative of the dimensions of performance. The dimensions may be analysed into
    results and determinants.
    The results may be measured by focusing on financial performance and competitiveness. Financial performance may
    be measured in terms of revenue and profit as shown in the data in the appendix of the question in respect of TSC. The
    points system in part (a) of the answer shows which depots have achieved or exceeded the target set. In addition,
    liquidity is another aspect of the measurement of financial performance. The points total in part (a) showed that
    Leonardotown and Michaelangelotown depots appear to have the best current record in aspects of credit control.
    Competitiveness may be measured in terms of sales growth but also in terms of market share, number of new
    customers, etc. In the TSC statistics available in (a) we only have data for the current quarter. This shows that three of
    the four depots listed have achieved increased revenue compared to target.
    The determinants are the factors which may be seen to contribute to the achievement of the results. Quality, resource
    utilisation, flexibility and innovation are cited by Fitzgerald and Moon as examples of factors that should contribute to
    the achievement of the results in terms of financial performance and competitiveness. In TSC a main quality issue
    appears to be customer care and service delivery. The statistics in the points table in part (a) of the answer show that
    the Raphaeltown depot appears to have a major problem in this area. It has only achieved one point out of the six
    available in this particular segment of the statistics.
    Resource utilisation for TSC may be measured by the level of effective use of drivers and vehicles. To some extent, this
    is highlighted by the statistics relating to customer care and service delivery. For example, late collection of consignments
    from customers may be caused by a shortage of vehicles and/or drivers. Such shortages could be due to staff turnover,
    sickness, etc or problems with vehicle maintenance.
    Flexibility may be an issue. There may, for example, be a problem with vehicle availability. Possibly an increased focus
    on sources for short-term sub-contracting of vehicles/collections/deliveries might help overcome delay problems.
    The ‘target v actual points system’ may be seen as an example of innovation by the company. This gives a detailed set
    of measures that should provide an incentive for improvement at all depots. The points system may illustrate the extent
    of achievement/non-achievement of company strategies for success. For example TSC may have a customer care
    commitment policy which identifies factors that should be achieved on a continuing basis. For example, timely collection
    of consignments, misdirected consignments re-delivered at no extra charge, prompt responses to customer claims and
    compensation for customers.

  • 第10题:

    (d) Suggest a set of SIX performance measures which the directors of SSH could use in order to assess the

    quality of service provided to its clients. (3 marks)

    (d) The following performance measures which could be used to assess the quality of service provided to its clients:
    – The reliability of staff in keeping to scheduled appointment times with clients
    – The responsiveness of staff to client enquiries or requests for assistance
    – The quality of communications between SSH and its clients
    – The competence of its staff in providing training to its clients
    – The access times to staff upon the request of clients
    – The availability of staff to meet emergency needs of clients
    – The security of the data of its client base.
    Notes: (i) Only six performance measures were required
    (ii) Other relevant performance measures would be acceptable.

  • 第11题:

    (ii) Briefly explain the implications of Parr & Co’s audit opinion for your audit opinion on the consolidated

    financial statements of Cleeves Co for the year ended 30 September 2006. (3 marks)

    (ii) Implications for audit opinion on consolidated financial statements of Cleeves
    ■ If the potential adjustments to non-current asset carrying amounts and loss are not material to the consolidated
    financial statements there will be no implication. However, as Howard is material to Cleeves and the modification
    appears to be ‘so material’ (giving rise to adverse opinion) this seems unlikely.
    Tutorial note: The question clearly states that Howard is material to Cleeves, thus there is no call for speculation
    on this.
    ■ As Howard is wholly-owned the management of Cleeves must be able to request that Howard’s financial statements
    are adjusted to reflect the impairment of the assets. The auditor’s report on Cleeves will then be unmodified
    (assuming that any impairment of the investment in Howard is properly accounted for in the separate financial
    statements of Cleeves).
    ■ If the impairment losses are not recognised in Howard’s financial statements they can nevertheless be adjusted on
    consolidation of Cleeves and its subsidiaries (by writing down assets to recoverable amounts). The audit opinion
    on Cleeves should then be unmodified in this respect.
    ■ If there is no adjustment of Howard’s asset values (either in Howard’s financial statements or on consolidation) it
    is most likely that the audit opinion on Cleeves’s consolidated financial statements would be ‘except for’. (It should
    not be adverse as it is doubtful whether even the opinion on Howard’s financial statements should be adverse.)
    Tutorial note: There is currently no requirement in ISA 600 to disclose that components have been audited by another
    auditor unless the principal auditor is permitted to base their opinion solely upon the report of another auditor.

  • 第12题:

    (ii) Identify and explain the principal audit procedures to be performed on the valuation of the investment

    properties. (6 marks)

    (ii) Additional audit procedures
    Audit procedures should focus on the appraisal of the work of the expert valuer. Procedures could include the following:
    – Inspection of the written instructions provided by Poppy Co to the valuer, which should include matters such as
    the objective and scope of the valuer’s work, the extent of the valuer’s access to relevant records and files, and
    clarification of the intended use by the auditor of their work.
    – Evaluation, using the valuation report, that any assumptions used by the valuer are in line with the auditor’s
    knowledge and understanding of Poppy Co. Any documentation supporting assumptions used by the valuer should
    be reviewed for consistency with the auditor’s business understanding, and also for consistency with any other
    audit evidence.
    – Assessment of the methodology used to arrive at the fair value and confirmation that the method is consistent with
    that required by IAS 40.
    – The auditor should confirm, using the valuation report, that a consistent method has been used to value each
    – It should also be confirmed that the date of the valuation report is reasonably close to the year end of Poppy Co.
    – Physical inspection of the investment properties to determine the physical condition of the properties supports the
    – Inspect the purchase documentation of each investment property to ascertain the cost of each building. As the
    properties were acquired during this accounting period, it would be reasonable to expect that the fair value at the
    year end is not substantially different to the purchase price. Any significant increase or decrease in value should
    alert the auditor to possible misstatement, and lead to further audit procedures.
    – Review of forecasts of rental income from the properties – supporting evidence of the valuation.
    – Subsequent events should be monitored for any additional evidence provided on the valuation of the properties.
    For example, the sale of an investment property shortly after the year end may provide additional evidence relating
    to the fair value measurement.
    – Obtain a management representation regarding the reasonableness of any significant assumptions, where relevant,
    to fair value measurements or disclosures.

  • 第13题:

    (b) Explain Kohlberg’s three levels of moral development and identify the levels of moral development

    demonstrated by the contributions of Gary Howells, Vanda Monroe and Martin Chan. (12 marks)

    (b) Kohlberg’s levels of moral development
    Description of levels
    Kohlberg described human moral development in terms of three consecutive levels.
    Preconventional moral responses view morality in terms of rewards, punishments and whether or not the act will be
    penalised, found out or rewarded.
    Conventional moral responses view morality in terms of compliance with the agreed legal and regulatory frameworks relevant
    at the time and place in which the decision is taking place.
    Postconventional responses go beyond the other two and frame. morality in terms of the effects of the action on oneself and
    others, on how it will affect one’s own moral approach and how it will accord with wider systems of ethics and social norms.
    Three people in the case
    The three people mentioned in the case exhibit different levels of moral development.
    Gary Howells is demonstrating the preconventional in that he sees the decision to disclose or not in terms of whether WM
    can get away with it. He was inclined to conceal the information because of the potential impact on the company’s share
    price on the stock market. His suggestion was underpinned by his belief that the concealment of the incorrect valuation would
    not be ‘found out’.
    Vanda Monroe demonstrates conventional behaviour, reminding the WM board of its legal and regulatory obligations under
    the rules of its stock market listing. In particular, she reminded the board about the importance of the company’s compliance
    with corporate governance and ethics codes by the stock market. To fail to disclose would, in Vanda’s view, be a breach of
    those stock market expectations. Rather than rewards and punishments, Vanda was more concerned with compliance with
    rules and regulations.
    Martin Chan is demonstrating postconventional morality by referring to consistency of treatment and the notion of ‘do as you
    would be done by’. He said that he wouldn’t want to be deceived if he were an outside investor in the company. His response
    was underpinned neither by rewards or punishments, nor by compliance with regulations, but rather than a persuasion that
    moral behaviour is about doing what one believes to be right, regardless of any other factors.

  • 第14题:

    (b) Explain the roles of a nominations committee and assess the potential usefulness of a nominations committee

    to the board of Rosh and Company. (8 marks)

    (b) Nominations committees
    General roles of a nominations committee.
    It advises on the balance between executives and independent non-executive directors and establishes the appropriate
    number and type of NEDs on the board. The nominations committee is usually made up of NEDs.
    It establishes the skills, knowledge and experience possessed by current board and notes any gaps that will need to be filled.
    It acts to meet the needs for continuity and succession planning, especially among the most senior members of the board.
    It establishes the desirable and optimal size of the board, bearing in mind the current size and complexity of existing and
    planned activities and strategies.
    It seeks to ensure that the board is balanced in terms of it having board members from a diversity of backgrounds so as to
    reflect its main constituencies and ensure a flow of new ideas and the scrutiny of existing strategies.
    In the case of Rosh, the needs that a nominations committee could address are:
    To recommend how many directors would be needed to run the business and plan for recruitment accordingly. The perceived
    similarity of skills and interests of existing directors is also likely to be an issue.
    To resolve the issues over numbers of NEDs. It seems likely that the current number is inadequate and would put Rosh in a
    position of non-compliance with many of the corporate governance guidelines pertaining to NEDs.
    To resolve the issues over the independence of NEDs. The closeness that the NEDs have to existing executive board members
    potentially undermines their independence and a nominations committee should be able to identify this as an issue and make
    recommendations to rectify it.
    To make recommendations over the succession of the chairmanship. It may not be in the interests of Rosh for family members
    to always occupy senior positions in the business.

  • 第15题:

    (c) Identify TWO QUALITATIVE benefits that might arise as a consequence of the investment in a new IT system

    and explain how you would attempt to assess them. (4 marks)

    (c) One of the main qualitative benefits that may arise from an investment in a new IT system by Moffat Ltd is the improved level
    of service to its customers in the form. of reduced waiting times which may arise as a consequence of better scheduling of
    appointments, inventory management etc. This could be assessed via the introduction of a questionnaire requiring customers
    to rate the service that they have received from their recent visit to a location within Moffat Ltd according to specific criteria
    such as adherence to appointment times, time taken to service the vehicle, cleanliness of the vehicle, attitude of staff etc.
    Alternatively a follow-up telephone call from a centralised customer services department may be made by Moffat Ltd
    personnel in order to gather such information.
    Another qualitative benefit of the proposed investment may arise in the form. of competitive advantage. Improvements in
    customer specific information and service levels may give Moffat Ltd a competitive advantage. Likewise, improved inventory
    management may enable costs to be reduced thereby enabling a ‘win-win’ relationship to be enjoyed with its customers.

  • 第16题:

    (b) Briefly explain THREE limitations of negotiated transfer prices. (3 marks)

    (b) Negotiated transfer prices suffer from the following limitations:
    – The transfer price which is the final outcome of negotiations may not be close to the transfer price that would be optimal
    for the organisation as a whole since it can be dependent on the negotiating skills and bargaining powers of individual
    – They can lead to conflict between divisions which may necessitate the intervention of top management to mediate.
    – The measure of divisional profitability can be dependent on the negotiating skills of managers who may have unequal
    bargaining power.
    – They can be time-consuming for the managers involved, particularly where large numbers of transactions are involved.

  • 第17题:

    (ii) Briefly explain the extent to which the application of sensitivity analysis might be useful in deciding

    which refrigeration system to purchase and discuss the limitations inherent in its use. (3 marks)

    (ii) Sensitivity analysis could be used to assess how responsive the NPV calculated in part (a) in respect of each decision
    option change is to changes in the variables used to calculate it. The application of sensitivity analysis requires that the
    net present values are calculated under alternative assumptions in order to determine how sensitive they are to changing
    conditions. In this particular example then a relatively small change in the forecast cash flows might lead to a change
    in the investment decision. The application of sensitivity analysis can indicate those variables to which the NPV is most
    sensitive and the extent to which these variables may change before an investment results in a negative NPV. Thus the
    application of sensitivity analysis may provide management with an indication of why a particular project might fail. The
    directors of Stay Cool Ltd should give consideration to the potential variations in the independent variables which feature
    in the decision-making process such as:
    – estimated revenues
    – estimated operating costs
    – estimated working lives
    – estimated repair costs
    – the estimated discount rate i.e. cost of capital of each alternative investment.
    Sensitivity analysis has some serious limitations. The use of the method requires changes in each variable under
    consideration are isolated. However management may be focused on what happens if changes occur in two or more
    critical variables. Another problem relating to the use of sensitivity analysis to forecast outcomes lies in the fact that it
    provides no indication of the likelihood of the occurrence of changes in critical variables.

  • 第18题:

    (ii) Service quality; and (7 marks)

    (ii) Quality of service is the totality of features and characteristics of the service package that bear upon its ability to satisfy
    client needs. To some extent the number of complaints and the need to provide non-chargeable consultations associated
    with the remedying of those complaints is indicative of a service quality problem that must be addressed. Hence this
    problem needs to be investigated at the earliest opportunity. Assuming consultants could have otherwise undertaken
    chargeable work, the revenue foregone as a consequence of the remedial consultations relating to commercial work
    amounted to (180 x £1500) = £27,000. Client complaints received by HLP during the year amounted to 1·24% of
    consultations undertaken by commercial advisors whereas none were budgeted. In contrast, competitor MAS received
    135 complaints which coincided with the number of non-chargeable consultations undertaken by them. This may
    indicate that MAS operate a policy of a remedial consultation in respect of all complaints received from clients.
    With regard to the number of on-time consultations, HLP only achieved an on-time consultation percentage of 94·4%
    which is far inferior to that of 99% achieved by competitor MAS. Also, HLP re-scheduled the appointment times of
    1,620 (3%) of its total consultations whereas competitor MAS only re-scheduled 0·5% of its consultation times. The
    percentage number of successful consultations provided by HLP and MAS was 85% and 95% respectively which
    indicates that competitor MAS possesses a superior skills-base to that of HLP.
    The most alarming statistic lies in the fact that HLP was subject to three successful legal actions for negligence. This
    may not only account for the 150% increase in the cost of professional indemnity insurance premiums but may also
    result in a loss of client confidence and precipitate a considerable fall in future levels of business should the claims
    become much publicised.

  • 第19题:

    (ii) Suggest THREE other performance measures (not applied in (i)) which might be used to assess the

    customer perspective of the balanced scorecard of GER. (3 marks)

    (ii) Performance measures that may be used to assess the customer perspective of the balanced scorecard of GER include
    the following:
    Lost or damaged luggage per 1,000 passengers
    Train cancellation rate
    Denied boarding rate
    Number of passenger complaints.
    Note: Only three measures were required.

  • 第20题:

    (ii) Briefly discuss THREE disadvantages of using EVA? in the measurement of financial performance.

    (3 marks)

    (ii) Disadvantages of an EVA approach to the measurement of financial performance include:
    (i) The calculation of EVA may be complicated due to the number of adjustments required.
    (ii) It is difficult to use EVA for inter-firm and inter-divisional comparisons because it is not a ratio measure.
    (iii) Economic depreciation is difficult to estimate and conflicts with generally accepted accounting principles.
    Note: Other relevant discussion would be acceptable.

  • 第21题:

    (c) Assess the likely criteria which would need to be satisfied for software to be regarded as ‘quality software’.

    (4 marks)

    (c) The following are important considerations regarding the quality of the business software:
    – The software is error-free as this will improve its reliability. Whilst in practice this might not always be achievable the
    directors of SSH must recognise the dangers involved in supplying bespoke software which may prove damaging to their
    clients’ businesses with the resulting loss of client goodwill.
    – The software should meet quality control standards such as those specified by the ISO (International Standards
    – The software must be delivered on time. Late delivery of business software will prove problematic since clients may rely
    on updated software to meet new customer needs or to fulfil revised business objectives.
    – The software must meet the initial specification of the customer. In meeting the specification SSH will be demonstrating
    that the software has been produced correctly with an appropriate focus on the requirements of end users.
    – The software must be usable i.e. as well as being able to do what it is supposed to do it is important that it is easy to
    – The software should be capable of being updated in the light of future changes that occur in the clients’ requirements.

  • 第22题:

    (b) The management of Division C has identified the need to achieve cost savings in order to become more

    competitive. They have decided that an analysis and investigation of quality costs into four sub-categories will

    provide a focus for performance measurement and improvement.


    Identify the FOUR sub-categories into which quality costs can be analysed and provide examples (which

    must relate to Division C) of each of the four sub-categories of quality cost that can be investigated in order

    that overall cost savings might be achieved and hence the performance improved. (8 marks)

    (b) Quality costs may be monitored by measuring costs of non-conformance and costs of conformance.
    Costs of non-conformance occur when the product fails to reach the design quality standards. Such costs may be subdivided
    into internal failure costs and external failure costs.
    Internal failure costs occur when the failure is detected before the transfer of the product to the customer.
    External failure costs occur when the failure to reach the required standards is not detected until after the product has been
    transferred to the customer.
    Costs of conformance are those incurred in reducing or eliminating the costs of non-conformance. Such costs may be
    subdivided into appraisal costs and prevention costs.
    Appraisal costs are those associated with the evaluation of items such as purchased material and services in order to ensure
    that they conform. to the agreed specification.
    Prevention costs are those associated with the implementation of a quality improvement programme. Such costs are planned
    in advance and their implementation should lead to continuous improvement.
    Examples of quality costs relevant to Division C may include:
    Internal failure costs: cost of materials scrapped due to poor receipt and storage procedures or losses of CC output due to poor
    processing routines.
    External failure costs: cost of quality problems with batch of CC not detected until it has reached Division B. This may require
    free replacement of the batch and compensation for loss of output by Division B.
    Appraisal costs: evaluation of purchased material and services in relation to the manufacture of CC to ensure that it conforms
    to the agreed specification; e.g. inspection and testing before use.
    Prevention costs: the cost of implementation of staff training and the costs of equipment testing to ensure that it conforms to
    the specification standards required for the production of CC.
    (Alternative relevant examples would be accepted)

  • 第23题:

    (c) (i) Identify and describe FOUR quality control procedures that are applicable to the individual audit

    engagement; and (8 marks)

    (c) (i) ISQC 1 Quality Control for Firms That Perform. Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial Information and Other
    Assurance and Related Services Engagements provides guidance on the overall quality control systems that should be
    implemented by an audit firm. ISA 220 Quality Control for Audits of Historical Financial Information specifies the quality
    control procedures that should be applied by the engagement team in individual audit assignments.
    Procedures include the following:
    Client acceptance procedures
    There should be full documentation, and conclusion on, ethical and client acceptance issues in each audit assignment.
    The engagement partner should consider whether members of the audit team have complied with ethical requirements,
    for example, whether all members of the team are independent of the client. Additionally, the engagement partner should
    conclude whether all acceptance procedures have been followed, for example, that the audit firm has considered the
    integrity of the principal owners and key management of the client. Other procedures on client acceptance should
    – Obtaining professional clearance from previous auditors
    – Consideration of any conflict of interest
    – Money laundering (client identification) procedures.
    Engagement team
    Procedures should be followed to ensure that the engagement team collectively has the skills, competence and time to
    perform. the audit engagement. The engagement partner should assess that the audit team, for example:
    – Has the appropriate level of technical knowledge
    – Has experience of audit engagements of a similar nature and complexity
    – Has the ability to apply professional judgement
    – Understands professional standards, and regulatory and legal requirements.
    The engagement team should be directed by the engagement partner. Procedures such as an engagement planning
    meeting should be undertaken to ensure that the team understands:
    – Their responsibilities
    – The objectives of the work they are to perform
    – The nature of the client’s business
    – Risk related issues
    – How to deal with any problems that may arise; and
    – The detailed approach to the performance of the audit.
    The planning meeting should be led by the partner and should include all people involved with the audit. There should
    be a discussion of the key issues identified at the planning stage.
    Supervision should be continuous during the engagement. Any problems that arise during the audit should be rectified
    as soon as possible. Attention should be focused on ensuring that members of the audit team are carrying out their work
    in accordance with the planned approach to the engagement. Significant matters should be brought to the attention of
    senior members of the audit team. Documentation should be made of key decisions made during the audit engagement.
    The review process is one of the key quality control procedures. All work performed must be reviewed by a more senior
    member of the audit team. Reviewers should consider for example whether:
    – Work has been performed in accordance with professional standards
    – The objectives of the procedures performed have been achieved
    – Work supports conclusions drawn and is appropriately documented.
    The review process itself must be evidenced.
    Finally the engagement partner should arrange consultation on difficult or contentious matters. This is a procedure
    whereby the matter is discussed with a professional outside the engagement team, and sometimes outside the audit
    firm. Consultations must be documented to show:
    – The issue on which the consultation was sought; and
    – The results of the consultation.