更多“(d) Comment on THREE factors other than NPV that the directors of ITL should consider when deciding whetherto manufacture the Snowballer. (3 marks)”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (b) Ratio analysis in general can be useful in comparing the performance of two companies, but it has its limitations.


    State and briefly explain three factors which can cause accounting ratios to be misleading when used for

    such comparison. (6 marks)

    (b) (i) One company may have revalued its assets while the other has not.
    (ii) Accounting policies and estimation techniques may differ. For example, one company may use higher depreciation rates
    than the other.
    (iii) The use of historical cost accounting may distort the capital and profit of the two companies in different ways.
    Other answers considered on their merits.

  • 第2题:

    (b) Comment (with relevant calculations) on the performance of the business of Quicklink Ltd and Celer

    Transport during the year ended 31 May 2005 and, insofar as the information permits, its projected

    performance for the year ending 31 May 2006. Your answer should specifically consider:

    (i) Revenue generation per vehicle

    (ii) Vehicle utilisation and delivery mix

    (iii) Service quality. (14 marks)


    difference will reduce in the year ending 31 May 2006 due to the projected growth in sales volumes of the Celer Transport
    business. The average mail/parcels delivery of mail/parcels per vehicle of the Quicklink Ltd part of the business is budgeted
    at 12,764 which is still 30·91% higher than that of the Celer Transport business.
    As far as specialist activities are concerned, Quicklink Ltd is budgeted to generate average revenues per vehicle amounting to
    £374,850 whilst Celer Transport is budgeted to earn an average of £122,727 from each of the vehicles engaged in delivery
    of processed food. It is noticeable that all contracts with major food producers were renewed on 1 June 2005 and it would
    appear that there were no increases in the annual value of the contracts with major food producers. This might have been
    the result of a strategic decision by the management of the combined entity in order to secure the future of this part of the
    business which had been built up previously by the management of Celer Transport.
    Each vehicle owned by Quicklink Ltd and Celer Transport is in use for 340 days during each year, which based on a
    365 day year would give an in use % of 93%. This appears acceptable given the need for routine maintenance and repairs
    due to wear and tear.
    During the year ended 31 May 2005 the number of on-time deliveries of mail and parcel and industrial machinery deliveries
    were 99·5% and 100% respectively. This compares with ratios of 82% and 97% in respect of mail and parcel and processed
    food deliveries made by Celer Transport. In this critical area it is worth noting that Quicklink Ltd achieved their higher on-time
    delivery target of 99% in respect of each activity whereas Celer Transport were unable to do so. Moreover, it is worth noting
    that Celer Transport missed their target time for delivery of food products on 975 occasions throughout the year 31 May 2005
    and this might well cause a high level of customer dissatisfaction and even result in lost business.
    It is interesting to note that whilst the businesses operate in the same industry they have a rather different delivery mix in
    terms of same day/next day demands by clients. Same day deliveries only comprise 20% of the business of Quicklink Ltd
    whereas they comprise 75% of the business of Celer Transport. This may explain why the delivery performance of Celer
    Transport with regard to mail and parcel deliveries was not as good as that of Quicklink Ltd.
    The fact that 120 items of mail and 25 parcels were lost by the Celer Transport business is most disturbing and could prove
    damaging as the safe delivery of such items is the very substance of the business and would almost certainly have resulted
    in a loss of customer goodwill. This is an issue which must be addressed as a matter of urgency.
    The introduction of the call management system by Quicklink Ltd on 1 June 2004 is now proving its worth with 99% of calls
    answered within the target time of 20 seconds. This compares favourably with the Celer Transport business in which only
    90% of a much smaller volume of calls were answered within a longer target time of 30 seconds. Future performance in this
    area will improve if the call management system is applied to the Celer Transport business. In particular, it is likely that the
    number of abandoned calls will be reduced and enhance the ‘image’ of the Celer Transport business.

  • 第3题:

    (ii) the factors that should be considered in the design of a reward scheme for BGL; (7 marks)

    (ii) The factors that should be considered in the design of a reward scheme for BGL.
    – Whether performance targets should be set with regard to results or effort. It is more difficult to set targets for
    administrative and support staff since in many instances the results of their efforts are not easily quantifiable. For
    example, sales administrators will improve levels of customer satisfaction but quantifying this is extremely difficult.
    – Whether rewards should be monetary or non-monetary. Money means different things to different people. In many
    instances people will prefer increased job security which results from improved organisational performance and
    adopt a longer term-perspective. Thus the attractiveness of employee share option schemes will appeal to such
    individuals. Well designed schemes will correlate the prosperity of the organisation with that of the individuals it
    – Whether the reward promise should be implicit or explicit. Explicit reward promises are easy to understand but in
    many respects management will have their hands tied. Implicit reward promises such as the ‘promise’ of promotion
    for good performance is also problematic since not all organisations are large enough to offer a structured career
    progression. Thus in situations where not everyone can be promoted there needs to be a range of alternative reward
    systems in place to acknowledge good performance and encourage commitment from the workforce.
    – The size and time span of the reward. This can be difficult to determine especially in businesses such as BGL
    which are subject to seasonal variations. i.e. summerhouses will invariably be purchased prior to the summer
    season! Hence activity levels may vary and there remains the potential problem of assessing performance when
    an organisation operates with surplus capacity.
    – Whether the reward should be individual or group based. This is potentially problematic for BGL since the assembly
    operatives comprise some individuals who are responsible for their own output and others who work in groups.
    Similarly with regard to the sales force then the setting of individual performance targets is problematic since sales
    territories will vary in terms of geographical spread and customer concentration.
    – Whether the reward scheme should involve equity participation? Such schemes invariably appeal to directors and
    senior managers but should arguably be open to all individuals if ‘perceptions of inequity’ are to be avoided.
    – Tax considerations need to be taken into account when designing a reward scheme.

  • 第4题:

    (ii) Suggest THREE other performance measures (not applied in (i)) which might be used to assess the

    customer perspective of the balanced scorecard of GER. (3 marks)

    (ii) Performance measures that may be used to assess the customer perspective of the balanced scorecard of GER include
    the following:
    Lost or damaged luggage per 1,000 passengers
    Train cancellation rate
    Denied boarding rate
    Number of passenger complaints.
    Note: Only three measures were required.

  • 第5题:

    (ii) Compute the annual income tax saving from your recommendation in (i) above as compared with the

    situation where Cindy retains both the property and the shares. Identify any other tax implications

    arising from your recommendation. Your answer should consider all relevant taxes. (3 marks)



  • 第6题:

    (c) During the year Albreda paid $0·1 million (2004 – $0·3 million) in fines and penalties relating to breaches of

    health and safety regulations. These amounts have not been separately disclosed but included in cost of sales.

    (5 marks)


    For each of the above issues:

    (i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and

    (ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,

    in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Albreda Co for the year ended

    30 September 2005.

    NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

    (c) Fines and penalties
    (i) Matters
    ■ $0·1 million represents 5·6% of profit before tax and is therefore material. However, profit has fallen, and
    compared with prior year profit it is less than 5%. So ‘borderline’ material in quantitative terms.
    ■ Prior year amount was three times as much and represented 13·6% of profit before tax.
    ■ Even though the payments may be regarded as material ‘by nature’ separate disclosure may not be necessary if,
    for example, there are no external shareholders.
    ■ Treatment (inclusion in cost of sales) should be consistent with prior year (‘The Framework’/IAS 1 ‘Presentation of
    Financial Statements’).
    ■ The reason for the fall in expense. For example, whether due to an improvement in meeting health and safety
    regulations and/or incomplete recording of liabilities (understatement).
    ■ The reason(s) for the breaches. For example, Albreda may have had difficulty implementing new guidelines in
    response to stricter regulations.
    ■ Whether expenditure has been adjusted for in the income tax computation (as disallowed for tax purposes).
    ■ Management’s attitude to health and safety issues (e.g. if it regards breaches as an acceptable operational practice
    or cheaper than compliance).
    ■ Any references to health and safety issues in other information in documents containing audited financial
    statements that might conflict with Albreda incurring these costs.
    ■ Any cost savings resulting from breaches of health and safety regulations would result in Albreda possessing
    proceeds of its own crime which may be a money laundering offence.
    (ii) Audit evidence
    ■ A schedule of amounts paid totalling $0·1 million with larger amounts being agreed to the cash book/bank
    ■ Review/comparison of current year schedule against prior year for any apparent omissions.
    ■ Review of after-date cash book payments and correspondence with relevant health and safety regulators (e.g. local
    authorities) for liabilities incurred before 30 September 2005.
    ■ Notes in the prior year financial statements confirming consistency, or otherwise, of the lack of separate disclosure.
    ■ A ‘signed off’ review of ‘other information’ (i.e. directors’ report, chairman’s statement, etc).
    ■ Written management representation that there are no fines/penalties other than those which have been reflected in
    the financial statements.

  • 第7题:

    (c) Pinzon, a limited liability company and audit client, is threatening to sue your firm in respect of audit fees charged

    for the year ended 31 December 2004. Pinzon is alleging that Bartolome billed the full rate on air fares for audit

    staff when substantial discounts had been obtained by Bartolome. (4 marks)


    Comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of the above matters and their implications,

    if any, for the continuation of each assignment.

    NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

    (c) Threatened legal action
    Ethical and professional issues
    ■ An advocacy threat has arisen as Bartolome and Pinzon are in opposition concerning the fee note for the 2004 audit.
    ■ If Pinzon’s allegations are true this may cast serious doubt on the integrity of Bartolome. Pinzon should be advised to
    take their claims first to ACCA’s Disciplinary Committee.
    ■ If Bartolome has indeed charged full air fares when substantial discounts had been obtained this could be due to:
    – Bartolome incorrectly believing this to be an acceptable industry practice; or
    – a billing error/oversight.
    In either case Bartolome should issue a credit note, although this may be insufficient to make amends and salvage the
    auditor-client relationship.
    ■ Bartolome may have legitimately claimed for full airfares if this was agreed in its contract (i.e. the terms of engagement)
    with Pinzon.
    Implications for continuation with assignment
    Unless the threat of legal action is amicably resolved very quickly (which is perhaps unlikely) Pinzon and Bartolome are in
    conflict. Bartolome cannot therefore be seen to be independent and so should tender their resignation as auditor for the year
    ending 31 December 2005 (assuming they were re-appointed and have not already been removed from office).

  • 第8题:

    (c) In April 2006, Keffler was banned by the local government from emptying waste water into a river because the

    water did not meet minimum standards of cleanliness. Keffler has made a provision of $0·9 million for the

    technological upgrading of its water purifying process and included $45,000 for the penalties imposed in ‘other

    provisions’. (5 marks)


    For each of the above issues:

    (i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and

    (ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,

    in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Keffler Co for the year ended

    31 March 2006.

    NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

    (c) Ban on emptying waste water
    (i) Matter
    ■ $0·9m provision for upgrading the process represents 45% PBT and is very material. This provision is also
    material to the balance sheet (2·7% of total assets).
    ■ The provision for penalties is immaterial (2·2% PBT and 0·1% total assets).
    ■ The ban is an adjusting post balance sheet event in respect of the penalties (IAS 10). It provides evidence that at
    the balance sheet date Keffler was in contravention of local government standards. Therefore it is correct (in
    accordance with IAS 37) that a provision has been made for the penalties. As the matter is not material inclusion
    in ‘other provisions’ is appropriate.
    ■ However, even if Keffler has a legal obligation to meet minimum standards, there is no obligation for upgrading the
    purifying process at 31 March 2006 and the $0·9m provision should be written back.
    ■ If the provision for upgrading is not written back the audit opinion should be qualified ‘except for’ (disagreement).
    ■ Keffler does not even have a contingent liability for upgrading the process because there is no present obligation to
    do so. The obligation is to stop emptying unclean water into the river. Nor is there a possible obligation whose
    existence will be confirmed by an uncertain future event not wholly within Keffler’s control.
    Tutorial note: Consider that Keffler has alternatives wholly within its control. For example, it could ignore the ban
    and incur fines, or relocate/close this particular plant/operation or perhaps dispose of the water by alternative
    ■ The need for a technological upgrade may be an indicator of impairment. Management should have carried out
    an impairment test on the carrying value of the water purifying process and recognised any impairment loss in the
    profit for the year to 31 March 2006.
    ■ Management’s intention to upgrade the process is more appropriate to an environmental responsibility report (if
    ■ Whether there is any other information in documents containing financial statements.
    (ii) Audit evidence
    ■ Penalty notices of fines received to confirm amounts and period/dates covered.
    ■ After-date payment of fines agreed to the cash book.
    ■ A copy of the ban and any supporting report on the local government’s findings.
    ■ Minutes of board meetings at which the ban was discussed confirming management’s intentions (e.g. to upgrade
    the process).
    Tutorial note: This may be disclosed in the directors’ report and/or as a non-adjusting post balance sheet event.
    ■ Any tenders received/costings for upgrading.
    Tutorial note: This will be relevant if, for example, capital commitment authorised (by the board) but not
    contracted for at the year end are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.
    ■ Physical inspection of the emptying point at the river to confirm that Keffler is not still emptying waste water into
    it (unless the upgrading has taken place).
    Tutorial note: Thereby incurring further penalties.

  • 第9题:

    You are the manager responsible for performing hot reviews on audit files where there is a potential disagreement

    between your firm and the client regarding a material issue. You are reviewing the going concern section of the audit

    file of Dexter Co, a client with considerable cash flow difficulties, and other, less significant operational indicators of

    going concern problems. The working papers indicate that Dexter Co is currently trying to raise finance to fund

    operating cash flows, and state that if the finance is not received, there is significant doubt over the going concern

    status of the company. The working papers conclude that the going concern assumption is appropriate, but it is

    recommended that the financial statements should contain a note explaining the cash flow problems faced by the

    company, along with a description of the finance being sought, and an evaluation of the going concern status of the

    company. The directors do not wish to include the note in the financial statements.


    (b) Consider and comment on the possible reasons why the directors of Dexter Co are reluctant to provide the

    note to the financial statements. (5 marks)

    (b) Directors reluctance to disclose
    The directors are likely to have several reasons behind their reluctance to disclose the note as recommended by the audit
    manager. The first is that the disclosure of Dexter Co’s poor cash flow position and perilous going concern status may reflect
    badly on the directors themselves. The company’s shareholders and other stakeholders will be displeased to see the company
    in such a poor position, and the directors will be held accountable for the problems. Of course it may not be the case that
    the directors have exercised poor management of the company – the problems could be caused by external influences outside
    the control of the directors. However, it is natural that the directors will not want to highlight the situation in order to protect
    their own position.
    Secondly, the note could itself trigger further financial distress for the company. Dexter Co is trying to raise finance, and it is
    probable that the availability of further finance will be detrimentally affected by the disclosure of the company’s financial
    problems. In particular, if the cash flow difficulties are highlighted, providers of finance will consider the company too risky
    an investment, and are not likely to make funds available for fear of non-repayment. Existing lenders may seek repayment of
    their funds in fear that the company may be unable in the future to meet repayments.
    In addition, the disclosures could cause operational problems, for example, suppliers may curtail trading relationships as they
    become concerned that they will not be paid, or customers may be deterred from purchasing from the company if they feel
    that there is no long-term future for the business. Unfortunately the mere disclosure of financial problems can be self-fulfilling,
    and cause such further problems for the company that it is pushed into non-going concern status.
    The directors may also be concerned that if staff were to hear of this they may worry about the future of the company and
    seek alternative employment, which could lead in turn to the loss of key members of staff. This would be detrimental to the
    business and trigger further operational problems.
    Finally, the reluctance to disclose may be caused by an entirely different reason. The directors could genuinely feel that the
    cash flow and operational problems faced by the company do not constitute factors affecting the going concern status. They
    may be confident that although a final decision has not been made regarding financing, the finance is likely to be forthcoming,
    and therefore there is no long-term material uncertainty over the future of the company. However audit working papers
    conclude that there is a significant level of doubt over the going concern status of Dexter Co, and therefore it seems that the
    directors may be over optimistic if they feel that there is no significant doubt to be disclosed in the financial statements.

  • 第10题:

    When provisioning for Interactive-Video(e,g,video conferencing traffic)which three statementsdepicts the correct requirements?()

    • A、Loss should be no more than 1 percent.
    • B、One-way latency should be no more than 150 ms
    • C、Jitter should be no more than 30 ms
    • D、Loss should be no more than 3 percent
    • E、One-way latency should be no more than 150/2=75 ms
    • F、Jitter should be no more than 300 ms


  • 第11题:

    When provisioning for Interactive-Video(e,g,video conferencing traffic)which three statementsdepicts the correct requirements?()

    Loss should be no more than 1 percent.


    One-way latency should be no more than 150 ms


    Jitter should be no more than 30 ms


    Loss should be no more than 3 percent


    One-way latency should be no more than 150/2=75 ms


    Jitter should be no more than 300 ms

    正确答案: E,A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Practice 3  For two or three candidates  I’m going to describe a situation.  You are going to look for a job. Talk together about the topics you could include when you decide to look for a particular job. Decide which 3 factors you think are most important.  * three minutes for groups of three candidates  Prompt material  Factors to consider  ●Chance of promotion  ●Salary  ●Responsibilities of post  Follow-up questions:  (1) Is salary the most important thing for you?  (2) Which one do you prefer, a well-paid job that is boring or a low-paid job that you like very much?

    正确答案: 【参考范例】
    A: Congratulations! I heard that you have graduated, and that is something worth celebrating.
    B: Thanks. As a matter of fact, I’m now looking for a job.
    A: Really? Then what factors do you think are the most important ones?
    B. I would say the chance of promotion. With the prospect of getting a promotion, I may work harder. If the job is one with a bright future, I may get many chances of promotion.
    A: That’s reasonable. What else do you have in mind?
    B. I am thinking the salary can not be too low. With a low salary, I don’t know if I will still have the motivation to do the job well. Nevertheless, the salary should suit the importance of the position. What do you say?
    A: That’s for sure. Although salary is very important, it does not mean everything. Compared with the salary, I think the responsibilities of post are more important. More responsibilities mean the greater importance of the post..
    B: That does make sense. If I can do the job well, I may get promotions.
    A: Exactly.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    (b) Identify and explain THREE approaches that the directors of Moffat Ltd might apply in assessing the

    QUALITATIVE benefits of the proposed investment in a new IT system. (6 marks)

    (b) One approach that the directors of Moffat Ltd could adopt would be to ignore the qualitative benefits that may arise on the
    basis that there is too much subjectivity involved in their assessment. The problem that this causes is that the investment will
    probably look unattractive since all costs will be included in the evaluation whereas significant benefits and savings will have
    been ignored. Hence such an approach is lacking in substance and is not recommended.
    An alternative approach would involve attempting to attribute values to each of the identified benefits that are qualitative in
    nature. Such an approach will necessitate the use of management estimates in order to derive the cash flows to be
    incorporated in a cost benefit analysis. The problems inherent in this approach include gaining consensus among interested
    parties regarding the footing of the assumptions from which estimated cash flows have been derived. Furthermore, if the
    proposed investment does take place then it may well be impossible to prove that the claimed benefits of the new system
    have actually been realised.
    Perhaps the preferred approach is to acknowledge the existence of qualitative benefits and attempt to assess them in a
    reasonable manner acceptable to all parties including the company’s bank. The financial evaluation would then not only
    incorporate ‘hard’ facts relating to costs and benefits that are quantitative in nature, but also would include details of
    qualitative benefits which management consider exist but have not attempted to assess in financial terms. Such benefits might
    include, for example, the average time saved by location managers in analysing information during each operating period.
    Alternatively the management of Moffat Ltd could attempt to express qualitative benefits in specific terms linked to a hierarchy
    of organisational requirements. For example, qualitative benefits could be categorised as being:
    (1) Essential to the business
    (2) Very useful attributes
    (3) Desirable, but not essential
    (4) Possible, if funding is available
    (5) Doubtful and difficult to justify.

  • 第14题:

    (c) Comment on four reasons why the Managing Director of Quicklink Ltd might consider the acquisition of the

    Celer Transport business to be a ‘good strategic move’ insofar as may be determined from the information

    provided. (5 marks)


  • 第15题:

    2 Ice-Time Ltd (ITL) manufactures a range of sports equipment used in a variety of winter-sports in Snowland.

    Development engineers within ITL have recently developed a prototype of a small engine-propelled bobsleigh named

    the ‘Snowballer’, which has been designed for use by young children. The directors of ITL recently spent £200,000

    on market research, the findings of which led them to believe that a market exists for the Snowballer.

    The marketing director has suggested that ITL should use the ‘Olympic’ brand in order to market the Snowballer.

    The finance director of ITL has gathered relevant information and prepared the following evaluation relating to the

    proposed manufacture and sale of the Snowballer.

    (1) Sales are expected to be 3,200 units per annum at a selling price of £2,500 per unit.

    (2) Variable material, labour, and overhead costs are estimated at £1,490 per unit.

    (3) In addition, a royalty of £150 per unit would be payable to Olympic plc, for the use of their brand name.

    (4) Fixed overheads are estimated at £900,000 per annum. These overheads cannot be avoided until the end of the

    year in which the Snowballer is withdrawn from the market.

    (5) An initial investment of £5 million would be required. A government grant equal to 50% of the initial investment

    would be received on the date the investment is made. However, because the Snowballer would be classified as

    a luxury good, no tax allowances would be available on this initial investment. The estimated life cycle of the

    Snowballer is six years.

    (6) Corporation tax at the rate of 30% per annum is payable in the year in which profit occurs.

    (7) All cash flows are stated in current prices and, with the exception of the initial investment and the government

    grant, will occur at the end of each year.

    (8) The nominal cost of capital is 15·44%. Annual inflation during the period is expected to amount to 4%.


    (a) Calculate the net present value (NPV) of the Snowballer proposal and recommend whether it should be

    undertaken by the directors of ITL. (4 marks)


  • 第16题:

    (b) Explain FIVE critical success factors to the performance of HSC on which the directors must focus if HSC is

    to achieve success in its marketplace. (10 marks)

    (b) Critical success factors are as follows:
    Product quality
    The fact that the production staff have no previous experience in a food production environment is likely to prove problematic.
    It is vital that a comprehensive training programme is put in place at the earliest opportunity. HSC need to reach and maintain
    the highest level of product quality as soon as possible.
    Supply quality
    The quality of delivery into SFG supermarkets assumes critical significance. Time literally will be of the essence since 90%
    of all sandwiches are sold in SFG’s supermarkets before 2 pm each day. Hence supply chain management must be extremely
    robust as there is very little scope for error.
    Technical quality
    Compliance with existing regulations regarding food production including all relevant factory health and safety requirements
    is vital in order to establish and maintain the reputation of HSC as a supplier of quality products. The ability to store products
    at the correct temperature is critical because sandwiches are produced for human consumption and in extreme circumstance
    could cause fatalities.
    External credibility
    Accreditation by relevant trade associations/regulators will be essential if nationwide acceptance of HSC as a major producer
    of sandwiches is to be established.
    New product development
    Whilst HSC have developed a range of healthy eating sandwiches it must be recognised that consumer tastes change and
    that in the face of competition there will always be a need for a continuous focus on new product development.
    Whilst HSC need to recognise all other critical success factors they should always be mindful that the need to obtain the
    desired levels of gross and net margin remain of the utmost importance.
    Notes: (i) Only five critical success factors were required.
    (ii) Alternative relevant discussion and examples would be acceptable.

  • 第17题:

    (c) Briefly outline the corporation tax (CT) issues that Tay Limited should consider when deciding whether to

    acquire the shares or the assets of Tagus LDA. You are not required to discuss issues relating to transfer

    pricing. (7 marks)

    (c) (1) Acquisition of shares
    The acquisition of shares in Tagus LDA will add another associated company to the group. This may have an adverse
    effect on the rates of corporation tax paid by the two existing group companies, particularly Tay Limited.
    Taxation of profits
    Profits will be taxed in Portugal. Any profits remitted to the UK as dividends will be taxable as Schedule D Case V income,
    but will attract double tax relief. Double tax relief will be available against two types of tax suffered in Portugal. Credit
    will be given for any tax withheld on payments from Tagus LDA to Tay Limited and relief will also be available for the
    underlying tax as Tay Limited owns at least 10% of the voting power of Tagus LDA. The underlying tax is the tax
    attributable to the relevant profits from which the dividend was paid. Double tax relief is given at the lower rate of the
    UK tax and the foreign tax (withholding and underlying taxes) suffered.
    As Tagus LDA is a non-UK resident company, losses arising in Tagus LDA cannot be group relieved against profits of the
    two UK companies. Similarly, any UK trading losses cannot be used against profits generated by Tagus LDA.
    (2) Acquisition of assets
    The business of Tagus will be treated as a branch of Tay Limited i.e. an extension of the UK company’s activities. The
    number of associated companies will be unaffected.
    Taxation of profits
    Tay Limited will be treated as having a permanent establishment in Portugal. Profits attributable to the Tagus business
    will thus still be taxed in Portugal. In addition, the profits will be taxed in the UK as trading income. Double tax relief
    will be available for the tax already suffered in Portugal at the lower of the two rates.
    Capital allowances will be available. As the assets in question will not previously have been subject to a claim for UK
    capital allowances, there will be no cost restriction and the consideration attributable to each asset will form. the basis
    for the capital allowance claim.
    The Tagus trade is part of Tay Limited’s trade, so any losses incurred by the Portuguese trade will automatically be offset
    against the trading profits of the UK trade, and vice versa.

  • 第18题:

    (c) Your firm has provided financial advice to the Pholey family for many years and this has sometimes involved your

    firm in carrying out transactions on their behalf. The eldest son, Esau, is to take up a position as a senior

    government official to a foreign country next month. (4 marks)


    Identify and comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of these matters and state what

    action, if any, Dedza should now take.

    NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three situations

    (c) Financial advisor
    ■ Customer due diligence (CDD) and record-keeping measures apply to designated non-financial businesses and
    professions (such as Dedza) who prepare for or carry out certain transactions on behalf of their clients.
    ■ Esau is a ‘politically exposed person’ (‘PEP’) (i.e. an individual who is to be entrusted with prominent public functions
    in a foreign country).
    ■ Dedza’s business relationships with Pholey therefore involve reputational risks similar to those with Esau. In addition
    to performing normal due diligence measures Dedza should:
    ? have risk management systems to have determined that Esau is a PEP;
    ? obtain senior partner approval for maintaining business relationships with such customers;
    ? take reasonable measures to establish the source of wealth and source of funds;
    ? conduct enhanced ongoing monitoring of the business relationship.
    ■ Dedza can choose to decline to act for Pholey and/or Esau (if asked).
    ■ If the business relationship is to be continued senior partner approval should be obtained for any transactions carried
    out on Pholey’s behalf in future.
    Tutorial note: The Pholey family is not described as an audit client therefore no familiarity threat arises in relation to an
    audit (the family may not have any involvement in entities requiring an audit).

  • 第19题:

    (b) A sale of industrial equipment to Deakin Co in May 2005 resulted in a loss on disposal of $0·3 million that has

    been separately disclosed on the face of the income statement. The equipment cost $1·2 million when it was

    purchased in April 1996 and was being depreciated on a straight-line basis over 20 years. (6 marks)


    For each of the above issues:

    (i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and

    (ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,

    in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Keffler Co for the year ended

    31 March 2006.

    NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

    (b) Sale of industrial equipment
    (i) Matters
    ■ The industrial equipment was in use for nine years (from April 1996) and would have had a carrying value of
    $660,000 at 31 March 2005 (11/20 × $1·2m – assuming nil residual value and a full year’s depreciation charge
    in the year of acquisition and none in the year of disposal). Disposal proceeds were therefore only $360,000.
    ■ The $0·3m loss represents 15% of PBT (for the year to 31 March 2006) and is therefore material. The equipment
    was material to the balance sheet at 31 March 2005 representing 2·6% of total assets ($0·66/$25·7 × 100).
    ■ Separate disclosure, of a material loss on disposal, on the face of the income statement is in accordance with
    IAS 16 ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’. However, in accordance with IAS 1 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’,
    it should not be captioned in any way that might suggest that it is not part of normal operating activities (i.e. not
    ‘extraordinary’, ‘exceptional’, etc).
    Tutorial note: However, note that if there is a prior period error to be accounted for (see later), there would be
    no impact on the current period income statement requiring consideration of any disclosure.
    ■ The reason for the sale. For example, whether the equipment was:
    – surplus to operating requirements (i.e. not being replaced); or
    – being replaced with newer equipment (thereby contributing to the $8·1m increase (33·8 – 25·7) in total
    ■ The reason for the loss on sale. For example, whether:
    – the sale was at an under-value (e.g. to a related party);
    – the equipment had a bad maintenance history (or was otherwise impaired);
    – the useful life of the equipment is less than 20 years;
    – there is any deferred consideration not yet recorded;
    – any non-cash disposal proceeds have been overlooked (e.g. if another asset was acquired in a part-exchange).
    ■ If the useful life was less than 20 years, tangible non-current assets may be materially overstated in respect of other
    items of equipment that are still in use and being depreciated on the same basis.
    ■ If the sale was to a related party then additional disclosure should be required in a note to the financial statements
    for the year to 31 March 2006 (IAS 24 ‘Related Party Disclosures’).
    Tutorial note: Since there are no specific pointers to a related party transaction (RPT), this point is not expanded
    ■ Whether the sale was identified in the prior year audit’s post balance sheet event review. If so:
    – the disclosure made in the prior year’s financial statements (IAS 10 ‘Events After the Balance Sheet Date’);
    – whether an impairment loss was recognised at 31 March 2005.
    ■ If not, and the equipment was impaired at 31 March 2005, a prior period error should be accounted for (IAS 8
    ‘Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’). An impairment loss of $0·3m would have
    been material to prior year profit (12·5%).
    Tutorial note: Unless this was a RPT or the impairment arose after 31 March 2005 a prior period adjustment
    should be made.
    ■ Failure to account for a prior period error (if any) would result in modification of the audit opinion ‘except for’ noncompliance
    with IAS 8 (in the current year) and IAS 36 (in the prior period).
    (ii) Audit evidence
    ■ Carrying amount ($0·66m as above) agreed to the non-current asset register balances at 31 March 2005 and
    recalculation of the loss on disposal.
    ■ Cost and accumulated depreciation removed from the asset register in the year to 31 March 2006.
    ■ Receipt of proceeds per cash book agreed to bank statement.
    ■ Sales invoice transferring title to Deakin.
    ■ A review of maintenance expenses and records (e.g. to confirm reason for loss on sale).
    ■ Post balance sheet event review on prior year audit working papers file.
    ■ Management representation confirming that Deakin is not a related party (provided that there is no evidence to
    suggest otherwise).

  • 第20题:

    (c) Lamont owns a residential apartment above its head office. Until 31 December 2006 it was let for $3,000 a

    month. Since 1 January 2007 it has been occupied rent-free by the senior sales executive. (6 marks)


    For each of the above issues:

    (i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and

    (ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,

    in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Lamont Co for the year ended

    31 March 2007.

    NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

    (c) Rent-free accommodation
    (i) Matters
    ■ The senior sales executive is a member of Lamont’s key management personnel and is therefore a related party.
    ■ The occupation of Lamont’s residential apartment by the senior sales executive is therefore a related party
    transaction, even though no price is charged (IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures).
    ■ Related party transactions are material by nature and information about them should be disclosed so that users of
    financial statements understand the potential effect of related party relationships on the financial statements.
    ■ The provision of ‘housing’ is a non-monetary benefit that should be included in the disclosure of key management
    personnel compensation (within the category of short-term employee benefits).
    ■ The financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 should disclose the arrangement for providing the
    senior sales executive with rent-free accommodation and its fair value (i.e. $3,000 per month).
    Tutorial note: Since no price is charged for the transaction, rote-learned disclosures such as ‘the amount of outstanding
    balances’ and ‘expense recognised in respect of bad debts’ are irrelevant.
    (ii) Audit evidence
    ■ Physical inspection of the apartment to confirm that it is occupied.
    ■ Written representation from the senior sales executive that he is occupying the apartment free of charge.
    ■ Written representation from the management board confirming that there are no related party transactions requiring
    disclosure other than those that have been disclosed.
    ■ Inspection of the lease agreement with (or payments received from) the previous tenant to confirm the $3,000
    monthly rental value.

  • 第21题:

    The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court()

    Ahas much greater power than other justices of the Supreme Court

    Bhas no greater voting power than other justices of the Supreme Court

    Chas greater say in deciding a case

    Dhas greater voting power than other justices of the Supreme Court


  • 第22题:

    Preferred channel marks are aids to navigation which all following marks other than().

    channel junctions




    fishing traps


    wrecks or obstructions

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court()

    has much greater power than other justices of the Supreme Court


    has no greater voting power than other justices of the Supreme Court


    has greater say in deciding a case


    has greater voting power than other justices of the Supreme Court

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析