(ii) Calculate her income tax (IT) and national insurance (NIC) payable for the year of assessment 2006/07.(4 marks)


(ii) Calculate her income tax (IT) and national insurance (NIC) payable for the year of assessment 2006/07.

(4 marks)



更多“(ii) Calculate her income tax (IT) and national insurance (NIC) payable for the year of assessment 2006/07.(4 marks)”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (b) (i) Calculate the inheritance tax (IHT) that will be payable if Debbie were to die today (8 June 2005).

    Assume that no tax planning measures are taken and that there has been no change in the value of any

    of the assets since David’s death. (4 marks)



  • 第2题:

    (ii) Explain the income tax (IT), national insurance (NIC) and capital gains tax (CGT) implications arising on

    the grant to and exercise by an employee of an option to buy shares in an unapproved share option

    scheme and on the subsequent sale of these shares. State clearly how these would apply in Henry’s

    case. (8 marks)

    (ii) Exercising of share options
    The share option is not part of an approved scheme, and will not therefore enjoy the benefits of such a scheme. There
    are three events with tax consequences – grant, exercise and sale.
    Grant. If shares or options over shares are sold or granted at less than market value, an income tax charge can arise on
    the difference between the price paid and the market value. [Weight v Salmon]. In addition, if options can be exercised
    more than 10 years after the date of the grant, an employment income charge can arise. This is based on the market
    value at the date of grant less the grant and exercise priced.
    In Henry’s case, the options were issued with an exercise price equal to the then market value, and cannot be exercised
    more than 10 years from the grant. No income tax charge therefore arises on grant.
    Exercise. On exercise, the individual pays the agreed amount in return for a number of shares in the company. The price
    paid is compared with the open market value at that time, and if less, the difference is charged to income tax. National
    insurance also applies, and the company has to pay Class 1 NIC. If the company and shareholder agree, the national
    insurance can be passed onto the individual, and the liability becomes a deductible expense in calculating the income
    tax charge.
    In Henry’s case on exercise, the difference between market value (£14) and the price paid (£1) per share will be taxed
    as income. Therefore, £130,000 (10,000 x (£14 – £1)) will be taxed as income. In addition, national insurance will
    be chargeable on the company at 12·8% (£16,640) and on Henry at the rate of 1% (£1,300).
    Sale. The base cost of the shares is taken to be the market value at the time of exercise. On the sale of the shares, any
    gain or loss arising falls under the capital gains tax rules, and CGT will be payable on any gain. Business asset taper
    relief will be available as the company is an unquoted trading company, but the relief will only run from the time that
    the share options are exercised – i.e. from the time when the shares were acquired.
    In Henry’s case, the sale of the shares will immediately follow the exercise of the option (6 days later). The sale proceeds
    and the market value at the time of exercise are likely to be similar; thus little to no gain is likely to arise.

  • 第3题:

    (c) Calculate the expected corporation tax liability of Dovedale Ltd for the year ending 31 March 2007 on the

    assumption that all available reliefs are claimed by Dovedale Ltd but that Hira Ltd will not claim any capital

    allowances in that year. (4 marks)



  • 第4题:

    (ii) Calculate Paul’s tax liability if he exercises the share options in Memphis plc and subsequently sells the

    shares in Memphis plc immediately, as proposed, and show how he may reduce this tax liability.

    (4 marks)


  • 第5题:

    (iii) State the value added tax (VAT) and stamp duty (SD) issues arising as a result of inserting Bold plc as

    a holding company and identify any planning actions that can be taken to defer or minimise these tax

    costs. (4 marks)

    You should assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2005 and the income tax rates

    and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.

    (iii) Bold plc will be making a taxable supply of services, likely to exceed the VAT threshold. It should therefore consider
    registering for VAT – either immediately on a voluntary basis, or when its cumulative taxable supplies in the previous
    twelve months exceed £60,000.
    As an alternative, the new group can apply for a group VAT registration. This will simplify its VAT administration as intragroup
    transactions are broadly disregarded for VAT purposes, and only one VAT return is required for the group as a
    Stamp duty normally applies at 0·5% on the consideration payable in respect of transactions in shares. However, an
    exemption is available in the case of a takeover, reconstruction or amalgamation where there is no real change in
    ownership, i.e. the new shareholdings mirror the old shareholdings, and the transaction is for commercial purposes. The
    insertion of a new holding company over an existing company, as proposed here, would qualify for this exemption.
    There is no VAT on transactions in shares.

  • 第6题:

    (ii) Advise Andrew of the tax implications arising from the disposal of the 7% Government Stock, clearly

    identifying the tax year in which any liability will arise and how it will be paid. (3 marks)

    (ii) Government stock is an exempt asset for the purposes of capital gains tax, however, as Andrew’s holding has a nominal
    value in excess of £5,000, a charge to income tax will arise under the accrued income scheme. This charge to income
    tax will arise in 2005/06, being the tax year in which the next interest payment following disposal falls due (20 April
    2005) and it will relate to the income accrued for the period 21 October 2004 to 14 March 2005 of £279 (145/182
    x £350). As interest on Government Stock is paid gross (unless the holder applies to receive it net), the tax due of £112
    (£279 x 40%) will be collected via the self-assessment system and as the interest was an ongoing source of income
    will be included within Andrew’s half yearly payments on account payable on 31 January and 31 July 2006.

  • 第7题:

    (b) (i) Calculate Amanda’s income tax payable for the tax year 2006/07; (11 marks)



  • 第8题:

    (iii) The extent to which Amy will be subject to income tax in the UK on her earnings in respect of duties

    performed for Cutlass Inc and the travel costs paid for by that company. (5 marks)

    Appropriateness of format and presentation of the report and the effectiveness with which its advice is

    communicated. (2 marks)


    You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and the corporation tax

    rates and allowances for the financial year 2006 apply throughout this questio

    (iii) Amy’s UK income tax position
    Amy will remain UK resident and ordinarily resident as she is not leaving the UK permanently or for a complete tax year
    under a full time contract of employment. Accordingly, she will continue to be subject to UK tax on her worldwide income
    including her earnings in respect of the duties she performs for Cutlass Inc. The earnings from these duties will also be
    taxable in Sharpenia as the income arises in that country.
    The double tax treaty between the UK and Sharpenia will either exempt the employment income in one of the two
    countries or give double tax relief for the tax paid in Sharpenia. The double tax relief will be the lower of the UK tax and
    the Sharpenian tax on the income from Cutlass Inc.
    Amy will not be subject to UK income tax on the expenses borne by Cutlass Inc in respect of her flights to and from
    Sharpenia provided her journeys are wholly and exclusively for the purposes of performing her duties in Sharpenia.
    The amounts paid by Cutlass Inc in respect of Amy’s family travelling to Sharpenia will be subject to UK income tax as
    Amy will not be absent from the UK for a continuous period of at least 60 days.

  • 第9题:

    (c) Calculate and explain the amount of income tax relief that Gerard will obtain in respect of the pension

    contributions he proposes to make in the tax year 2007/08 and contrast this with how his position could be

    improved by delaying some of the contributions that he could have made in 2007/08 until 2008/09. You

    should include relevant supporting calculations and quantify the additional tax savings arising as a result of

    your advice.

    You should ignore the proposed changes to the bonus scheme for this part of this question and assume that

    Gerard’s income will not change in 2008/09. (12 marks)



  • 第10题:

    (ii) Explain how the inclusion of rental income in Coral’s UK income tax computation could affect the

    income tax due on her dividend income. (2 marks)

    You are not required to prepare calculations for part (b) of this question.

    Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and for the financial year to

    31 March 2007 will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.

    (ii) The effect of taxable rental income on the tax due on Coral’s dividend income
    Remitting rental income to the UK may cause some of Coral’s dividend income currently falling within the basic rate
    band to fall within the higher rate band. The effect of this would be to increase the tax on the gross dividend income
    from 0% (10% less the 10% tax credit) to 221/2% (321/2% less 10%).
    Tutorial note
    It would be equally acceptable to state that the effective rate of tax on the dividend income would increase from 0%
    to 25%.

  • 第11题:

    (ii) State, with reasons, whether Messier Ltd can provide Galileo with accommodation in the UK without

    giving rise to a UK income tax liability. (2 marks)

    (ii) Tax-free accommodation
    It is not possible for Messier Ltd to provide Galileo with tax-free accommodation. The provision of accommodation by an
    employer to an employee will give rise to a taxable benefit unless it is:
    – necessary for the proper performance of the employee’s duties, e.g. a caretaker; or
    – for the better performance of the employee’s duties and customary, e.g. a hotel manager; or
    – part of arrangements arising out of threats to the employee’s security, e.g. a government minister.
    As a manager of Messier Ltd Galileo is unable to satisfy any of the above conditions.

  • 第12题:

    (c) (i) Calculate Benny’s capital gains tax liability for 2006/07. (6 marks)



  • 第13题:

    (ii) State when the inheritance tax (IHT) calculated in (i) would be payable and by whom. (2 marks)

    (ii) Inheritance tax administration
    The tax on Debbie’s estate (personalty and realty) would be paid by the personal representatives, usually an executor.
    Inheritance tax is due six months from the end of the month in which death occurred (31 December 2005) or the date
    on which probate is obtained (if earlier). However, an instalment option is available for certain assets, which includes
    land and buildings i.e. the residence whereby the tax can be paid in 10 equal annual instalments.

  • 第14题:

    (ii) List the additional information required in order to calculate the employment income benefit in respect

    of the provision of the furnished flat for 2007/08 and advise Benny of the potential income tax

    implications of requesting a more centrally located flat in accordance with the company’s offer.

    (4 marks)

    (ii) The flat
    The following additional information is required in order to calculate the employment income benefit in respect of the
    – The flat’s annual value.
    – The cost of any improvements made to the flat prior to 6 April 2007.
    – The cost of power, water, repairs and maintenance etc borne by Summer Glow plc.
    – The cost of the furniture provided by Summer Glow plc.
    – Any use of the flat by Benny wholly, exclusively and necessarily for the purposes of his employment.
    Tutorial note
    The market value of the flat is not required as Summer Glow plc has owned it for less than six years.
    One element of the employment income benefit in respect of the flat is calculated by reference to its original cost plus
    the cost of any capital improvements prior to 6 April 2007. If Benny requests a flat in a different location, this element
    of the benefit will be computed instead by reference to the cost of the new flat, which in turn equals the proceeds of
    sale of the old flat.
    Accordingly, if, as is likely, the value of the flat has increased since it was purchased, Benny’s employment income
    benefit will also increase. The increase in the employment income benefit will be the flat’s sales proceeds less its original
    cost less the cost of any capital improvements prior to 6 April 2007 multiplied by 5%.

  • 第15题:

    (b) Compute Gloria’s total income tax and national insurance liability for 2006/07. (7 marks)



  • 第16题:

    (ii) Assuming the new structure is implemented with effect from 1 August 2006, calculate the level of

    management charge that should be made by Bold plc to Linden Limited for the year ended 31 July

    2007, so as to minimise the group’s overall corporation tax (CT) liability for that year. (2 marks)

    (ii) For the year ended 31 July 2007, there will be two associated companies in the group. Bold plc will count as an
    associated company as it is not dormant throughout the period in question. As a result, the corporation tax limits will be
    divided by two (i.e. the number of associates) giving an upper limit of £750,000 (£1·5 million/2). As Linden Limited
    is anticipated to make profits of £1·4 million in the year to 31 July 2007 it will pay corporation tax at the rate of 30%.
    Bold plc can earn trading profits up to £150,000 (£300,000/2) and pay tax at the rate of 19%. It will therefore
    minimise the group’s corporation tax liability if maximum use is made of this small companies rate band, as it will save
    £16,500 (150,000 x (30% – 19%)) of corporation tax for the year to 31 July 2007. Bold plc should therefore make
    a management charge of sufficient size to give it profits for that year equal to £150,000.
    While the transfer pricing legislation no longer applies to small and medium sized enterprises, Bold plc should
    nevertheless ensure that there is evidence to support the actual charge made in terms of the services provided.

  • 第17题:

    (ii) Calculate the corporation tax (CT) payable by Tay Limited for the year ended 31 March 2006, taking

    advantage of all available reliefs. (3 marks)



  • 第18题:

    (b) Calculate Alvaro Pelorus’s capital gains tax liability for the tax year 2006/07 on the assumption that all

    available reliefs are claimed. (8 marks)



  • 第19题:

    (ii) Analyse the effect of delaying the sale of the business of the Stiletto Partnership to Razor Ltd until

    30 April 2007 on Clint’s income tax and national insurance position.

    You are not required to prepare detailed calculations of his income tax or national insurance liabilities.

    (4 marks)


    (ii) The implications of delaying the sale of the business
    The implications of delaying the sale of the business until 30 April would have been as follows:
    – Clint would have received an additional two months of profits amounting to £6,920 (£20,760 x 1/3).
    – Clint’s trading income in 2006/07 would have been reduced by £13,015 (£43,723 – £30,708), much of which
    would have been subject to income tax at 40%. His additional trading income in 2007/08 of £19,935 would all
    have been taxed at 10% and 22%.
    – Clint is entitled to the personal age allowance of £7,280 in both years. However, it is abated by £1 for every £2
    by which his total income exceeds £20,100. Once Clint’s total income exceeds £24,590 (£20,100 + ((£7,280
    – £5,035) x 2)), his personal allowance will be reduced to the standard amount of £5,035. Accordingly, the
    increased personal allowance would not be available in 2006/07 regardless of the year in which the business was
    sold. It is available in 2007/08 (although part of it is wasted) but would not have been if the sale of the business
    had been delayed.
    – Clint’s class 4 national insurance contributions in 2006/07 would have been reduced due to the fall in the level
    of his trading income. However, much of the saving would be at 1% only. Clint is not liable to class 4 national
    insurance contributions in 2007/08 as he is 65 at the start of the year.
    – Changing the date on which the business was sold would have had no effect on Clint’s class 2 liability as he is
    not required to make class 2 contributions once he is 65 years old.

  • 第20题:

    (ii) Advise Mr Fencer of the income tax implications of the proposed financing arrangements. (2 marks)

    (ii) The income tax implications of the proposed financing arrangements
    Mr Fencer has borrowed money from a UK bank in order to make a loan to Rapier Ltd, a close company. The interest
    paid by Mr Fencer to the bank will be an allowable charge on income as long as he continues to hold more than 5% of
    Rapier Ltd. Charges on income are deductible in arriving at an individual’s statutory total income.
    Mr Fencer will receive interest from Rapier Ltd net of 20% income tax. The gross amount of interest will be subject to
    income tax at either 10%, 20% or 40% depending on whether the income falls into Mr Fencer’s starting rate, basic rate
    or higher rate tax band. Mr Fencer will obtain a tax credit for the 20% income tax suffered at source.

  • 第21题:

    (c) The inheritance tax payable by Adam in respect of the gift from his aunt. (4 marks)

    Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the memorandum and

    the effectiveness with which the information is communicated. (2 marks)

    Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 will continue to apply for the

    foreseeable future.

    (c) Inheritance tax payable by Adam
    The gift by AS’s aunt was a potentially exempt transfer. No tax will be due if she lives until 1 June 2014 (seven years after
    the date of the gift).
    The maximum possible liability, on the assumption that there are no annual exemptions or nil band available, is £35,216
    (£88,040 x 40%). This will only arise if AS’s aunt dies before 1 June 2010.
    The maximum liability will be reduced by taper relief of 20% for every full year after 31 May 2010 for which AS’s aunt lives.
    The liability will also be reduced if the chargeable transfers made by the aunt in the seven years prior to 1 June 2007 are
    less than £285,000 or if the annual exemption for 2006/07 and/or 2007/08 is/are available.

  • 第22题:

    (c) On the assumption that the administrators of Noland’s estate will sell quoted shares in order to fund the

    inheritance tax due as a result of his death, calculate the value of the quoted shares that will be available to

    transfer to Avril. You should include brief notes of your treatment of the house and the shares in Kurb Ltd.

    (9 marks)

    Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 apply throughout this



    (c) Value of quoted shares that can be transferred to Avril
    The value of shares to be transferred to Avril will be equal to £370,000 less the inheritance tax due by the estate.
    IHT is payable on transfers in the seven years prior to Noland’s death and on the death estate.
    The only chargeable gift in the seven years prior to Noland’s death is the transfer to the discretionary trust. No tax is due in
    respect of this gift as it is covered by the nil rate band.

  • 第23题:

    (ii) Write a letter to Donald advising him on the most tax efficient manner in which he can relieve the loss

    incurred in the year to 31 March 2007. Your letter should briefly outline the types of loss relief available

    and explain their relative merits in Donald’s situation. Assume that Donald will have no source of income

    other than the business in the year of assessment 2006/07 and that any income he earned on a parttime

    basis while at university was always less than his annual personal allowance. (9 marks)

    Assume that the corporation tax rates and allowances for the financial year 2004 and the income tax rates

    and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this question.

    Relevant retail price index figures are:

    January 1998 159·5

    April 1998 162·6


    (ii) [Donald’s address] [Firm’s address]
    Dear Donald [Date]
    I understand that you have incurred a tax loss in your first year of trading. The following options are available in respect
    of this loss.
    1. The first option is to use the trading loss against other forms of income in the same year. If such a claim is made,
    losses are offset against income before personal allowances.
    Any excess loss can still be offset against capital gains of the year. However, any offset against capital gains is
    before both taper relief and annual exemptions.